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Author:(Anjum RASHID)

1.Do we really need to repair the pronator quadratus after distal radius plating?

Pathak SUBODH ; Anjum RASHID ; Gautam Kumar RAKESH ; Maheshwari PRITAM ; Aggarwal JATIN ; Sharma ARYAN ; Pruthi VINEET

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019;22(6):345-349

2.Epidemiological profile of pediatric ocular trauma in a tertiary hospital of northern India.

Shazia QAYUM ; Rashid ANJUM ; Shagufta RATHER

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2018;21(2):100-103

3.Epidemiologic pattern of paediatric supracondylar fractures of humerus in a teaching hospital of rural India: A prospective study of 263 cases.

Rashid ANJUM ; Vivek SHARMA ; Ramesh JINDAL ; Tarun Pratap SINGH ; Narender RATHEE

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2017;20(3):158-160

4.Extra-articular distal tibial fractures, is interlocking nailing an option? A prospective study of 147 cases.

Pnvsv PRASAD ; Amit NEMADE ; Rashid ANJUM ; Nilesh JOSHI

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019;22(2):103-107

5.Reducing shoulder dislocation without anaesthesia or assistant: Validation of a new reduction manoeuvre.

Rashid ANJUM ; Subodh PATHAK ; Atul Rai SHARMA ; Jatin AGGARWAL ; Aryan SHARMA ; Vineet PRUTHI ; Anil Kumar CHAUDHARY

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019;22(5):274-277

6. Do we really need to repair the pronator quadratus after distal radius plating?

Subodh PATHAK ; Rashid ANJUM ; Rakesh Kumar GAUTAM ; Pritam MAHESHWARI ; Jatin AGGARWAL ; Aryan SHARMA ; Vineet PRUTHI

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019;22(6):345-349

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