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Author:(Allison Gocotano)

2.Is the response over? The transition from response to recovery in the health sector post-Typhoon Haiyan

Allison Gocotano ; Lester Sam Geroy ; Ma Rowena Alcido ; Miguel Manuel Dorotan ; Gloria Balboa ; Julie Lyn Hall

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(Suppl 1):5-9

3.Can you help me write my story? The institutional affiliations of authors of international journal articles on post-disaster health response

Allison Gocotano ; Megan Counahan ; Vicente Belizario ; Kenneth Hartigan-Go ; Gloria Balboa ; Marilyn Go ; Manuel Dayrit ; Julie Lyn Hall

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(Suppl 1):10-14

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