1.A study of spinal mineral assessment using quantitative computed tomography
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1986;22(5):836-847
For determination of reliability and clinical applicability of spinal mineral content assessed by quantitativeCT, the basic experiment was undertaken to assure the correlation of CT numbers of calibration material withinphantom and human vertebral specimen. And the analytical study of mineral contents assessed by whole body CT in 208 normal persons was performed at Pusan Natinal University Hospital for these last two years. The resultsobtained were summarized as follows: 1. The concentration of solution of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate had a highcorrelation with CT number with correlatin coefficient of 0.99. 2. in experimental study, the method fordetermining the mid-vertebral line in lateral scout view showed the precision of 1.4%(coefficient of variation).3. Short term precision test for mineral content of spine specimens showed 1.9%(coefficient of variation) and longterm precision test showed 2.4%(coefficient of variation). 4. Mean mineral content of lumber spines in normal malewas 139.0±35.70mg K2,HPO4/cm3, and the highest value was 167.3±22.96mg K2 HPO4/cm3 in the age range of 20–29years. With increasing age, there was a gradual loss of mineral. so that by age 70 the mineral content was reducedto 85.2±19.95mg K2 HPO4/cm3. 5. Mean minearal content of lumbar spines in normal female was 128.7±41.87mg k2HPO4/cm3. the highest value was 169.5±20.46mg/ K2 HPO4.cm3 in second decade. There was gradual decrease inmineral content to 62.2±25.45mg K2 HPO4/cm3 by 70 years of age. 6. From 40's of age the average mineal content ofspine was decreased by 70's, the mineral content in normal women was reduced by 62%, and that in normal men by 47%. 7. After 40's in women, the mineral content of spine was markedly reduced, and the level of mineral contentin women was lower than in men.
2.Immunohistochemical Study of E-cadherin Expression in Gastric Adenocarcinomas.
Jee Yeon KIM ; Mee Young SOL ; Sun Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1997;31(8):745-753
E-cadherin (ECD) is a Ca++ -dependent adhesion molecule which plays a major role in the maintenance of intercellular adhesion in epithelial tissues. The expression pattern of ECD in 77 surgically resected gastric adenocarcinomas was examined by immunohistochemistry, using a rat monoclonal antibody raised against murine E-cadherin (DECAM-1). ECD was strongly expressed uniformly at cell to cell borders in normal gastric epithelium without exception. But, various staining patterns were observed in the cancer tissues. The frequency of tumors with preserved ECD expression (Pre-type) and reduced ECD expression (Rd-type) was 44% and 56%, respectively. Using Lauren's classification, the high frequency of the Pre-type expression in adenocarcinoma of the intestinal type was significantly higher than that in adenocarcinoma of the diffuse type (p<0.05). But, no significant correlation between the ECD expression and the gross type, invasion depth, growth pattern or metastasis was observed. These results suggest that ECD might play a key role in the morphogenesis of gastric adenocarcinoma.
Neoplasm Metastasis
3.The Effects of Immunosuppressant and Immunostimulant on the Splenic Cell Subset of Rats Having Undergone Experimentally Induced Septal Fibrosis of Liver.
Mee Young SOL ; Joon Yeon KIM ; Sun Kyoung LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1995;29(5):572-583
Although there have been many reports about the importance of the spleen's role in hepatic fibrogenesis, the exact mechanism is still uncertain. The author designed this study to evaluate splenic function on hepatic fibrogenesis. The degree of hepatic fibrosis and the population of splenocyte subsets were studied in the experimental animal model with fibrosis produced by injecting normal swine serum intra-peritoneally into Sprague-Dawley rats. The animals were divided into three groups; group A was subjected to injection of swine serum only, group B swine serum and complete Freund's adjuvant and group C swine serum and cyclosporin A. The experimental hepatic fibrogenesis by swine serum was augumented by coinjection with the adjuvant and inhibited by cyclosporin A. The study of the splenocyte subset revealed increased percentages of spienic B cell and CD4+ cell and a decreased percentage of CD8+ cell, and these changes of splenocyte subset were also augumented by the adjuvant and inhibited by cyclosporin A. The percent of monocytes was not significantly altered, although a tendancy of early decrease by the adjuvant was noted.
