1.Studies on Amphistoma in Korean cattle.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1972;10(1):34-43
The present studies were done to determine the prevalence of Paramphistoma in Korean cattle. Material have been collected by authors at the slaughter house of Pusan in Korea from February to July of 1966. The fixing solution used were 10 percent formaline, Carnoy-solution, Zinker and Bouin solution for total worm body preparation. The staining was done with acetocarmine and Delafild's Hematoxylin for total preparation and double Hematoxylin-Eosin staining for microscopical section slides. The following results were obtained: The authors have identified six species of Amphistoma from Korean cattle, and these are Paramphistoma orthocoelium, P. cervi, P. explanatum, P. gotoi, Gastrothylax elongatus and Gastrothylax cobblodi. The prevalence status is as follow: Paramphistoma orthoceolium and Gastrothylax elongatus are very common and Paramphistoma cervi, Paramphistoma explanatum are rather common, but Paramphistoma gotoi and Gastrothylax cobblodi are very rare in Korean cattle.
Paramphistoma orthoceolium
Gastrothylax elongatus
Paramphistoma gotoi
Gastrothylax cobblodi
Paramphistoma explanatum
Paramphistoma cervi
Zinker solution
Bouin solution
2.Causes of Burn and Emergency Care on the Spot for the Patients Admitted to Three Hospitals in Taegu.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1988;21(2):238-244
This study was conducted to investigate the causes of burn and emergency cares taken on the spot for the burn patient. study population included 161 burn patients admitted to 2 university hospitals and 1 general hospital in Taegu from November 1, 1987 to April 30, 1988. Patients or guardians were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Out of 161 burn patients 111(69.8%) were males and 50(31.1%) females. Preschool children of 1-4 years old accounted for 29.8% of the total patients. Burns of children under 15 years of age took place at home in 91.0%, while 48.3% of burns of adult (15 years and over) males occurred at the working place, and 68.0% of adult females occurred at the home. Out of total burns occurred at home 39.8% took place at kitchen/dining room and 24.1% in the room. The most common cause of burns in children was the boiling water or hot food (74.3%). In adults the common causes were electrical burn(22.4%), hot water or food(19.0%) and explosion(12.1%) for males, and hot water or food(32.0%) and explosion(20.0%) for females. Common emergency cares for the burn taken on the spot were undressing(64.6%), pouring Soju(liquor)(13.7%), and pouring cold water(5.0%). There were a few cases who applied ash, soy or salt. To prevent burn, it is recommended to remodel the traditional kitchen and coal-briquet hole, to strengthen the safety control of LP Gas and LN Gas supply, to educate the public for the handling method for such gases, to strengthen the occupational safety control, to improve the safety device for the electric wire and socket, and to limit the temperature of hot water at home and public baths.
Child, Preschool
Emergency Medical Services*
Hospitals, General
Hospitals, University
Occupational Health
Protective Devices
Surveys and Questionnaires
3.A case report of human thelaziasis.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1973;11(2):83-96
Authors were observing a case of infection with Thelazia callipaeda in Korean girl, on 11th Sep. in 1971. The case was 23 years old Korean girl who visited with the complaints of foreign body sensation and lacrimation in right eye. The worm had slender creamy white which was fixed in 10 percent formaline solution. The worm is 10.5mm in length, 0.5mm in body diameter. The oral end in provided with a chitinoid capsule. Esophagus moderately short, tail blunt, poserior extremity had a distinctly recurved. Spicules dissimilar, left spicule is 0.1mm in length, and right spicule is 0.08 mm in length.
parasitology-helminth-nematoda-Thelazia callipaeda
case report
4.Studies on glutamic pyruvic- and oxaloacetic transaminase of different organs of Ascaris lumbricoides suis.
Jung Kyun CHU ; Min Choo CHANG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1975;13(1):53-59
A Study on glutamic pyruvic and oxaloacetic transaminase of different organs(e.g intestine, seminal vesicle, reticular tissue, uterus, ovary, testes) in Ascaris lumbricoides suis have been investigated. The activity of transaminase were determined on the whole homogenates and subcellular fractions separated by differential centrifugation. The activity of glutamic pyruvic and oxaloacetic were assayed by colorimetric method of Reitman-Frankel. The results were obtained as follows: About ninty percent of the glutamic pyruvic and oxaloacetic transaminase in different organs was found to be localized in the supernatant fraction with the separation of differential centrifugation. And it was found that ten percent of glutamic pyruvic and oxaloacetic transaminase exists in the mitochondrial fraction. The specific activity of glutamic oxaloacetic transnaminase in different organs was relatively higher than the glutamic pyruvic transaminase activity.
Ascaris lumbricoides suis
glutamic pyruvic transaminase
oxaloacetic transaminase
seminal vesicle
reticular tissue
5.Cytochemical study on lipase and nucleic acid in Trichomonas vaginalis.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1975;13(1):47-52
Cytochemical demonstrations of lipase and nucleic acid in Trichomonas vaginalis were attempted. Modified Gomori tween method for lipase and acridine orange method for nucleic acid was applied. Trichomonas vaginalis incubated in the isolation mediurn (C.P.L.M.) were pooled and fixed using 0.1 N McIlvaine buffer saline and cold acetone for lipase and Walpole acetate buffer saline and acetic alcohol for nucleic acid. The results were obtained as follows: Activity of lipase and nucleic acid were recognized in the cytoplasm of T. vaginalis as scattered positive granules stained in blue yellow-green bright reddish color respectively. However these reactions were not shown in nucleus, nuclear membrane, undulating membrane etc. Present authos believe the negative finding of acridine orange staining in nucleus should be studied further.
parasitology-protozoa-Trichomonas vaginalis
nucleic acid
6.Histochemical studies on the relationship between the ascarides of man and pig..
