1.The Effect of Topical Pilocarpine on Basic Tear Secretion.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2006;47(12):1895-1900
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of topical pilocarpine on basic tear secretion, using the Schirmer test. METHODS: The Schirmer test was performed in 22 eyes of 11 healthy volunteers before instillation and at 10, 20, and 30 minutes after instillation of 1% pilocarpine and in 22 eyes of 12 healthy volunteers before instillation and at 10, 20, and 30 minutes after instillation of 2% pilocarpine. As for control group, the Schirmer test was performed in 22 eyes of 11 healthy volunteers by the same method except with normal saline. RESULTS: The ratio of tear secretion was calculated by dividing the wet length of a Schirmer strip after instillation by the wet length before instillation for comparative analysis. In the control group, the mean ratio decreased with time to 0.78 at 10 minutes, 0.64 at 20 minutes, and 0.63 at 30 minutes after instillation of normal saline. In the 1% pilocarpine group, the mean ratio decreased with time, but there was no significant difference in comparison to the ratio of the control group. In the 2% pilocarpine group, the ratio increased significantly to 1.28 (p<0.001) at 10 minutes, 1.07 (p=0.002) at 20 minutes, and decreased to 0.63 (p=0.041) at 30 minutes after instillation. CONCLUSIONS: The basic tear secretion did not change significantly after instillation of 1% pilocarpine but increased significantly at 10 minutes after instillation of 2% pilocarpine to the highest level observed, which was followed by a decrease in basic tear secretion.
Healthy Volunteers
2.Preliminary Standardization of the Computerized Standard Progressive Matrices in Korean Adults.
Kyoo Seob HA ; Han Ik YOO ; Seong Yoon KIM ; Jae Jin KIM ; Kyung Sue HONG ; Chang Uk LEE ; Jun Soo KWON ; Min Sup SHIN ; Min Soo LEE ; Byung Hoon OH ; Byeong Kil YEON
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1999;38(5):1038-1046
OBJECTIVES: We conducted this study to provide standardized data of the computerized Standard Progressive Matirices(SPM)test in Korean adults. METHODS: The computerized SPM test was administered to 353 healthy volunteers aged 18 years over. We provided the standardized data(percentile and standardized T-scores)for the groups with similar mean and distribution of SPM scores, which was originally divided by age and sex. The validity of the new standardized data was tested by comparing IQs estimated by SPM and K-WAIS. RESULTS: The standardized SPM data were provided for four age groups: 18 to 30 years, 31 to 40 years, 41 to 50 years, 51 years and over. IQ estimated by this standardized data tends to be closer to IQ by K-WAIS than the IQ estimated by foreign normative data. CONCLUSION: The standardized data of the computerized SPM were proven to be a useful and valid tool for measuring IQ briefly, compared with the conventional way of measuring IQ.
Healthy Volunteers
3.The result of examination on the myelogram of 24 Vietnamese healthy people
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):25-26
To carry out examination on the myelogram of 24 Vietnamese healthy people (12 men and 12 women) from 30 to 50 old age. The myelogram was made from 0.5ml aspirated material sucked from the right posterior iliac spine. The results showed that: - Indices of bone marrow cells on this objects were same as that using recently. However, mean number of nucleated cells in bone marrow distance (59.28(16.69G/l) and in women it is higher that that of men. Percentage and absolute number of erythrocytic line and lymphocytic line are relatively high. - Mean number of mega karyocytes per one marrow film is 13.34(6.02 in women it is also higher than that of men. This index can be useful for quantitative analysis on the mega-karyocytic line.
Healthy People Programs
4.Psychosocial characteristics of successful agers among Filipino senior citizens in six districts of Quezon City From June-October 2017
Czarinah P. Pagay ; Pia Natalia Reyes- Sia
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2019;41(2):10-19
To describe the socio-demographic and
psychological characteristics of self-rated successful agers
among seniors 60 years old above in Quezon City Philippines.
The sample (N=346) was obtained from
a random sampling of voluntary attendees invited to a mental
health screening program scheduled in six districts spanning
from June to October of 2017. Proposed psychosocial factors
of healthy aging were assessed through demographics and
the following scales:1)-Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test
in Pilipino (MOCA-P), 2) Hospital Anxiety and Depression
scale in Pilipino (HADS-P), 3) Connor-Davidson Resilience
Scale (CDR-10) and 4) World Health Organization Quality
of Life using (WHOQOLBREF). Successful Agers were
defined as participants who scored themselves seven or
above (:2:7) in the Self-Rated Successful Aging (SRSA)
Seventy percent (70%) of the respondents
(N=238) considered themselves as successful agers. Among
the demographic variables, being female and the frequency
of social visits were related to successful aging. Self-reported
successful agers (SRSA) had no dementia with (MOCA-P
mean of 21). They were not depressed (HADS-D mean
1.8) or anxious (HADS-A mean 3.4); had good quality of
life (WHOQOL mean 3.4) and positive perceived health
(WHOQOL mean3.3). Successful Quezon City Filipino
agers were not as resilient (CD-RISC) with a mean of 27.
Like most studies in successful aging,
quality of life and perceived health and strong family support
were related to self-rated successful aging in this group of
Filipino senior citizens. There was no relationship with
cognitive function and resilience, which may be due to the
exclusion of cognitively impaired participants and the lack of
a validated cut-off score for the Filipino translated resilience
scale used.
Healthy Aging
Quality of Life
5.A Study of Changes of Inversion Time Effect on Brain Volume of Normal Volunteers.
