1.Accident Proneness Prospect in Preschooler.
Ja Hyoung LEE ; Shin Jeong KIM ; Jung Eun LEE
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):662-675
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preschool children of accident prevention and to improve their health through a sound, safe living environment with safety education established through more systematic methods. Data were collected from 516 preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old using APP paper test which consists of a question and drawing. The children's general characteristics and accident proneness prospect were investigated. The relationship between the children's general characteristics and the accident proneness prospect were analyzed. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The institution which children attended had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.015) and behavior character(p=.033). 2. The housing pattern in which children lived had a significant difference in accordance with the movement speed(p=.027). 3. The children's age had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.002), traffic safety(p=.001), the reasoning power(p=.000), movement speed(p=.00), movement stability(p=.000) and attentional power (p=.000). 4. The children's sex had a significant difference in accordance with the movement stability and behavioral character(p=.003, p=.008). 5. The children's past accidental experience had a significant difference in accordance with the behavior character(p=.001). 6. General assessment of the APP test had a significant difference in accordance with the children's age(p=.000) and children's past accidental experience(p=.020).
Accident Prevention
Accident Proneness*
Child, Preschool
2.A Study of Accident Prevention through Controlled Flight into Terrain Accident.
Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine 2008;18(1):9-18
The purpose of this study was to make landmark efforts to prevent the major causes of commercial-aviation fatalities on controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) in approach-and-landing accidents. Major analysis for controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) of Guam accident, Mokpo accident and Gimhae accident in commercial transport-aircraft accidents from 1993 through 2002 was made. CFIT occurs when an airworthy aircraft under the control of the flight crew is flown unintentionally into terrain, obstacles or water, usually with no prior awareness by the crew. This type of accident can occur during most phases of flight, but CFIT is more common during the approach-and-landing phase. Key prevention for CFIT accident was education and training for flying crew and to upgrade for equipment such as EGPWS, and the need for more research by professional organizations of airlines.
Accident Prevention
3.The Effects of a Safety Management Program on Safety Accident-related Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Elementary School Students in Korea.
Kyung Min PARK ; Kyoung Mi JEON ; Min Young KIM ; Eun Suk LEE ; Sang Min KWON
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2010;21(2):220-228
PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of a safety management program on safety accident-related knowledge, attitude and behavior of elementary school students in Korea. METHODS: This study adopted nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The number of subjects was 34 in the experimental group and 31 in the control group. The safety management program was performed for approximately 50 minutes each session, once a week for 8 weeks. Data were collected from March 14th to June 23th, 2006, and analyzed by chi2 test and independent t-test with SPSS WIN 16.0. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in safety-related knowledge (t=3.010, p=.006) and behavior (t=18.833, p=.001) between the experimental group and the control group. The score of attitude was different between the experimental group and the control group but the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The safety management program used in this study was appropriate for elemental school students and affected safety-related knowledge and behavior of elementary school students. Therefore safety education should be provided systematically for elementary schools over the whole country.
Accident Prevention
Safety Management*
6.The Effects of a School Safety Education Program Based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model in Upper Grade Elementary Students.
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2010;21(4):419-428
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of a school safety education program based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model for upper grade elementary students. METHODS: One hundred ten 6th-grade students sampled from an elementary school in D City were divided into the education group (n=55) and the non-education group (n=55). School safety education was provided to the education group for 8 weeks and a questionnaire survey about safety knowledge, safety practice and the frequency of safety negligence was carried out before and after the education from March 2 to July 13, 2010. RESULTS: After the application of the safety education program, the education group got a higher safety knowledge score than the non-education group (p<.001). Both the education and non-education groups showed a significantly increased safety practice score (p<.01). In the comparison of safety negligence, the education group showed lower frequency (p<.01). In addition, according to the results of ANCOVA and t-test, the school safety education program influenced safety knowledge significantly (p<.001). CONCLUSION: This result shows that a school safety education program based on PRECEDE-PROCEED can improve safety knowledge. Further studies will be required to develop continuous and systematic safety education programs.
Accident Prevention
Safety Management
Surveys and Questionnaires
7.Case Study on Safety Situation and Awareness through Risk Assessment of Hospital Foodservice Kitchen Area.
Hye Jin KIM ; Jeong Im HONG ; Gyu Jin HEO ; Joo Yeon PARK
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2016;22(1):13-25
This study was carried out to provide a basis for the development of a safety manual for kitchen accident prevention by identifying the safety situation and awareness through risk assessment of kitchen areas. The study was conducted in two phases. First, kitchen accidents and area risk assessment were investigated from February 2014 to September 2014, after which safety awareness of hospital foodservice employees was assessed in a survey. The results of this study were as followes. All of the respondents were women. The evaluation point of kitchen area risk assessment was reduced by 14%. After improvement, an initial score of 108 points decreased to 93 points. The number of accidents was also reduced by 78%; 14 accidents were decreased to three. The most common area of accidents was the kitchen area (58.8%), and burns was the most common accident (35.3%). Most of the employees deemed "enough staff" as the most major factor for good foodservice. "High indoor temperature and poor ventilation in the kitchen area" was chosen as the most common problem in the foodservice workplace. Taken together, our study quantitatively evaluated safety issues in hospital foodservice kitchen areas and provides a basis for the development of a safety manual for kitchen accident prevention.