4.A roentgenographic study of the posterior urethral injury associated with pelvic bone fracture in male
Sang Suk HAN ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1983;19(1):217-223
The author analyzed detailed pattern of pelvic bone fracture in 52 cases of posterior urethral injuryassociated with pelvic bone fracture in male. The relationship between fracture and urethral injury was reviewed n38 cases who received retrograde urethrography at the time of injury. The pattern of urethral injury due to pelvicbone fracture was newly classified. The results were as follows; 1. In age distribution, the most common was 5thdecade(26.9%). 2. The most freqent type of pelvic rami fracture was two rami fracture(52%). 3. There was no casewith only the superior ramus fracture, and all cases were associated with inferior ramus fracture with or withoutsuperior ramus fracture. 4. In inferior ramus fracture, the ratio of ischial ramus fracture to pubic ramusfracture was 46.1:17.4. 5. In cases with only the ischial ramus or pubic ramus fracture, unilateral fractureexceeded bilateral fracture(44.2:19.3). 6. The bladder rupture was found in 10 among the total 52 cases, 9 ofwhich were associated with superior ramus fracture, and 8 were extraperitoneal type. 7. The most common type ofurethral injury was Type III(73.7%), and followed by Type II(10.5%), Type I(7.9%), and Type IV(7.9%). 8. Theseresults strongly suggested that the superior ramus frature was related to bladder rupture, and inferior ramusfracture to urethral injury.
Age Distribution
Pelvic Bones
Urinary Bladder
5.CT findings of orbital pseudotumor.
Min Yun CHOI ; Sang Hwa NAM ; Kun Il KIM ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1992;28(3):327-331
To evaluate characteristic CT findings of orbital pseudotumor and to define differentialpoints from other pathology, the authors retrospectively reviewed CT of 19 patients who were prooen to have orbital pseudotumor by clinical course and, in some cases, biopsy. A variety of CT findings including extraocular muscle thickening(11 cases), streaky infiltration of retroorbital fat(11 cases), mass formation(10 cases), optic nerve thickening (6 cases), conjunctival thickening (5 cases), scleral thickening(4cases), enlarged lacrimal gland(4 cases) and destruction of orbital bone (2 cases) were observed. Thickening of the anterior portion and irregular margin were characteristic findings of extraocular muscle and optic nerve lesions. Mass formation predominantly occurs in the anterior portion of the orbit. In most cases more than two orbital structures are involved by lesion.
Optic Nerve
Orbital Pseudotumor*
Retrospective Studies
6.A Study on Serum Total Bile Acid in Patients with Various Liver Diseases.
Mee Young SOL ; Jun Yeon KIM ; Eun Yup LEE ; Soon Ho KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):37-44
For the purpose to define the clinical usefulness of fasting serum total bile acid, the authors carried out to measure the serum total bile acid in 18 cases of acute hepatitis, 10 cases of chronic active hepatitis, 21 cases of liver cirrhosis, 7 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma and 35 cases of adult healthy control. Diagnosis were confirmed histopathologically in all the patients. Blood samples were obtained usually in the morning before meals from th anterior cubital vein of all the patients and adult healthy control in Pusan National University Hospital during the periods from January to August, 1984. Total bile acid was measured fluorome cally by means of an enzymatic technique. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The mean value of serum total bile acid in adult healthy subject in fasting was 2.6+/-2.3 umol/L. 2) The mean values of serum total bile acid were significantly higher in the patients with various liver diseases, as compared with those in adult healthy subjects. 3) In acute hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis, the percentages of abnormal values were significantly higher or tended to be higher in total bile acid, as compared with those in total bilirubin, ALP, LDH and GGT activity and tended to be lower in total bile acid, as compared with those in AST and ALT activity. 4) In liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, the percentages of abnormal values of total bile acid were significantly higher in the patients with above 100IU/L of AST activity, compared with those in the patients with 50~100IU/L of AST activity. 5) Total bile acid showed a significant correlation with total bilirubin and ALP in acute hepatitis, with total bilirubin in chronic active hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and with ALP in liver cirrhosis. On the basis of the results obtained, it was suggested the measurement of serum total bile acid is clinically a highly sensitive, useful test in diagnosis of various liver diseases.
