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Author:(Akira KOKAN)

1.Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management


Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2008;13(1):47-54

2.3. A Review of Completed Activities of “The Task Force to Make an Ideal Pharmacovigilance Plan (PVP) in Japan” : Evaluation of the Published Pharmacovigilance Plan (PVP) by JSPE's Check List and the Future Challenges&l

Akira KOKAN ; Kiyoshi KUBOTA

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2015;19(2):115-122

4.Good Pharmacovigilance Planning in Japan: Proposals from the “Task Force for Good Pharmacovigilance Planning in Japan” of Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (JSPE)

Osamu KOMIYAMA ; Kotonari AOKI ; Akira KOKAN ; Kiyoshi KUBOTA

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2015;20(2):73-83

5.A Report from Task Force on Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmaceutical Industory

Kenichi MATSUI ; Keiji IMAI ; Hiromi UEHARA ; Akira KOKAN ; Toshimichi NISHI ; Hiroko MARUI ; Kiyoshi KUBOTA

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2009;14(1):1-11

6.2.Consideration of Signal Management Process


Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2020;25(1):28-38

7.Proposal for the Best Pharmacovigilance Plan in Japan by comparing Japan Postmarketing Studies to the U.S. Postmarketing Requirements:

Akira KOKAN ; Yasuhiko KAI ; Shigeru KAGEYAMA ; Kiyoshi KUBOTA ; Kiichiro TSUTANI ; Toshimichi NISHI ; Rei MAEDA ; Mikio MASADA ; Kou MIYAKAWA

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2012;17(1):55-66

8.Checklist and Guidance of Scientific Approach to Developing Pharmacovigilance Plan (PVP) in Japan: A Report from a Task Force of JSPE

Kiyoshi KUBOTA ; Kotonari AOKI ; Hisashi URUSHIHARA ; Tatsuo KAGIMURA ; Shigeru KAGEYAMA ; Daisuke KOIDE ; Akira KOKAN ; Tsugumichi SATO ; Toshiaki NAKAMURA ; Ken NAKAJIMA ; Naoya HATANAKA ; Takeshi HIRAKAWA ; Kou MIYAKAWA ; Mayumi MOCHIZUKI

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2014;19(1):57-74

9.Information: Recommendations for developing postmarketing surveys and clinical investigations using SS-MIX standardized storage

Kiyoshi Kubota ; Daisuke Koide ; Akira Kokan ; Shigeru Kageyama ; Shinichiro Ueda ; Michio Kimura ; Ken Toyoda ; Yasuo Ohashi ; Hiroshi Ohtsu ; Kotonari Aoki ; Osamu Komiyama ; Koji Shomoto ; Takeshi Hirakawa ; Hidenori Shinoda ; Tsugumichi Sato

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2013;18(1):65-71

10.Creating a Checklist and a Survey on Research That Used the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database

Takamasa SAKAI ; Yukito WADA ; Akira KOKAN ; Kouichi TANABE ; Nobuyuki GOTO ; Fumiko OHTSU

Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2020;22(1):7-16

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