1.Prevalence and correlates of snoring in medical and nursing students in University Malaysia Sarawak
Thung Sing Tiong ; Syed Hassan Ahmad Almashoor
Neurology Asia 2007;12(1):115-119
Using a questionnaire, a snoring study was done in 400 medical and 78 nursing students of University
Malaysia Sarawak in 2004 and 2005. The response rates were 72.5% for medical students and 83.3%
for nursing students. The habitual snoring percentages for all years, first year and final year medical
students were 7.2, 9.9 and 3.6 respectively; and for all years, first year and third year nursing students
were 12.3, 13.3 and 8.3. These figures were lower than those found in Hong Kong and Germany, despite
similar body mass index (BMI). In the combined group of student, positive correlation with snoring
was found in male gender (p=0.011), BMI (p=0.002) and sleep apnoea (p=0.05). For medical students,
positive correlation was found in male gender (p<0.0005), weight (p <0.001), height (p <0.001) and
sleep apnoea (p<0.001), and for nursing students in BMI (p=0.008) and weight (p=0.033). No significant
correlation was found in snoring with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and academic performance.
2.Dementia in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges
Azlina Wati Nikmat ; Graeme Hawthorne ; S. Hassan Ahmad Al-Mashoor
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2011;12(1):1-7
Objective: The number of people surviving until old age has been increasing worldwide. Reductions in both fertility and mortality rates, better living standards, nutrition and health care are claimed to be the key factors that increase the proportion of aged people within the population. Nevertheless, growing numbers of older adults also increases the susceptibility to diseases that commonly afflict the elderly, such as dementia. In this article, we discuss on the current issues of dementia in Malaysia and its challenge in providing a better management and services for this population. Methods and Results: Review of literature by searching the databases CINAHL, SCOPUS, MEDLINE and PsychINFO from June 2010 to November 2010 was done on the issues involving dementia patients in Malaysia such as ageing trend, awareness and availability of services. Conclusion: Despite a limited number of studies on dementia in Malaysia, literature revealed the importance of acknowledging the issues and improving the services for the patients. Efforts should be made by the government and private sectors to promote healthy ageing in Malaysia.
3.Correlates Between Insomnia, Psychological Distress And Daytime Sleepiness Of Malaysian Adults With Symptoms Of Insomnia
Yasmin Othman Mydin ; Norzarina Mohd Zaharim ; Syed Hassan Ahmad Almashor
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2012;13(2):1-6
Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the correlation between psychological factors and insomnia and the impact of insomnia on daytime
sleepiness. Methods and Results: The participants were recruited through convenient sampling and consist of 173 working adults in Georgetown, Penang, aged 20 to 60
years. Participants completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). The results revealed that
the prevalent of insomnia was 34.7%. There was a positive correlation between psychological distress and insomnia r = .481, p < .001 and also a positive correlation
between insomnia and daytime sleepiness r = .334, p < .001. Conclusion: It is concluded that psychological distress typically causes sleep difficulties, and sleep
deprivation leads to daytime sleepiness.
4.Distribution of alpha thalassaemia in 16 year old Malaysian Students in Penang, Melaka and Sabah
Rahimah Ahmad ; Nisha Sabrina ; Safiah Bahrin ; Roshida Hassan ; Punithawathy Yelumalai ; Nurul Hidayat ; Syahzuwan Hassan ; Zubaidah Zakaria
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(6):565-570
Objectives: Alpha thalassaemia is wide spread in Malaysia
and is a public health problem. This study aimed to describe the carrier frequencies of α‒thalassaemia and its
distribution among major ethnic groups in three states of
Methods: Educational forums were organised and study was
explained to students from three schools. Students were
invited to take part in the screening with parent consent. A total of 8420 adolescent students aged 16 years volunteered to participate in the study. Peripheral blood samples were analysed for complete blood counts, haemoglobin quantification and typing, and serum ferritin levels. Genomic DNA was used for screening alpha thalassaemia alleles by PCR based molecular methods.
