2.The overloading situation of some hospitals in Hanoi and the solutions to solve this problem
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(4):22-26
Retrospective study on the situation of over loading at Viet Duc Hospital, Saint Paul Hospital, Hanoi Gynaecology Hospital and Gia Lam District Hospital was carried out from 1999 to 2002. 400 inpatient medical records at internal medicine, surgical, gynecological, and pediatric departments; 100 specialistic medical records were studied; Patients were asked to answer Questionnaire; and officers of Hanoi Health Service and leaders of 4 hospitals were organized group discussions. Results: through 4 years all these hospitals have always been over loaded with both out patient and in patient. On average, 1 doctor has examined 25.5-33.5 patients a day. Over loading occurred frequently in some departments and in epidemic seasons. The causes might be both in hospital and out hospital leading to overloading. Authors also proposed some solutions to resolve this problem
3.Overload of hospitals and solutions
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;430(9):2-3
This paper introduced the causes of overload of hospital, including no implementation of compulsory management of the health and consultation as administrative and geographical division, bad implementation of technical distribution, improper policies of hospital bursar and disadvantages of market economy. It was difficult to prevent the overload of hospitals. Therefore, it should be strengthened by practicable solutions in which the health sector plays an important role.
4.Situation of consultation and treatment in communal health station in a distric at the Northern Delta
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):362-35
Results of investigation at 2 communes with 20 communal and village medical staff showed that 13/20 finished high school, 6/20 finished secondary school, 1 doctor, 10 druggists, none of obstetric-pediatric nurse. Among 30. 311 medical service users, the users finished secondary school account for 41.71%; finished primary school and high school were equally, accounting for 20% for each, over high school was 5.56%. The people chose different consulting places: using private health service was the highest (33.2%), in commune medical stations was 20.7%, to the upper health services was 18.8%, that's why the morbidity actually was higher than that compared with investigated numbers at communal health stations.
5.Primarily results of pilot consultation and treatment for patients with health insurance at commune health station in Sãc S¬n district, Hµ Néi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;430(9):13-16
A study was carried out persons with health insurance at 23 commune health station (CHS) in Sãc S¬n district during 7-12/2000. The result has shown that the rounds of consultation in a day was higher 5.3 times than this in B×nh D¬ng province and higher 4 times than this in the country. The average cost of a consultation was as half as this of district hospital. The cost of consultation in CHS accounted for a half of total cost of consultation at CHS and district hospital. There was no complication within duration of study. 80% of patients agreed this model of consultation. Total number of patients coming to district hospital and local general hospital were significantly reduced.
Insurance, Health
6.Some opinion on supply of solution for infusion in hospitals
Pharmaceutical Journal 2000;285(1):4-4
Today, the pharmaceutical departments of hospitals have still manufactured intravenous solution by backward equipments to use in hospital including the central hospitals. Therefore, the problem that using and supply the solutions, is anxiety of many person include health staffs and patients in areas when used such self supplied products.
Infusion Pumps
7.Establishing the formulation of 0.1% diclofenac eye drops
Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(12):17-20
Establishing the formulation of 0.1% diclofenac eye drops by making up solution and quantitative by High- Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Results: Natri diclofenac eye drop 0.1% mixing with phosphate buffer 0.05M get the most stability at pH=7.5. The percentage of propylene glycol and natrimetabisulfit in the formulation influenced significantly the stability of eye drop solution. The stability increased gradually if the rates of natri metabisulfit antioxygen are 0.1%; 0.2% and 0.3% or there was an increase of propylene glycol with the rate of 0%, 5% and 10%. This preparation is stable at least 5 months at temperature 50oC and protected from light. This preparation may be stable more than 20 months at room conditions 30oC and protected from light
Ophthalmic Solutions
8.optimization of tobramycine 0.3% ophthalmic formulation
Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;354(10):13-16
The factors selected as an independent variable to study included antioxidant dinatri EDTA and viscosity enhancers PVP. Value of pH and percent of remained tobramycine contents after 3 months with ageing at 500C compared with primary tobramycine were selected as a dependent variable. Experimental model was designed according to model of quadratic equation including 9 formulas. The relationship between independent variables X and dependent variables Y conformed to quadratic regressive equation. Base on preliminary formulas selected, Modde 5.0 software was used to trace experimentally and deal with the results. Optimal formula of tobramycine eye drop 0.3% had stableness over 3 months at 50oC and over 12 months at normal condition
Ophthalmic Solutions
9.Malaria situation in Daklak in early 2003 and proposed solutions
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):3-10
Malaria situation in DakLak province in the first 5 months of 2003 has increased highly and unstable. High morbidity of malaria is concentrated in five districts of DakLak province: DakRlap, DakNong, DakSong, M’dRak and DakMil. These are far, newly established districts with very difficult conditions of transport, economy and numerous problems caused by the illegal migration of population. The most of local inhabitants of mainly districts are protected by insecticide such as house spraying or bednet impregnation with covering 80-90%. The vector control method now is practiced better but these activities mainly aimed at protecting the local inhabitant clusters or stably settled people while ignored the new settlers and people who frequently stay overnight in the swidden fields
10.Malaria situation in some Vietnam-Lao border communes
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):11-18
Huong Hoa district of Quang Tri province is a high morbidity of malaria area, with 24% increased malaria cases than the same period of 2002. Due to: the mainly detection and treatment are passive methods, are not involved in commune and village health services. Protection method: 100% households were routinely protected by insecticide (house spraying or bednet impregnation), however, the local people were not alert to malaria can not prevent the contact betweens mosquito and people. The number of malaria cases in first 5 months of 2003 have been found to be increased compared to the same period of 2002. The number of cases in May has got higher than that in April