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
7.Value of functional myelography with both lateral bending anterior-posterior views in lumbar radiculopathy.
Young Joon LEE ; Jong Yeon PARK ; Kun Il KIM ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1993;29(4):678-686
There are considerable discrepacies between clinical symptoms and imaging diagnosis in the localization of the responsible radiculopathy. The purposes of this study are to analyzed the dynamic alteration of contrast filling of the spinal nerve sleeves during positional changes and to determine how the abnormalities of nerve sleeves no lateral bending A-P views correlate with sciatica. The criteria indicationg the root abnormality in functional myelography were (1) bad filling of ipsilateral root to sciatica and (2) good filling of contralateral root compared with those in neutral A-P view. Of total 77 patients, 67 had radiculopathy and 10 had no radiculopathy. In 23 (34.3%) of 67 patients with radiculopathy and 6 (60%) of 10 patients with no radiculopathy, their clinical symptoms well correlated with conventional myelographic findings. However, in 35 (52.2%) of 67 patients with radiculopathy and 6(60%) of 10 patients with no radiculopathy, their symptoms well correlated with functional myelographic findings. This study suggests that the functional myelogaphy using both lateral bending A-P views can be used as a complementary tool in the evaluation of the radiculopathy.
Spinal Nerves
8.Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography Guided by Ultrasound
Jin Gyoo KIM ; Chun Phil CHUNG ; Suk Hong LEE ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1985;21(1):167-175
The authors performed percutaneous antegrade pyelography guided by ultrasound on 33 patients, from J une 1982 to October 1984, at the department of radiology, Busan National University Hospital. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Of the 31 cases,17 cases (5 1.5%) were female and 16 cases (48.5 %)were male,and age distribution was nearly even, but most prevalent age group was third decade. 2. Comparing intravenous pyelographic findings with ultrasonographic findings, pyelographically non. visualized kidney 15 cases (45 .5%) were hydronephrosis 12 cases, multiple cysts 2 cases, and intrarenal cystic mass 1 case, ultrasonographically. Pyelographically hydronephrosis 9 cases (27.3%) were all hydronephrosis, ultrasonographically. Intrarenal mass 5 cases (15.2%) were all intrarenal cystic mass, NVK with air in kidney 1 case (3.0%) was air in perirenal space, partial NVK 1 case (3.0%) was per. irenal fluid , suprarenal mass 1 case (3 .0%) was suprarenal intrarenal and huge perirenal cystic masses, ultraso nograp h ically. 3. On technical reliability of antegrade pyelography under ultrasound gUide, 31 cases (93 .9%) could be done fluid aspiration and visualization, and 2 cases (6.1 %) could be only done fluid aspiration but failed visualization . 31 successful cases were visualization of collecting systems 23 cases, visualization of cyst 6 cases, i!nd visualization of perirenal space 2 cases. 2 partial successful cases were perirenal injection 1 case and parenchymal injection 1 case. 4. On fluid aspiration, 22 cases (66.7%) were clear, but 11 cases (33.3%) were not clear, which were pus 7 cases, turbid urine 2 cases, bloody urine 1 case, and bloody pus and air 1 case. 5. Comparing ultrasonographic findings with antegrade pyelographic findings, ultrasonographically hydronephrosis 21 cases revealed obstruction in 16 cases, antegrade pyelographically, which were consisted of ureteral stricture 14 cases, ureteral stone 1 case, and ureteral mass 1 case, non-obstruction in 4 cases, which were consisted of pyonephrosis 2 cases, posterior urethral valve 1 case, and megaureter 1 case, and other 1 case was visualization failure. Ultrasonographically intrarenal cystic mass 6 cases were simple renal cyst 4 cases, and infected renal cyst 2 cases, antegrade pyelographically. Multiple cysts 2 cases were lobulated huge renal cyst 1 case, and visualization failure 1 case, which was multi.cystic kidney. Air in perirenal space 1 case was emphysematous pyelone. phritis, suprarenal cystic mass 1 case was complete duplication with ectopic ureteral orifice, perirenal fluid 1 case due to kidney fracture was perirenal fluid , and intrarenal and perirenal cystic mass was per irenal abscess, antegrade pyelographically. 6. On ana lysis of anteg rade pyelography result as next diagnostic step of ultrasound, 31 successful cases were 27 conclusive diagnostic cases (87.1%), and 4 heplful diagnostic cases (12.9%) with percutaneous antegrade pyelography guided by ultrasound . 7. Antegrade pyelography provides significant diagnostic information on the nature of the obstructive lesion and can be performed as an adjunct to retrograde study or as an alterative to a pyelogram. 8. Ultrasonographic examination could be performed easiJy in diagnosis of renal and perirenal diseases as non.invasive method without risk of radiation hazard , and was not influenced by renal function. 9. Ultrasound is considered a most advantageous aid to the performance of antegrade pyelography and has yie lded valuab le diagnostic information in patients with obstructive hydronephrosis.
