Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have great value in healthcare, as they enhance healthcare quality, decrease
costs, optimize patient safety and health care research. Worldwide and particularly in the Middle Eastern countries
have pushed for usage and implement EMR systems. However, there were some obstacles and challenges toward
implementation of the EMR system. This review aims to look at the challenges and constraints of using and adopting
EMR in Middle Eastern countries. Electronic databases of PubMed, country reports, newspaper, magazine articles,
and hospital reports between 2008 to 2021 were used. Most common challenges highlighted were high cost of EMR
implementation, lack of training, insufficient information technology personnel support, poor acceptance of new
technology, confidentiality, and privacy concerns. Understanding the hurdles of using EMR technology in health
care setting is essential for decision makers to focus on economic and human factors challenges to enhance the use
and acceptance of EMR systems.