AIM:To determine the pattern and prevalence of ocular disorders among artisans with a view to make recommendations to the appropriate ministries for the formulation of necessary policies to preserve the ocular health status of these artisans.METHODS:This was a descriptive cross sectional study in which the sample population was selected using the proportion to size technique and simple random sampling.RESULTS:There was a high prevalence of degenerative conjunctival disorders among the artisans with pingueculum topping the list at 30.1%.Automobile mechanics had the highest prevalence for conjunctival disorders,corneal opacities,and allergic conjunctivitis.Superficial foreign bodies (74.4%) were the most common work related injury observed while 13.6% of the artisans developed cataract from work related injuries.CONCLUSION:Governmental policies targeted at preserving and maintaining the ocular health of the artisans is needed to reduce the prevalence of ocular disorders noted in this study.