The purpose of this study was to identify issues with nursing administrator development in the Nursing Division of our hospital. In order to identify issues in the workshops, we conducted a questionnaire survey with chief nurses who participated in a competency workshop for them to become nursing administrators at the Nursing Division of Hospital A, and by reviewing their management behavior, we analyzed the insights they acquired. We used a qualitative, inductive research method that involved administering a written survey to 22 chief nurses who work at the hospital. The survey items were designed to find out what the participants learned, how they intended to put that knowledge to use, and what they felt during the workshop. Our analysis identified two categories of insights: those that would translate into behavior and those that represented new knowledge. The former comprised 22 subcategories and the latter 3 subcategories. Because the issues identified (maintaining conviction, customer orientation, and quality assurance) were limited to knowledge-based insights, these should be improved to become “insights that would translate into behavior” so that they can be put into practice in managing behaviors on the ward.