1.A rare case of large sphenoethmoidal osteoma
Nazli Zainuddin ; Abdul Fattah Abdul Wahab
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(1):60-61
Osteoma is the most common benign tumour of the nose
and paranasal sinuses. However, involvement of the
sphenoid sinus by osteoma is rare. Most of the time,
patients with paranasal sinus osteoma are asymptomatic.
However, symptoms may present, depending on the location
and extension of the tumour. We report a case of a patient
with sphenoethmoidal osteoma found incidentally on
imaging, with evidence of impingement onto the optic nerve
at the optic canal. However, the patient was asymptomatic.
He was surgically treated using the endoscopic transnasal
Sphenoid Sinus
2.Tympanometric Normative Data for Malay Pre-schoolers
Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab ; Norashikin Chahed
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2010;8(1):13-18
This study was conducted to obtain tympanometric normative data for Malay preschoolers and compare them between
genders. Non-pathological factors such as age, gender and ethnicity may influence tympanometric normative data.
Guidelines for middle ear screening by American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) are based on Caucasian
children population and may not be applicable to Malay children population. The tympanometric parameters measured
were peak compensated static acoustic admitan (peak Ytm), volume ear canal (Vea) and tympanometric width (TW). Onehundred and sixty-one Malay pre-schoolers (eighty boys and eighty-one girls) participated in this study. However only fourty-five boys and fourty-six girls (163 out of 182 ears) had fulfilled the study inclusion criteria which include normal otoscopic findings, pass hearing screening and presence of ipsilateral acoustic reflex at 1000 Hz. Two-way Mixed ANOVA to compare the mean tympanometric parameters of boys and girls showed no significant difference for the mean peak Ytm ( p > 0.05), mean Vea [( p > 0.05), mean TW (p > 0.05). Thus data from the two groups were combined. Overall, the mean peak Ytm was 0.55 ± 0.28 mmhos, mean Vea was 0.90 ± 0.40 cm3, and mean TW was 104.68 ± 32.08 daPa. The 90th percentile values for peak Ytm, Vea and TW were 0.27 to 1.18 mmhos, 0.45 to 1.65 cm3 and 59.60 to 149.80 daPa consecutively.
This current study suggests that the data obtained are applicable to Malay preschoolers but gender-specific norms are not necessary. Application of each value of TW > 200 daPa and Vea > 1.0 cm3 by ASHA on Malay preschoolers will cause under referral rate and over-referral rate consecutively.
3.Helminthiasis among Indian Preschoolers from Urban Areas in Penang
Vikneswaran Sabramani ; Halim Ismail ; Asrul Abdul Wahab
International Journal of Public Health Research 2015;5(2):584-591
Helminthiasis is a common parasitic condition particularly among children in rural areas in developing countries where poor hygiene standard is practiced. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of helminthiasis among Indian preschoolers in urban areas in Penang and its associated factors. A total of 194 urban Indian preschoolers aged 4 to 6 years old were selected randomly from 11 kindergartens in the state of Penang for this cross sectional study. Data collection was carried out in 2 phases. First, microscopic stool examinations were done to examine the presence of helminths. Second, self administered questionnaires which inquired about human, environment and socioeconomic factors were completed by the parents/guardians. The overall prevalence of helminthiasis was 7.2% and the most frequently encountered infective agent was Ascaris lumbricoides (57.1%) and followed by the tapeworms (42.86%). The logistic regression indicated that habitual thumb sucking (AOR= 5.6. 95%CI: 1.73-18.39) and families owning domestic pets (AOR= 3.2; 95%CI: 1.03-10.14) were the significant contributing factors to helminthiasis among the Indian pre-schoolers in urban Penang. Although the prevalence of helminth infection among the urban Indian preschoolers is lower than rural area, it is still a public health concern. Children habitual thumb sucking and rearing domestic pets at home were the significant contributing factors in helminthiasis. Prevention strategy should focus on health education and promotion among adults and children, awareness on domestic animal hygiene and maintaining good environmental sanitation. Multi agency collaboration is clearly essential, especially between state health, education and veterinary departments in curbing this disease.
4.Screening for thalassaemia among group of students of a higher institution – our experience
Norlelawati AT ; Abdul Wahab J ; Naznin M
The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2011;10(1):3-6
Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder and is a significant public health alarm in Malaysia
with many not knowing they are carriers of this haemoglobin disorders. Materials and methods: This study
conducted a one off collection of blood samples from 72 Malays students of International Islamic University
Malaysia (IIUM) in Kuantan. Blood samples were subjected to conventional haemoglobin analyses that include
full blood count and picture, HPLC, Haemoglobin electrophoresis and H-inclusion test. All samples were also
genotyped for alpha thalassaemia–1 of Southeast Asia (a-Thal1SEA). Result: There were 17(23.6%) students
who were diagnosed as thalassaemia carriers. Out of this, four (5.5 %) and six (8.3 %) students were presumptive
β-thalassaemia trait and Haemoglobin-E trait as determined by the HPLC assay respectively. Nine
(12.5%) students were genotyped a-Thal1SEA among whom two were also β-thalassaemia carriers. All thalassaemia
cases had MCH of < 27pg. Nonetheless, two out of six Haemoglobin-E trait and three out of nine
a-Thal1SEA carrier had MCV value of >80fL. Two out of four (50%) presumptive β -thalassaemia trait and one
out of six (17%) students of presumptive Haemoglobin-E trait had family history of thalassaemia respectively.