Ju Ho KIM ; Seong Hu KIM ; Hwa Seon SHIN ; Ji Eun KIM ; Jae Boem NA ; Kisoo PARK ; Dae Seob CHOI
Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2013;17(4):286-293
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to analyze the brain volume according to the brain image of healthy adults in the 20s taken with different inversion time (TI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Brain images of healthy adults in the 20 s were acquired using magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE) pulse sequence with 1.5 mm thickness of pieces and four inversion times (1100 ms, 1000 ms, 900 ms, 800 ms). The acquired brain images were analyzed to measure the volume of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), intracranial volume (ICV). The statistical difference according to brain volume and gender was analyzed for each TI. RESULTS: The brain volume calculated using Freesurfer was WM=486.52+/-48.64 cm3 and GM=646.86+/-57.12 cm3 in mean when adjusted by mean ICV=1278.94+/-154.92 cm3. Men's brain volume(WM, GM, ICV) was larger than women's brain volume. In the intrarater reliability test, all of the intraclass correlation coefficients were high (0.992 for WM, 0.988 for GM, and 0.997 for ICV). In the repeated measures analysis of variance, GM and ICV did not show a significant difference at each TI (GM p=0.143, ICV p=0.052), but WM showed a significant (p=0.001). In the linear structure relation analysis, all of the Pearson correlation coefficients were high. CONCLUSION: WM, GM, and ICV indicated high reliability and solid linear structure relations, but WM showed significant differences at each TI. The brain volume of healthy adults in the 20s could be used in comparison with that of patients for reference purposes and to predict the structural change of brain. It would be needed to conduct additional studies to examine the contract, SNR, and lesion detection ability according to variable TI.
Healthy Volunteers*
6.A Study of Sole Prints in Normal Korean People.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(3):261-269
Sole prints were analyzed from one thousand normal volunteers (500 males and 500 females) to establish dermatoglyphics of Korean people, and the following resuIts were obtained: The triradius P was present in 49.1% of the right soles and 40.6% of the lefts, or 44.9% of the entire series. The fibular radiant of triradius P was directed into the fourth interdigital intervals in 54.9% of the soles, and the next common terrninations were in the digital triradius c 15.3%, the third interdigital interval, 12. 5% and distal portion of the fibular border, 9.4%. In right soles the tendeney was for the radiant to extent farther tibialward than in lefts, where the inverse tendency was reflected in sharp rise in the number of endings on the fibular borders and decrease of endings tibialward. The distal radiant of triradius P terminated in the first interdigital interval, 46.5%, the interdigital triradius a, 32. 5%, and the second interdigital interval,. 20.5%, and rarely the distal radiant fused with digital triradius, 0.6% Of the alignments of ridges of the soles, 72.7;. of the soles exhibited transvcrsely coursing ridges in the mid-region, and the remainder were slight fibuloproximal slants,Grade 2) 18.2%, and slight fibulodistal slants (Grade 4) 8, 7%. There was a tendency of right soles to favor the fibulo-proximal slant, and of lefts, the fibulo-distal sIant. In the calcar region 44.1% of the soles presented a slight fibulo-distal slant, and the next cmmon direction was transverse, 37.4% Right soles tended more to the transverse alignment, while lefts displayed a ... (continue)
Healthy Volunteers
7.Advantages, disadvantages and solutions in tuberculosis control in Vietnam
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(11):8-12
The basic advantages in the national tuberculosis control programme: policies of our government and party, the public health system and health worker worldwide in whole country, support from International organization. The disadvantages in tuberculosis control programme: survey of epidemiology on tuberculosis were n’t taken in all country, HIV/AIDS epidemic, tuberculosis resistance/ antidrug, lack of health workers for tuberculosis control, manage and control the private health system is limited, shortage finance. The solving method in the future: the stable method is communication activities and immobilization aids from society, finance and human resources serve for tuberculosis control, combination of private healthy that take part in the activities of tuberculosis control, but first of all must maintain a good observation programme for tuberculosis and survey of epidemiology on tuberculosis
Healthy Worker Effect
8.Population and reproductive health program in China lessons and experiences
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(8):5-7
Population and reproductive health program in China was focusing on family planning and reproductive health and would be switch to population and sustainable development in the next years, and these also were general orientations confirmed in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and would be continued in the next period begun from 2004. To implement these orientations, Chinese government introduced policies and legislations for people. China has reached many achievements of population and family planning tasks. From policies and achievements of China, author pointed out some experiences for other countries, especially for Vietnam
Healthy People Programs
9.Real state of working load of vapor iron worker in Duc Giang Garment Factory, Gia Lam district, Ha Noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):36-39
89 male workers of vapor iron were subjected to the study. The investigation of labor evironment and worker conditions showed that: indoor temperature exceeds that of hygiene standard by 0,2-1,0oC, humidity and wind velocity is tense (2080 movement for each shift) working movement duration is short (12 second for each movement), in the shift, breaking time is insufficient to meet the need of rest. After a working day, memory, the attention, the tonus of muscle decrease dramatically in comparing with those before the shift the decrease is significant statistically. Many sites of pain occur considerably and concentrate in the nape, right arm, back, thigh and knee
Healthy Worker Effect
10.The influence of working environment on the health of workers at Binh Dinh construction factory
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):67-69
The working environment of 138 workers at Binh Dinh construction factory was studied concerning the harmful factors determined by the Institute of Occupational Medicine and Working environment. Almost harmful factors are highest then allowed standard, especially total dust (>3,7 times), high SiO2 content level 24-42%. In almost studied field, the noise density is higher than standard (90 dBA). There is a high incidence of some diseases such as stomato-dental diseases (50,27%), ENT and respiratory diseases (37,14%). Occupational safety and health care for workers were neziligible; commonly available masks for respiration are not proper for filtering the dust
Healthy Worker Effect