1.The oncologists' views toward end-of-life discussions
Akiko Tarumi ; Saki Mimatsu ; Tatsuya Morita ; Akemi Naito ; Yasunari Sakamoto ; Takuji Okusaka ; Chikako Shimizu
Palliative Care Research 2016;11(1):301-305
End-of-life discussion with patients with advanced cancer is one of the important factors to determine the patient quality of life and their families' grief. The primary aim of this study is to collect Japanese medical oncologists' views toward end-of-life discussion. A context analysis of free comments of the questionnaire survey was conducted. Questionnaires were mailed to 864 medical oncologists, and 490 responses were obtained. A content analysis identified 420 free comments. As barriers of end-of-life discussion for oncologists, three types of barriers were emerged: 1) issues relating to patient and family (e.g., [individuality of the patient and family], [difficulty of acceptance of illness progression]), 2) issues relating to medical professionals (e.g., [a lack of psychological support], [difference in beliefs about end-of-life discussion among medical professionals]), and 3) health care systems (e.g., [a lack of time and human resources], [a lack of education and research]). The findings of this study may be useful to improve mutual understanding of oncologists and palliative care physicians when performing the end-of-life discussion in collaboration.
2.Symptom Prevalence, Severity, and Distress Assessed by Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) in the General Population in Japan
Satoko Ito ; Megumi Shimizu ; Akemi Naito ; Kazuki Sato ; Daisuke Fujisawa ; Satoru Tsuneto ; Tatsuya Morita ; Mitsunori Miyashita
Palliative Care Research 2017;12(4):761-770
Understanding the symptoms of the general population has an important role in assessing and improving the quality of palliative care systems. However, there are no reliable epidemiological data on the symptoms of the general population in Japan. The aim of this study was to survey the actual status of the symptoms experienced by the general population in Japan. A large nationwide postal survey was conducted from January through February 2013 in Japan. A total of 2400 subjects were selected randomly from among members of the general population who were 20 to 79 years of age and lived in Japan. The Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) was used to multi-dimensionally evaluate symptoms experienced within the past week, and the Short Form 8™ (SF-8™) was used to assess the health-related quality of life (QOL). A total of 978 (41.1%) self-completed questionnaires were analyzed. The prevalences, severity rates, and distress rates of 35 physical and psychological symptoms were analyzed according to sex and age group. In addition, the relation between symptom severity and the health-related QOL score was evaluated. From the perspectives of public health and administrative policy, the results of this survey will most likely provide important basic data, with the ultimate goal of establishing a palliative care system in Japan.
3.Teaching of Basic Life Support to first-year medical students by fifth-year medical students
Ippei YAMATO ; Tomoichi OHKUBO ; Kagemasa KAJIWARA ; Yoko KAMEYAMA ; Akemi KAMIJO ; Yoko TAKAHARI ; Chizuko TSUJI ; Katsuko NAITO ; Koichi NAGAKURA ; Toshiro NAGASAWA ; Satoshi NODA ; Yasuo HARUKI ; Kimifumi FUJIWARA ; Toshiteru WATANABE ; Tetsuya URANO ; Michio TSUDA
Medical Education 2010;41(6):417-422
1) A BLS training program was held for the first-year students of Tokai University School of Medicine in 2007/08.
2) The training program was based on the objective structured clinical examination. In 2007, our faculty directly instructed first-year students. In 2008, under the guidance of faculty members, fifth-year medical students doing clinical clerkships served as student-instructors for teaching first-year students.
3) To assess the BLS training program, questionnaires were completed by both the first-year students and the fifth-year students. The results of the survey showed that all students participated in this program with high motivation and intensity. The first-year students rated the guidance given by student-instructors more highly than that given by faculty members. Moreover, the program appeared to be enjoyable and challenging for the fifth-year medical students. Thus, the preceptor-based BLS training program (the Yanegawara method) potentially motivates both first-year and fifth-year medical students.
4.Reference Data, Characteristics and Related Factors of Quality of Life Assessed by a Questionnaire of Patient’s Behavior Survey in the General Population in Japan
Satoko ITO ; Megumi SHIMIZU ; Kazuki SATO ; Masashi KATO ; Daisuke FUJISAWA ; Akemi NAITO ; Tatsuya MORITA ; Mitsunori MIYASHITA
Palliative Care Research 2020;15(2):135-146
To decide the policy to promote palliative care properly, a new questionnaire has been added to Patient’s behavior survey to assess Quality of Life (QOL) of inpatients and outpatients in Japan. The aim of this study was to survey QOL score of general population in Japan by using a questionnaire of patient’s behavior survey. A large nationwide postal survey was conducted from January through February 2013 in Japan. A total of 2400 subjects were selected randomly from among members of the general population who were 20 to 79 years of age and lived in Japan. A total of 978 (41.1%) questionnaires were analyzed, and reference data of QOL score weighted by the national standard value of sex-age group population were calculated. Correlation coefficients were calculated between QOL score and SF-8TM, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG), Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) score. In addition, sociodemographic factors related to QOL score were evaluated. From the perspectives of public health and administrative policy, the results of this survey will provide important basic data to evaluate patient’s behavior survey broadly and continuously with the goal of establishing a palliative care system in Japan.