Conclusion: The high occurrence of the three common types of thalassaemia carrier (β, Hb-E and a-Thal1SEA
thalassaemia) in our small group of subjects could be due to better participation of students who had family
history of thalassaemia. The study reaffirmed the importance of molecular study for detection of alpha-thalassaemia
and the use of MCH value of <27pg rather than MCV value of < 80fL for prediction of thalassaemia.
5.Electro-navigational bronchoscopy for bilateral peripheral lung lesions: A case report
Mohamed Faisal Abdul Hamid ; Sopian Abdul Wahab ; Tidi Hassan
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(4):241-243
Electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy (ENB), one of
the methods of navigational bronchoscopy is an advanced
diagnostic tool allowing tissue sampling at the lung
peripheries which were previously accessible only by
computed tomography (CT) guidance or video-assisted
thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). We report a 53-year-old man
who presented with a cough and dyspnea with
constitutional symptoms for one month. CT thorax revealed
multiple bilateral peripheral lung nodules and there were no
endobronchial lesions on flexible bronchoscopy. ENB was
performed using a loan machine from Veran navigational
technology. Biopsy successfully revealed small cell
carcinoma of the lung thus preventing him from undergoing
a more invasive diagnostic procedure. This case highlights
the utility of ENB in the evaluation of peripheral lung
nodules that were inaccessible by conventional
bronchoscopy. This is one of the first few successful
applications of Veran ENB in Asia.
6.Presence of faecal coliforms and selected heavy metals in ice cubes from food outlets in Taman Universiti, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Mahat, N.A., Meor Ahmad, Z., Abdul Wahab, R.
Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(3):471-477
Consumption of iced beverages is common in Malaysia although specific research
focusing on its safety parameters such as presence of faecal coliforms and heavy metal
elements remains scarce. A study conducted in Kelantan indicated that faecal coliforms
were detected in the majority of the ice cube samples analyzed, largely attributable to
improper handling. Hence, it was found pertinent to conduct similar study in other parts of the
country such as Johor Bahru if the similar pattern prevailed. Therefore, this present crosssectional
study which randomly sampled ice cubes from 30 permanent food outlets in Taman
Universiti, Johor Bahru for detecting contamination by faecal coliforms and selected heavy
metal elements (lead, copper, manganese and zinc) acquires significance. Faecal coliforms
were detected in 11 (36.67%) of the samples, ranging between 1 CFU/100 mL to > 50 CFU/100
mL; two of the samples were grossly contaminated (>50 CFU/100 mL). Interestingly, while
positive detection of lead was observed in 29 of the 30 ice cube samples (mean: 0.511±0.105
ppm; range: 0.489-0.674 ppm), copper, manganese and zinc were not detected. In addition,
analysis on commercially bottled mineral water as well as in tap water samples did not detect
such contaminations. Therefore, it appears that (1) contamination of faecal coliforms in ice
cubes in food outlets in Malaysia may not be sporadic in pattern but rather prevalent and (2)
the source of water used for manufacturing the ice cubes that contained significant amount
of lead would suggest that (3) it was neither originated from the treated tap water supply nor
bottled mineral water or (4) perhaps contaminated during manufacturing process. Further
studies exploring the source of water used for manufacturing these ice cubes as well as the
handling process among food operators deserve consideration.
7.Disseminated strongyloidiasis in an immunocompromised host:A case report
Hassanudin Suhaiza Nurul ; Wahab Abdul Zubaidah ; Ibrahim Khalid
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2017;7(6):587-590
Infections caused by Strongyloides stercoralis (S. stercoralis) in human are generally asymptomatic, however in immunocompromised individual, hyperinfection may develop with dissemination of larvae to extra-intestinal organs. The diagnosis could be easily missed due to asymptomatic presentation and insufficient exposure towards the infection itself, which may lead to low index of suspicion as a consequence. In this report, a case of a Malaysian male with underlying diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cerebrovascular ac-cident, bullous pemphigus and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion who initially complained of generalized body weakness and poor appetite without any history suggestive of sepsis is presented. However, he developed septicemic shock later, and S. stercoralis larvae was incidentally found in the tracheal aspirate that was sent to look for acid fast bacilli. Regardless of aggressive resuscitation, the patient succumbed due to pulmonary hemorrhage and acute respiratory distress syndrome. It was revealed that the current case has alarmed us via incidental finding of S. stercoralis larvae in the tracheal aspirate, indicating that the importance of the disease should be emphasized in certain parts of the world and population respectively.