Results: We identified seven α‒globin gene defects in 341
(4.08%) students: amongst them α+‒ and α0‒thalassaemias
were detected in 232 (2.77%) and 107 (1.28%) students
respectively. Genotype ‒α3.7/αα was the most prevalent
among sub-populations of Malay, indigenous communities
of Sahab and Indian, while ‒‒SEA/αα deletion is more
prevalent in Malaysian Chinese. It is estimated that 63
pregnancies annually are at risk of Hb Bart’s hydrops fetalis.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated the prevalence and
mutation patterns of α‒thalassaemia in the 16 year olds in
three states of Malaysia. High α0‒thalassaemia deletions
amongst the study subjects place these carriers at an
increased risk of conceiving fetuses with HbH disease and
Hb Bart’s hydrops fetalis should they choose another
heterozygous partner. It is therefore highly recommended to
institute community screening programmes and provide
prospective carriers with genetic counselling to help them
make informed choices.
5.Contribution of public places in proliferation of dengue vectors in Penang Island, Malaysia
Maimusa Hamisu Alhaji ; Ahmad Hassan Abu ; Ahmad Hamdan ; Dieng Hamady ; Rahim Junaid
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2017;7(3):183-187
Objective: To determine abundance, distribution and diversity of potential breeding container habitats of the dengue vectors in public places including schools, restaurants, mosques and parks in southwest areas of Penang Island, Malaysia. Methods: Premises at restaurants, schools, parks and mosques were surveyed simulta-neously and inspected visually for container habitats and production of immature mosquitoes from March 2015 to March 2016. Abundance (mean ± SE) of breeding containers between sites was compared using One-way ANOVA. Independent sample t-test was used to compare total number of Aedes albopictus (Ae. albopictus) and Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) surveyed. Results: The surveyed locations yielded a total of 3741 breeding containers and 19537 immature mosquitoes from four areas. Concurrent artificial and natural containers pro-duced 78.4%immature Ae. albopictus and 6.3%Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in wet season, with 14.2% Ae. albopictus and 1.1% Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in dry season. Artificial containers accounted for 98.1% of the total containers recorded, with restaurants being the most productive locations (8012) and schools being the least productive (2234). Conclusions: It was concluded that public places are good sources of potential container habitats of Aedes mosquitoes in Penang Island, Malaysia and Ae. albopictus has exclu-sively replaced the home-grown Ae. aegypti even in urban areas. Therefore, treatment of artificial containers in such locations is critical in Aedes mosquito control campaigns during dengue outbreaks.
6.Association between Serum 25 (OH) Vitamin D Concentrations and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs) Activity
Vossoughinia Hassan ; Saadatnia Hassan ; Pournaghi Seyed-Javad ; Khosravi Ahmad ; Hatefi Asieh ; Sahebari Maryam ; Farrokhi Farid ; Abedini Siavash
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(1):34-38
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are immune mediated
diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Several
environmental factors in concert with genetic
susceptibilities can trigger IBDs. Recently, one of the
important environmental factors contributing to the
development of autoimmune diseases is vitamin D (VitD)
deficiency. Furthermore, some new evidence points to VitD
deficiency and its receptor dysfunction as an underlying
factor for the emergence experimental IBDs. The aim of the
current study was to evaluate the correlation between serum
25(OH)D concentrations and IBD activity in patients with
ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
Sixty patients with confirmed diagnosis of IBD were
recruited for a cross sectional study. Most of the identified confounders affecting serum VitD concentrations were excluded. Disease activity was assessed using validated questionnaires, including Truelove for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn Disease Activity Index (CDAI) for Crohn disease.
Serum 25(OH)D concentrations were determined by
chemiluminescent assay. Serum 25(OH)D≤10 (ng/ml) was
considered as VitD deficiency and 11≤25(OH)D<29(ng/ml) as
VitD insufficiency. Mean serum 25(OH)D value was 13.1 ± 11.1(ng/ml) in IBD patients. Almost 95% of patients were vitamin D insufficient or deficient. Forty one percent of IBD patients had active disease. VitD deficiency was not associated with IBD activity (p=0.23). However, VitD deficiency was significantly associated with a history of IBD related intestinal surgery (p=0.001). In conclusion, this cross-sectional prospective study suggested that there is no association between vitamin D deficiency and disease activity in a relatively small
number of IBD patients in a short period of time.
