1.Men's Health: What Should We Know?.
The World Journal of Men's Health 2015;33(2):45-49
No abstract available.
Men's Health*
2.The Role of the Urologist in Men's Health.
The World Journal of Men's Health 2017;35(2):57-58
No abstract available.
Men's Health*
3.Semen features among men of infertile couples
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):38-40
Nowadays, there is high rate of infertile couples in population. For improving living quality, therefore some one has to take care of these couples. Infertility is defined as lack of conception after at list 12 months of unprotected intercourse. For investigating and diagnosing infertile couples, semen analysis is necessary. 446 semen samples in 420 male partners were analyzed we found that in infertile couples, 56% male partners had semen abnormality low motility 31.9%, oligospermia 16.43%, low viability 25.5%, teratozoospermia 14.05%, azoospermia 10.24%.
4.The World Journal of Men's Health Has Been Accepted for Coverage in Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded.
The World Journal of Men's Health 2017;35(3):133-133
No abstract available.
Men's Health*
5.Changing Men's Health: Leading the Future
The World Journal of Men's Health 2018;36(1):1-3
No abstract available.
Men's Health
6.Social - demographic and behavioral characteristics in men having sex with men in Ho Chi Minh city
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2004;14(4):82-86
A cross-sectional study was conducted in HCM City in April-May 2004 on 600 men who have sex with men (MSMs) in order to identify the risk factors of HIV transmission for elaborating a specific interventions . Results showed that a big group of MSM was constituted with a private service system. In this group, various high risk sex behaviors were practised : in average, sex buyer- 28,9%, sellers-36,5%, anal sex with male partners-2,7% in the last recent months, no more 60% of men using condom in sex relation; in the last 6 months a rather low rate in this group-16,6% using condom in sex relation with normal women, with a very low rate-26,3% often using condom. In this group, there were 1,7% using intravenous drug in the last 12 months
7.Impotentia among some communities in Vietnam plain
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):54-56
Regarless age, occupation, health conditions, property; married men living in the Commune An Lac, District of Chi Linh, Hai Duong Province; Hoang Tay, Kim Bang, Ha Nam province; Dong Thap provincial town and Hanoi No1 College of Agriculture, were included in this horizontal investigation with a form of questionary. Results were processed medical statistic. Among 746 married men of 18 years and elder age, represented of the South, the North, urban and rural areas, intelligency and plain working person, there is a rate of impotentia of 15.7%, with a frequency of intercourse of 3,1072,16 times weekly, immediately after the marriage. The mean age of impotentia is 40,889,48 (p<0.01). In 47,5% of men, there is a nocturnal pollution, this rate is 36,7% in impotentia patient, and the rate of wet dream is 10,8%
8.Prevalence of chlamydia infections in men and women with urethral and vaginal discharge syndromes at the Institute of Dermato-Venereology, Hanoi 2001
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2004;14(1):58-62
In 2001, 300 patients with urethral, vaginal discharge syndromes were tested at National Institute of Dermato-Venereology and detected 27 patients infected Chlamydia trachomatis (9%). Prevalence of Chlamydia infection was 11.49% among men and 5.55% among women. The most Chlamydia trachomatis-induced genital infections were people aged 21-40 (9%)
9.Investigating hypertension in civil servants of Thanh Nhan hospital and identifying some hypertension patient's complication
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;458(8):33-36
Investigate the rate of hypertension in 548 staffs of Thanh Nhan Hospital from May to July 2001, the results showed that hypertension is common disease in these subjects. Men experienced hypertension more than women. The rate of hypertension increased according to age, especially in people >50 years old. Risk factors are male, older, intellectual, family history of hypertension, no exercise, sleepless, drinking, smoking. Common complications of hypertension are disturbance cholesterol, glucose, ure... in blood, change in ECG and X-ray and on retinae
10.Laparoscopic repair of intraperitoneal bladder rupture: A case report
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2003;5():301-302
An intraperitoneal bladder rupture due to occupational injury in young male patient was described and treated. For management, the bladder perforated site was sewed endoscopically. Post-operatively, the condition was improved progressively, peritoneal drain was removed after 24 hours and patients was discharged in 8th day after removing urine catheter.
Urinary Bladder