8.Spermatogonial Stem Cells Protein Identification in In Vitro Culture from Non- Obstructive Azoospermia Patient
Azantee Yazmie Abdul Wahab ; Muhammad Lokman Md. Isa ; Roszaman Ramli
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(3):40-48
Background: Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are classified as a unique adult stem cells that have capability to propagate, differentiate, and transmit genetic information to the next generation. Studies on human SSCs may help resolve male infertility problems, especially in azoospermia patients. Therefore, this study aims to propagate SSCs in-vitro with a presence of growth factor and detect SSC-specific protein cell surface markers. Methods: The sample was derived from non-obstructive azoospermic (NOA) patient. The disassociation of SSCs was done using trypsin. Specific cultures in serum-free media with added basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were developed to support self-renewal division. This undifferentiated protocol was performed for 49 days. Cells were analysed on days 1, 7, 14, 21, and 49. Results: Human SSCs began to aggregate and form colonies after 14 to 21 days in specific culture. Then, the cells were successful expanded and remained stable for a duration of 49 days. Four specifics markers were identified using immunofluorescence in SSCs on day 49: ITGα6, ITGβ1, CD9, and GFRα1. Conclusion: This approach of using in vitro culture with additional growth factor is able to propagate SSCs from non-obstructive azoospermia patient via detection of protein cell surface markers.
9.Identification and characterization of Raoutella ornithilolytica and determination of its herbicide 2,2-dichloropropionate (2,2-DCP) degradation potential
Rajabpour Niknam M ; Huyop F ; Abdul Wahab R
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2014;10(4):249-254
Aims: The goal of the study is to isolate new bacteria species which are capable to utilizing 2,2-dichlropropionic acid (2-
2-DCP) as a sole carbon source from the wastewater sample that was taken from Tioman Island off the coast of
Methodology and results: Genomic DNA from unknown bacterial strain (MR1) was extracted and PCR amplification
was carried out using universal primers, Fd1 (5’-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGGCTC AG-3’) and rP1 (5’-ACG GTC ATA CCT
TGT TAC GAC TT-3’) prior to sequencing. The BLASTn and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA of the MR1 gene
found it shares a 95% homology to an aerobic bacillus Raoutella ornithilolytica. The bacteria which is usually found in an
aquatic and hospital environment was found to possess a distinctive feature of being able to utilize 2,2-DCP as sole
carbon source. The bacteria has cell doubling time of 23.11 h and maximum release of chloride ion at 0.257 mmol/L in
20 mM 2,2-DCP. Based on morphological and partial biochemical characteristics, the strain was found to be non-motile,
Gram negative bacteria with red colonies that gave a positive catalase reaction.
Conclusion, significance and impact of study: A better understanding of newly isolated microorganisms from the
environment which can potentially be used as bioremediation tools in environmental management. This is the first
reported case of Raoutella sp. that has the unique ability to degrade halogenated compound. Hence, the dehalogenation
properties and capabilities of the bacteria deserve to be assessed further.
10.Isolation and identification of bacteria isolated from ruminant animal waste that able to degrade 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (2,2-DCP)
Siti Nurul Fasehah Ismail ; Roswanira Abdul Wahab ; Fahrul Huyop
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2016;12(2):155-163
Aims: A 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (2,2-DCP) naturally degrading bacterial species, strain SN1 was successfully
isolated from cow dung capable of utilizing the substance as the sole carbon source and energy.
Methodology and results: Strain SN1 was preferred over other strains (SN2, SN3 and SN4) following observations on
its rapid growth in 20 mM 2,2-DCP liquid minimal media. Since strain SN1 clearly exhibited tolerance towards 2,2-DCP,
its growth in various concentrations (10 mM, 20 mM, 30 mM and 40 mM) of the substance was evaluated. The study
found the bacteria grew particularly well in 20 mM 2,2-DCP with the highest chloride release of 39.5 µmole Cl-
/mL while
exhibiting a remarkably short doubling time of 3.85 h. In view of such notable characteristics, species identification via
Biolog GEN III system and 16S rRNA analysis was performed and established strain SN1 as Bacillus cereus.
Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Considering the rapid growth of B. cereus strain SN1 in such medium,
its employment as a bioremediation agent to treat 2,2-DCP contaminated soils may prove beneficial. Moreover, this is
the first reported case of a Bacillus sp. isolated from cow dung capable of utilizing 2,2-DCP. Therefore, further
assessment into its ability to degrade other types of haloalkanoic acids merit special consideration.
Bacillus cereus