Accident Prevention
Surveys and Questionnaires
Risk Assessment*
8.Agricultural Accidents in Farm Workers.
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2007;18(4):643-650
PURPOSE: This study was to obtain information regarding to agricultural accidents in farm workers in the Kyungpook area. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was carried out for 528 workers from the 1st to 31st of March, 2007. Frequency, percentage, mean and chi-square test with the SPSS program were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The causes of agricultural accidents include falling(29.0%), overseeing(18.9%), traffic accident(17.4%), putting between machinery(11.7%), crashing(5.3%), fire(0.6%) in the order of frequency. Injuries from agricultural accidents include fracture(44.7%) cerebral bleeding(10.4%), amputation(7.0%), airway obstruction(2.3%), burn(1.9%), drug addiction(1.9%) in the order of frequency. The largest proportion of the subjects of hospital treatment were in their 50s and belonged to the group of high-level economic state. Agricultural machinery collision was the most frequent cause among the subjects of hospital treatment. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that carelessness can be a potential risk factor for agricultural accidents in farm workers. These findings may give useful information for developing agricultural accident prevention programs for farm workers.
Accident Prevention
Risk Factors
Surveys and Questionnaires
9.Typology of ROII Patterns on Cluster Analysis in Korean Enterprises.
Young Sun KIM ; Oh Jun KWON ; Ki Sik KIM ; Kyung Yong RHEE
Safety and Health at Work 2012;3(4):278-286
OBJECTIVES: Authors investigated the pattern of the rate of occupational injuries and illnesses (ROII) at the level of enterprises in order to build a network for exchange of experience and knowledge, which would contribute to workers' safety and health through safety climate of workplace. METHODS: Occupational accidents were analyzed at the manufacturing work site unit. A two step clustering process for the past patterns regarding the ROII from 2001 to 2009 was investigated. The ROII patterns were categorized based on regression analysis and the patterns were further divided according to the subtle changes with Mahalanobis distance and Ward's linkage. RESULTS: The first clustering of ROII through regression analysis showed 5 different functions; 29 work sites of the linear function, 50 sites of the quadratic function, 95 sites of the logarithm function, 62 sites of the exponential function, and 54 sites of the sine function. Fourteen clusters were created in the second clustering. There were 3 clusters in each function categorized in the first clustering except for sine function. Each cluster consisted of the work sites with similar ROII patterns, which had unique characteristics. CONCLUSION: The five different patterns of ROII suggest that tailored management activities should be applied to every work site. Based on these differences, the authors selected exemplary work sites and built a network to help the work sites to share information on safety climate and accident prevention measures. The causes of different patterns of ROII, building network and evaluation of this management model should be evaluated as future researches.
Accident Prevention
Accidents, Occupational
Cluster Analysis
Occupational Injuries
10.Typology of ROII Patterns on Cluster Analysis in Korean Enterprises.
Young Sun KIM ; Oh Jun KWON ; Ki Sik KIM ; Kyung Yong RHEE
Safety and Health at Work 2012;3(4):278-286
OBJECTIVES: Authors investigated the pattern of the rate of occupational injuries and illnesses (ROII) at the level of enterprises in order to build a network for exchange of experience and knowledge, which would contribute to workers' safety and health through safety climate of workplace. METHODS: Occupational accidents were analyzed at the manufacturing work site unit. A two step clustering process for the past patterns regarding the ROII from 2001 to 2009 was investigated. The ROII patterns were categorized based on regression analysis and the patterns were further divided according to the subtle changes with Mahalanobis distance and Ward's linkage. RESULTS: The first clustering of ROII through regression analysis showed 5 different functions; 29 work sites of the linear function, 50 sites of the quadratic function, 95 sites of the logarithm function, 62 sites of the exponential function, and 54 sites of the sine function. Fourteen clusters were created in the second clustering. There were 3 clusters in each function categorized in the first clustering except for sine function. Each cluster consisted of the work sites with similar ROII patterns, which had unique characteristics. CONCLUSION: The five different patterns of ROII suggest that tailored management activities should be applied to every work site. Based on these differences, the authors selected exemplary work sites and built a network to help the work sites to share information on safety climate and accident prevention measures. The causes of different patterns of ROII, building network and evaluation of this management model should be evaluated as future researches.
Accident Prevention
Accidents, Occupational
Cluster Analysis
Occupational Injuries