1.Situation of AIDS prevention and control network at precints and communes in some provinces.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):71-74
This study evaluated the organization and leading of AIDS prevention and control in all levels and efficacy of collaboration between authorities in the communal level. The information, communication and education activities were major measures to control AIDS. The prophylactic intervention of HIV transmissions as 3 ways: blood borne, sexual transmission and from mother to her child should be strengthen together. The care and treatment of HIV/AIDS infected people were considered in both health and social aspects.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
prevention & control
5.The knowledge, awareness and the demands of harlots, addicts in preventing HIV/AIDS in Ha Tinh province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;471(1):11-15
5 hot points of prostitution activities, intravenuos drug use and HIV infections in Ha Tinh Province were Nghi Xuan District, Hong Linh Town, Ha Tinh Provincial City, Thach Ha district and Ky Anh District, which enrolled in the study. 20% of prostites used the condom in intercourse, their 20% had got sexually transmited diseases. The awareness on HIV/AIDS was underaccessible to them. 30- 50% of drug intravenous users shared the needles, 80% among them used condoms in sexual relation with prostitutes.
HIV/prevention & control
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control
6.The knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescents (between 15 and 24 year old) in preventing HIV/AIDS in Ha Tinh province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;487(9):18-21
This study was carried out on single adolescents (between 14 and 24 years old) lived in Ha Tinh province. Results: the mean age when having sexual relations was 20 years. Prevalence of drug use was 0.6% (no one change from smoking to injection). Prevalence of pre-married sexual relations was 12.5%, and 13.3% among them used condoms. 20% of them had sex with sex workers, 5% with sudden sexual partners, and 83.3% with lovers. 58.3% of adolescents used condoms when having sexual relations with sex workers.
HIV/prevention & control
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control
10.AIDS and the community
Papua New Guinea medical journal 1996;39(3):214-217
PIP: HIV/AIDS is transmitted in developing countries mainly through heterosexual sexual intercourse, and from mothers to babies. While the AIDS pandemic could actually reverse population growth in developing countries, it remains to be seen what future population growth trends will emerge. There are, however, current economic and personal costs to both countries and communities. HIV/AIDS has most severely affected the young, economically productive generations, and decimated some village populations in countries heavily dependent upon agriculture. 85% of Papua New Guinea's population lives in villages and depends upon their own labor for food. Other direct effects of HIV/AIDS upon communities are discussed, including the vertical transmission of HIV and the association of HIV/AIDS with other sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis. Fear and ignorance are discussed with regard to how communities have responded to HIV/AIDS, followed by consideration of strategies communities may use to deal with HIV/AIDS, the challenge to survive, and the interdependence of community and the individual.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - epidemiology
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - prevention &
Community Participation - methods
Papua New Guinea - epidemiology
Primary Prevention - methods