It has been reported that mucosal defects in the oral cavity caused by resection at a surgical site can be successfully repaired using a polyglycolic acid sheet, an absorbable artificial biomaterial, and fibrin glue spray. We report our experience of a case where bone surface coverage with a polyglycolic acid sheet and fibrin glue after exposure following resection of maxillary gingival leukoplakia led to a good outcome. The patient was a 64-year-old man with a keratotic white lesion on the right maxillary gingiva measuring 22 × 10 mm. He underwent resection of the lesion, which was diagnosed as maxillary gingival leukoplakia. The bone surface was exposed because of the operative extent and was covered with a polyglycolic acid sheet and fibrin glue. Wound healing progressed, and normal mucous membrane was seen at 5 weeks postoperatively. No relapse has occurred, and his progress is satisfactory.