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1963;1(1):15-21
The histochemical study, especially the demonstration of alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase was carried out in order to differentiate ascarides of human and pigs. The experimental material were obtained from naturally contaminated men and pigs. As the histochemical staining methods the Gomori's was applied for acid phosphatase and Takeuchi and Takami's for alkaline phosphatase. The results obtained were summerized as follows : In the pig's ascarides, alkaline phosphatase was richly found in the subcuticular tissue, lateral line, median line, strial zone and epithelial cells of the intestine, epithelial cell and basal membrane of the ovary, the same part of the uterus and also in eggs. Acid phosphatase in the pig's ascarides were distributed in the same part as alkaline phosphatase. It, however, was darker brown in the soft tissue of the lateral line, epithelium of excretory canal, median bundle, whole zone of the intestine and intestinal contents. In the human ascarides, the alkaline phosphatase was distributed in the testes and the parts where the acid phosphatase was found in the pig ascarides. The acid phosphatase in the human ascarides was demonstrated in the subcuticular tissue, soft tissue of lateral line, epithelium of excretory cells, strial zone, transparent zone, granular zone and epithelial zone of esophagus and intestine, ovary, ova in the uterus, epithelial cell and basal membrane of the uterus and in testes. In the pig's ascarides, the area of distribution of alkaline phosphatase was restricted, but that of acid phosphatase was wider. In human ascarides, the area of distribution of alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase was not significantly different, but in some part showed slight difference. Above mentioned finding suggest that the distribution of phosphatase could be utilized for the differentiation of ascarides of human and pig.
parasitology-helminth-nematode-Ascaris lumbricoides
Ascaris suum
alkaline phosphatase
acid phosphatase
7.Histochemical studies on Clonorchis sinensis The distribution of carbonic anhydrase.
Jung Kyun CHU ; Sung Moon HONG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1963;1(1):11-13
The authors carried out histochemical studies on Clonorchis sinensis, especially, histochemical demonstration of carbonic anhydrase activity. Kurada's method was applied for the histochemicl staining in this study. The result obtained were summerized as follows : Carbonic anhydrase activity was intensely positive in oral sucker cells, reticular tissue cells, epithelium of the intestine and testes, more or less intensely positive in vitelline gland cells and yolk of eggs as well.
Clonorchis sinensis
8.Taxonomical study on the Fascioloidae in Korea.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1967;5(3):139-146
In order to study species of the Fascioloidae in Korea, a series of morphological and taxonomical studies were carried out and the following results were obtained. Among the species of the Fascioloidae in Pusan area, intermediate form (F. indica?) were 70 percent, F. gigantica 25 percent and F. hepatica, 5 percent. None experimental, natural infective rate of the Fasciolosis was 3.3-3.4 percent among the cattles (Bos taurus var. domesticus) in Pusan area.
F. gigantica
F. hepatica
9.Bon Abscesses Treated by Bone Graft
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1973;8(2):151-158
We have treated three cases of bone abscesses, two in proximal tibia and one in os calcis, by radical excision and filling the remaining bone cavity with autogenous iliac bone graft. We have observed them postoperatively for one to six years. They have not shown any sign of recurrence and they are carrying out their normal daily activity without any restriction. Eventhough it is against the basic fundamental of surgery to lay bone grafts in an infected area, our treatment was successful. We believe that this was resulted from the administration of the broad spectrum antibiotics, complete excision of the diseased tissue, gentle handling of the tissue at the surgery, and relatively perfect postoperative care. When the remaining bone cavity after the surgery of the osteomyeIitis can not filled by the usual method such as muscle pedicle graft, especially in the proximal metaphyseo-epiphyseaI region of the tibia, fresh cancellous bone graft immediately after the radical excision, and primary closure of the operative wound may be tried. It seems that this method brings rapid and permanent heaIing of the chronic osteomyelitis. Thus the patient can leave hospital earlier, pays Iess expense, and returns to his work earlier.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Postoperative Care
Wounds and Injuries
10.Proximal Tibia Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Treatment of Genu Recurvatum after Ipsilateral Femoral Shaft Fracture
In Young OK ; In Tak CHU ; Jung Soo PARK
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1995;30(6):1718-1724
In 1988, a new fascioutaneous flap, the Lateral supramalleolar flap, was introduced by Masquelet and Roman. The flap is designed on the lower third of the aspect of leg, and supplied by a cutaneous branch from the perforating branch of the peroneal artery. This perforating branch continues distally deep to the fascia along the anterior ankle and into the foot. This can be use as either proximally based rotation flap or distally based reversed pedicle island flap giving the flap an arc of rotation that allows coverage of the dorsal, lateral and plantar aspects of the foot, the posterior heel and the lower medial portion of the leg. The authors have recently used this flap for 13 cases of foot and ankle soft tissue defect reconstruction and all the cases, except two partial marginal necrosis, good postoperative course. In our opinion, this flap is useful for reconstruction of foot and ankle soft tissue defect which does not need nerve innervation. The main advantages of the flap are as follows 1. It may be a rather large flap(15×9cm2 ). 2. The pedicle is long(8cm) and easy to dissect. 3. The pivot of the pedicle is distal(sinus tarsi) and allows great local possibilities of coverage. 4. It does not require the sacrifice of a main artery.