5.Beliefs About Spiritual Pain among Palliative Care Physicians and Liaison Psychiatrists: A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey
Akemi Shirado NAITO ; Tatsuya MORITA ; Keiko TAMURA ; Kiyofumi OYA ; Yoshinobu MATSUDA ; Keita TAGAMI ; Hideyuki KASHIWAGI ; Hiroyuki OTANI
Palliative Care Research 2021;16(2):115-122
Objectives: Spiritual pain is not formally defined. The aim of this study was to clarify the beliefs about spiritual pain among Japanese palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists and to compare their beliefs. Methods: A nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted by mail August, 2019 on certified palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists. We asked 9 questions about spiritual pain (i.e. current status, definition, and the delivery of care) using a 5-Likert scale. Result: 387 palliative care physicians (response rate, 53%) and 374 psychiatrists (45%) responded. 72% (76% of the palliative care physicians/69% of the psychiatrists) reported that spiritual pain was distinct from depression, but 69% (66/71) reported that it was not defined adequately; and 59% (59/60) perceived the risks of using the words ambiguously. Only 43% (40/47) recommended the universal definition of spiritual pain, and opinions about how spiritual pain should be defined (i.e, higher being, meaning/value, or specific terms) differed among physicians. Perception about spiritual pain of the physicians were significantly associated with their religion, while beliefs about spiritual pain were essentially similar between palliative care physicians and psychiatrists. Conclusion: Although physicians regarded the definition of spiritual pain as being inadequate, the opinions about preferable definition differed among physicians. Discussion about the value of developing a consensus of spiritual pain is needed.
6.A Survey of Experience and Perception of Bereaved Families about Polypharmacy and Oral Medication of Patients with Advanced Cancer
Kentaro ABE ; Tomofumi MIURA ; Noriko FUJISHIRO ; Ayumi OKIZAKI ; Naoko YOSHINO ; Shigeru AOKI ; Akemi NAITO ; Yasunari MANO ; Shinichiro SAITO ; Masakazu YAMAGUCHI ; Tatsuya MORITA
Palliative Care Research 2021;16(1):85-91
Aims: This study aimed at investigating the status of polypharmacy and the experience and perception of bereaved family members of patients with advanced cancer regarding the burden of oral medication. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to 303 bereaved family members of patients with advanced cancer, and 102 valid responses were analyzed (response rate, 33.7%). Results: The number of patients in the polypharmacy group (patients taking six or more tablets at a time) was 65 and that in the non-polypharmacy group (patients taking less than six tablets at a time) was 37. The percentage of bereaved family members who felt that the oral administration burden of patients was significantly higher in the polypharmacy group (43.1% vs. 10.8%, p<0.01). The results of the analysis indicated that the bereaved families wanted to reduce the number of tablets taken at a time for alleviating the burden of polypharmacy. The bereaved families of patients in the polypharmacy group were greatly concerned that the number of oral medications was too large. They also expressed the need for medical staff from whom they could seek explanation and counseling regarding the oral medication of patients. Conclusion: It is suggested that medical staff need to be fully aware of the concerns of patients’ families regarding drugs besides checking the compliance status.
7.Cross-cultural Study about Cancer and Palliative Care in the Okinawa, Tohoku, and Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Akemi NAITO ; Tatsuya MORITA ; Kohei KAMIYA ; Naoki SUZUKI ; Keita TAGAMI ; Tokiwa MOTONARI ; Hidenori TAKAHASHI ; Erika NAKANISHI ; Nobuhisa NAKAJIMA
Palliative Care Research 2021;16(3):255-260
Background: Consideration of cultural aspects is important in medical care. We explored regional differences in cancer and palliative care among Okinawa, Tohoku, and Tokyo metropolitan area. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of physicians involved in cancer medicine from September to November 2020. A total of 11 items related to physician experiences were rated using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Results: Responses were received from 553 physicians (187 in Okinawa, 219 in Tohoku, 147 in the Tokyo metropolitan area). In Okinawa, “When patients die, it is important that all family members are present at the last moment,” “Patients/family members primarily consult the elders of the family about the medical treatments,” “Family members hope the patients die at home, because the soul will not return when they die at the hospital,” “Patients/family members get advice from religious advisors about the medical treatments,” and “Family members wish to take the patient home when he/she is about to die and to confirm death at home” were significantly more frequently observed. In Tohoku, “Patients wish to be hospitalized at a specific season” was significantly more frequently reported. In Tohoku and Okinawa, “Patients hide cancer from neighbors and relatives” and “Elderly patients do not want treatment, because they cover the living expenses and education expenses for their children and grandchildren.” were significantly more frequently experienced. Conclusion: There are regional differences in cancer and palliative care in Japan. Being sensitive to the culture of the region is needed.