·AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of standard and undercorrected surgical methods in patients with partially accommodative esotropia (PAET).·METHODS: Twenty-five patients with PAET and normal accommodative convergence/accommodation ( AC/A )were divided into two groups for alternate surgical plan including standard method (13 patients) and under-corrected method (12 patients) in a randomized fashion.Standard method is based on measured deviation through full hyperopic correction at distant target and was performed by Parks scheme. Undercorrected method criteria is 20% lower than standard. All patients underwent symmetrical bilateral medial rectus recessions (BMR), and all of them were followed for 6 months.·RESULTS: Six months after operation, surgical success (defined as tropia =s 8A at distant and near fixation through full hyperopic correction) was 46% in standard group and 91% in undercorrected group. Overcorrection were observed 54% in standard group and 9% in undercorrected group (P<0.05). There was no residual esotropia. There was no correlation between surgical success rate or overcorrection rate and age, mean of preoperative spherical equivalent or preoperative eye deviation.·CONCLUSION: Undercorrected BMR surgery has a lower overcorrection rate and higher surgical success rate than standard surgery in patients with PAET and normal AC/A.