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Author:( francis hombhanje)

1.Molecular evidence of asymptomatic and multispecies malaria infections in a small community on the north coast of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea

Francis W. Hombhanje ; Makoto Sekihara ; Martina V. Hombhanje ; Joseph Pawiying ; Maggie Baigry ; Matta Mallembo ; Toshihiro Mita

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2018;61(1-4):28-32

2.CTLA-4 polymorphisms and anti-malarial antibodies in a hyper-endemic population of Papua New Guinea

hikota osawa ; marita troye-blomberg ; kenji hirayama ; mihoko kikuchi ; francis hombhanje ; takeo tanihata ; rachanee udomsangpetch ; anders björkman ; takatoshi kobayakawa ; akira kaneko

Tropical Medicine and Health 2008;36(2):93-100

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