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Author:( Zubaidah Z)

1.Pain Interference Level and its Effects on Patients’ Quality of Life and Depression: A Study on Breast Cancer Survivors in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

JO Zubaidah ; AR Hejar ; YW Lim ; KT Chin ; Z Muhd Aizuddin ; Z Muhd Hazeman ; I Normala ; MA Muhd Najib

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2013;9(1):45-54

2.MicroRNA (miRNA) expression profiling of peripheral blood samples in multiple myeloma patients using microarray.

Yyusnita ; Norsiah ; Zakiah, I ; Chang, K M ; Purushotaman, V S ; Zubaidah, Z ; Jamal, R

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2012;34(2):133-43

3.Concomitant t(8;21) and Trisomy 4 in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Phan CL ; Ong TC ; Chang KM ; Zubaidah Z ; Puteri Jamilatul NMB

Medicine and Health 2010;5(1):45-48

4.Concurrent Inheritance of Deletional α-thalassaemia in Malays with HbE Trait

LK Teh ; E George ; ML Lai ; A Rahimah ; Z Zubaidah ; JAMA Tan

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2009;5(2):11-18

5.3p25 Aneusomy in Follicular Thyroid Neoplasms: A Report of Three Cases with Review of Literature

Chia WK ; Zubaidah Z ; Reena Rahayu MZ ; Rohaizak M, Asmiati A, Rafie MK, Sharifah NA

Medicine and Health 2012;7(1):47-56

6.Cri-du-chat Syndrome: Application of Array CGH in Diagnostic Evaluation

Zarina AL ; Juriza I ; Sharifah Azween SO ; Azli I ; Mohd Fadly MA ; Zubaidah Z ; Chia WK ; Clarence Ko CH ; Julia MI ; Khairunisa K ; Sharifah Noor Akmal SH

Medicine and Health 2010;5(2):108-113

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