Precocious puberty is defined as appearance of secondary sexual characteristics that begins
earlier than usual, and may be central or peripheral in origin. It is the physician’s duty to
undertake a detailed investigation of the cause of the condition so as not to overlook a potentially
correctable pathologic lesion, and prevent long-term somatic and psychosocial consequences
in the child. This paper presents a case of 10 year old female with clinical signs and symptoms
and laboratory results that point to a possible peripheral type of precocious puberty , and with
a huge ovarian mass, which intraoperatively yielded inconclusive histopathologic findings due
to massive necrosis. This paper aimed to discuss the possible etiologies for the development
of precocious puberty in the index case, and the treatment options for both precocious puberty
and ovarian new growth.
Familial Testotoxicosis
Puberty, Precocious