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MeSH:( lipids)

1.Effects of Vietnamese green tea extract on lipid metabolism in rabit drinked cholesterol

Nguyen Thi Ha

Journal of Medical Research 2003;21(1):14-21

2.Study on the effects of the TT1 prescription in treating light and medium hypertension without blood lipid metabolic disorder

Pham Vu Khanh

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;517(8):74-77

3.Study on changes in serum lipid components in patients with primary hypertension

Trinh Duc Mau

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;483(7):24-27

4.The correlations between the lipid indices and serum protein, albumin concentrations in patients with nephritic syndrome

Hoang Tung Vinh

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(1):36-39

5.Lipaemia disorders in diabetes

To Van Hai

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2003;285(6):17-22

6.Study on the impacts of the TT2 prescription in treating hypertension in the patients with blood lipid metabolism disorder

Pham Vu Khanh

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;519(9):48-50

7.Contribution to the study on process of lipid peroxydation in cellular membran and modifications of some anti-oxydant enzymes during the storage process of erythrocytes

Tran Nhan Thang

Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(5):11-13

8.Study on the effect of small alcohol on lipid hydration and liposome formation.

Lihua JIANG ; Qiong WANG ; Ning HU ; Jun YANG

Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2022;39(1):112-119

9.Lipid metabolic disorders in type 2 diabetics

Luong Kim Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):20-23

10.Remarks on change and biochemical indices link the elderly with hypertension at An Hai District - Hai Phong

Dang Xuan Tin

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;304(11):151-157

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