1.Some major aspects of the inpatients situation in Huu Nghi Hospital during 1993 - 1997
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;263(9):33-38
Most of the inpatients of Huu Nghi Hospital during the 5 past recent years were the elderly. They were suffering from various diseases, the structure of which was as follows: Internal medicine: the circulatory diseases were mostly encountered (32% of the patients admitted to the hospital, followed by the digestive and the respiratory diseases. Surgery: 700-1000 operations were carried out annually, 60% of which were major surgery cases. Appendectomy was often performed, then came gastrectomy and prostatectomy etc... The annual mortality was 5.33% with the heart diseases in the first place (>42% of the deaths), followed by the malignant tumors (>34%).
Internal Medicine
2.Value of the MRI through an investigation of 300 cases of cervical spinal stenosis
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;236(6):126-129
During 7/1996 - 11/1998, MEDIC - MRI department had studied 4571 patients included 985 cervical spinal cases (22%), infections (03%), degenerative diseases (51%), cervical spinal stenosis (30%), trauma (35%), tumor (06%), miscellaneous lesion (05%). Cervical spinal stenosis has been usually seen. The main etiologies of cervical spinal stenosis include cervical disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. It causes the severe complications such as radiculopathy and chronic myelopathy (tetraplegia, sensory disorder, and bladder dysfunction). The best knowledge of the lesion of the cervical spinal stenosis could facilitate treatment and save the patient life with hope of good motor recovery. The purpose of this study is to determine whether MRI can be used to define the nature of cervical spinal stenosis.
Constriction, Pathologic
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
3.Knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS prevention of injection drug addicts in Dien Bien & Dong Thap provinces
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(2):55-58
Background: Today, the incidence of HIV has a tendency to increase in high risk population and other populations in Vietnam. HIV epidemic in Vietnam is closely assocciated with the situation of injection drug addicts and female sex workers. Objective: To study knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS prevention of injection drug addicts in Dien Bien & Dong Thap provinces. Subjects and method: A cross-sectional, descriptive, investigation using the questionnaire of the Ministry of Health was conducted in 731 injection drug addicts in the 9 districts/towns in \u0110ien Bien province (Dien Bien Phu town, Dien Bien, Tuan Giao, Phong Tho and Muong Lay district) and Dong Thap province (Cao Lanh town, Sa Dec, Hong Ngu and Tam Nong district), from August/2004 to January/2005. Results and Conclusion: 71.5%-81.3% of injection drug addicts had correct knowledge about the ways of HIV/AIDS transmission. 65.2%-79.9% of injection drug addicts knew HIV/AIDS prevention methods. 98.5% of injection drug addicts said that thay had been ready to look after their relatives infected with HIV/AIDS. 71.4%-98.7% ofinjection drug addictshad the attitude of keeping normal relationship with HIV infected subjects. 76.7% of injection drug addicts agreed that teachers with HIV could continute to teach.
HIV/ immunology
Health Knowledge
4.The immuno-depressive situation in patients with cancer and preliminary results of treatment protocol with aslem as adjuvant after surgery
Pharmaceutical Journal 2002;319(11):20-23
From March 2000 to October 2001, 26 cancer patients of the cardiac region were registered to our study. Most patients were in advanced stage, apparently showed an impaired immunity both local and systemic. 20/21 (95%) cases of positive mutant P53 protein were detected at the tumor. Post operative adjuvant therapy with Aslem tend to increase the survival rate after resection (60.61% of the treated group compared with 33.33% of the untreated group)
surgery, neoplasms
5.Study on setting up the method of quality control of iodosoja
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):14-15
Iodosoja is an iodine containing organic compound to treat the goiter. This study aimed at setting up the method of quality control of iodosoja. The method involved the qualitative analysis (physical and chemical properties), quantitative analysis (quantification of free iodine, and total organic iodine as chemical method and spectrometry) and determination of stability (selflife) of iodosoja
Quality Control
6.Blood transfusion at Huu Nghi Hospital between 1/1985 and 5/2000
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;430(9):10-12
For more than 15 years (1985 - 2000), there were 8100 blood transfusions performed at the H÷u NghÞ Hospital using 9486 blood units/products (average 1.17 blood units per case). Blood transfusion need of patients, frequency of transfused blood group, features of canceled blood and percentage of transfused blood amount of departments were followed. The results showed that the need of blood transfusion was raising. Group O blood was the most used and group AB was least used. Departments of Surgery, Clinical Hematology, Intensive Care and Hemodialysis used abundant blood transfusion for pathological conditions, including gastric and intestinal conditions, leukemia, myelodysplasia syndrome and bone marrow failure.
Blood transfusion
7.Clinical and epidemiological features of bone marrow failure
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):12-14
From 26 patients with bone marrow failure, we had drawn some following remarks:- Over 50% of the patients is in the ages from 61 to 75 years old. (youngest: 42: oldest: 82 years old).- There were 38.46% of the patients that were used to contact with some causes of AA in their history particalarly 11.54%- using cloramphenicol; and 7.69% used to live in the area with American orange toxicant. - 100% of the patient with anemia; 15.36% with anemia + hemorrhage; then anemia + infection (7.69%) and anemia + hemorrahage + infection(7.69%).
Bone Marrow Diseases
Epidemiologic Studies
8.Some heamatological features of the bone marrow failure
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;385(8):25-27
We had drawn out some following remarks from the our studied group of patients with bone marrow failure; - There are 89.29% patients with bone marrow failure in three blood cell lineages; and 35.71% of the patients is servere aplastic anemia. - 14.29% patients with bone marrow failure were finished in the diagnosis of acute leukemia(M1= 50%, M2= 50%). - The persentages of the patients with bone marrow failure died from infection (37.5%) and hemorrhage (50.0%) are still high. Almost of the patients were died in the stage from 24 months to 48 months after having the diagnosis.
Bone Marrow Diseases
bone marrow
9.Cluster of differentiation and its role in classification of acute leukemia
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):9-13
The general structure of the cluster of differentiation of antigens is divided in to 4 groups including transmembrane proteins type I, II, III and glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored proteins (GPI). The cluster of differentiation plays an important role in both physiological and pathological hematology. This paper introduced some applications of cluster of differentiation in hematology and classification of acute leukemia such as myeloid acute leukemia, lymphoid acute leukemia and biphenotypic acute leukemia
10.Study on the health care exercise of Medical Doctor NguyÔn V¨n Hëng in patients with the chronic cerebro circulation insufficiency syndrome
Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;395(3):19-21
50 patients with the chronic cerebro circulation insufficiency ages of 45-78 in the health care acupuncture department of the ViÖt Nam institute of traditional medicine participated to a study. The clinical and para-clinical changes after 45 days of training of exercise of M.D. NguyÔn V¨n Hëng were monitored. The results have shown that the exercise improved the clinical condition of the cerebro circulation insufficiency. The clinical score according to the table khadjew reduced significantly in which 62% patients with obvious remission, 35% patients with moderate remission, no patients with exacerbation of disease. The exercise improved the cerebral circulation in some biological indicators such as cerebral blood flow electroencephologram, lipemia, and respiratory function.
Cerebrovascular Disorders