Age Distribution
Constriction, Pathologic
United Nations
9.Characterization of Odontoblasts in Supernumerary Tooth-derivedDental Pulp Stem Cells between Passages by Real-Time PCR
Sangeun JI ; Sol SONG ; Joonhaeng LEE ; Jongbin KIM ; Jongsoo KIM
Journal of Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2021;48(3):291-301
The aim of this study is to compare the properties of odontoblast gene of early passage cells and late passage cells derived from impacted maxillary supernumerary teeth.
Impacted supernumerary teeth with maxilla were extracted from 12 patients (8 males, 4 females) between 6 - 9 years old without medical history. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted to compare characterization of odontoblast cell in the 3rd and 10th passage, and between with bone inducing additive group and without additive group. Genes for odontoblasts characteristics are osteonectin (ONT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OCN), dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP-1) and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP).
The level of gene expression was in a decreasing order of ONT, ALP, OCN, DMP-1 and DSPP in the 3rd passage, and in decreasing order of ONT, DMP-1, OCN, ALP, and DSPP in the 10th passage in the undifferentiation and differentiation group. The order of ONT, DMP-1, and OCN did not changed. ALP and DMP-1 were switched in order.
ALP and DMP-1 may be used as important markers for differentiating between the 3rd passage and 10th passage cells.
Considering that supernumerary tooth was extracted young age and the time required to cultured 10th passage was short, supernumerary tooth can be considered a useful donor site of dental pulp stem cells.
10.MRI findings of cryptococcal infection of CNS: The long term follow-up: case report.
Min Yun CHOI ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Chun Phil JUNG ; Byung Soo KIM ; Beung Ho PARK
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1993;29(4):693-697
Authors presented the serial changes of brain MRI findings in two cases of cryptococcal meningitis. The MRI findings of the first patient (53-year-old female) consisted of dilated Virchow-Robin spaces, leptomeningeal enhancement, cryptococcomas and hydrocephalus. Dilated Virchow-Robin spaces were noted on the first MR obtained 33 days after symptom onset. The size and number of dilated Virchow-Robin space gradually decreased since 119 days after symptom onset (62 days after treatment). Faint leptomeningeal enhancement was found at cerebellar region on the first MRI, which became more distinct and intense on the day 119, probably due to improper treatment. The leptomeningeal enhancement decreased on the day 156. Mild hydrocephalus was noted on MRI obtained 70 days after symptom onset, which markedly aggravated on the day 119. It decreased after steroid therapy alone. Enhancing crytococcomas of variable size were noted at the right temporal lobe and cerebellum on MRI of the day 119, which decreased in size and number on the day 156. On the day 295 MRI showed nearly disppearance of the dilated Virchow-Robin space, but faint leptomeningeal enhancement, cerebellar crytococcomas and hydrocephalus still remained. The MRI findings of the second patient (36-year-old female) showed the findings similar to those of the first patient. Initial MRI obtained 18 days after symptom onset showed no abnormal findings. Dilated Virchow-robin spaces were noted on the day 36 (13 days after treatment onset), which nearly disappeared on the day 109. Enhancing cryptococcomas in both basal ganglia and cerebral cortex and leptomeningeal enhancement were noted on MRI of the day 136. Both cryptococcomas and leptomeningeal enhancement decreased in size and enhancing degree on the day 157. Hydrocephalus was noted on the day 109.
Basal Ganglia
Cerebral Cortex
Follow-Up Studies*
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*
Meningitis, Cryptococcal
Temporal Lobe