7.Fibrin glue for sealing early bleb leak :a case report
Ali Hassan ALASHWAL ; Azhany YAAKUB ; Raja Azmi Mohd NOOR ; Liza Sharmini Ahmad TAJUDIN
International Eye Science 2009;9(5):831-832
A 63-year-old male presented with sudden diminution of vision, eye discomfort, redness and watering in his left eye. He had undergone glaucoma valve filtering surgery for refractive secondary glaucoma one week back. He also had a history of failed augmented trabeculectomy one year earlier in the same eye. Ocular examination showed best corrected visual acuity(BCVA) of 6/18 and there was a bleb leak, shallow anterior chamber and intraocular pression(IOP) of 6mmHg. Successful sealing of bleb leak was performed using fibrin glue resulted in deepening of anterior chamber with IOP of 13mmHg. This case demonstrates that, fibrin glue is an effective method for management of early filtering bleb leak.
8.Effects of different extracts of Eugenia caryophyllata on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in mice.
Hosseini, Mahmoud ; Jafarianheris, Taha ; Seddighi, Navid ; Parvaneh, Mohammad ; Ghorbani, Ahmad ; Sadeghnia, Hamid Reza ; Rakhshandeh, Hassan
Journal of Integrative Medicine 2012;10(12):1476-81
To investigate the possible anticonvulsant effect of different extracts of Eugenia caryophyllata (clove) on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures in mice.
9.Comparative study of chloroquine and quinine on malaria rodents and their effects on the mouse testis
Abolghasemi Esmail ; Moosa-Kazemi Hassan Seyed ; Davoudi Maryam ; Reisi Ahmad ; Satvat Taghi Mohammad
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2012;(4):311-314
Objective: To evaluate the effects of quinine and chloroquine against male mice infected withPlasmodium berghei and their adverse effects on the mice testes. Methods: In this study, 48 adult male mice, (20-25 g), aged 8 to 12 weeks were divided into four groups. This study was carried out from December 2009 until May 2010 in the School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Results: The results showed that 58.33% of mice treated with chloroquine were completely recovered. Parasitemia was 4% on day 8 when compared to that on day 0, whereas it was 9% on day 9. There was no orchitis found in this group. The mortality of mice after exposing to quinine on day 5 was 8.3%, whereas from day 10 to day 14 it was 91.7%. We found 75% orchitis occurred in quinine treated group. There was a significant difference between quinine and chloroquine effects on the parasite and also mice testes (P<0.05). Conclusions: In this study, It can be concluded that male mice have full resistance to the quinine. Quinine does not only make male mice recover completely, but also cause inflammation on mice testicles tissue.
10.Trend of Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) From 2004-2010
Haslina Hassan ; Rosnah Sutan ; Nursazila Asikin Mohd Azmi ; Shuhaila Ahmad ; Rohana Jaafar
International Journal of Public Health Research 2013;3(1):241-248
The aim of the Fourth Millennium Developmental Goal is to reduce mortality among children less than 5 years by two thirds between 1990 and 2015. Efforts are more focus on improving children’s health. The aim of this study was to describe the trend of stillbirth and neonatal deaths in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre from 2004 to 2010. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using hospital data on perinatal mortality and monthly census delivery statistics. There were 45,277 deliveries with 526 stillbirths and neonatal deaths. More than half of the stillborn cases were classified as normally formed macerated stillbirth and prematurity was common in neonatal deaths. The trend of SB and NND was found fluctuating in this study. However, by using proportionate test comparing rate, there was a transient significant decline of stillbirth but not neonatal deaths rates between 2004 and 2006. On the other hand, the neonatal deaths rate showed significant increment from 2006 to 2008. When both mortality rates were compared using proportionate test, from the start of the study, year 2004 with end of the study, year 2010, there was no significant decline noted. Trends of stillbirth and neonatal death rates in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre within 7 years study period did not show the expected outcome as in Millennium Developmental Goal of two thirds reduction.
Infant Mortality