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Author:(Ang Seng BIN)

1.Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, FRAX® and Management

Seng Bin Ang

The Singapore Family Physician 2019;45(7):8-15


Ang Seng BIN

The Singapore Family Physician 2018;44(3):7-10

3.Primary care physicians' knowledge,attitude and perception towards homosexuality in Singapore

Lim DEREK ; Ang Bin SENG

Global Health Journal 2021;5(4):209-214

4.Menopause: an important milestone in women's health.

Seng Bin ANG ; Choon How HOW

Singapore medical journal 2013;54(2):60-63

5.Metformin use in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease: An evidence-based review.

Felicia Clara J H TAN ; Seng Bin ANG ; Yong Mong BEE

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2021;50(2):159-170

6.Wheeze in childhood: is the spacer good enough?

Veena RAJKUMAR ; Barathi RAJENDRA ; Choon How HOW ; Seng Bin ANG

Singapore medical journal 2014;55(11):558-discussion 563

7.Female sexual dysfunction with combined oral contraceptive use.

Jean Jasmin M L LEE ; Thiam Chye TAN ; Seng Bin ANG

Singapore medical journal 2017;58(6):285-288

9.Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in osteoporotic patients: prevention and management.

Boon Hui CHAN ; Ruixiang YEE ; Rukshini PUVANENDRAN ; Seng Bin ANG

Singapore medical journal 2018;59(2):70-75

10.A unique pair of monozygotic twins with concordant clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a case report.

Min Han TAN ; Jasmine YANG ; Hwei Ling TAN ; Chin Fong WONG ; Puay Hoon TAN ; Hong Gee SIM ; Peter ANG ; Chee Keong TOH ; Miah Hiang TAY ; Eileen POON ; Aik Seng OOI ; Bin Tean TEH

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2010;39(1):61-63

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