1.Some Suggestions for Research on Wound Ballistics
Chinese Journal of Trauma 1991;0(S1):-
After looking back the history of research on wound ballistics and discussing the present situation of research on ballistic characteristics of wounding agents, mechanism of woundins, assessment of wounding capacity and devitalized tissues, etc. the following suggestions are put forward: 1. The study of wound ballistics, blast injury, and impact injury is able to be combined and complemented each other. 2. Interdisciplinary cooperation for elucidating the mechanism of wounding is necessary. 3. Based on the animal experiment, the clinical study on war wounds should be streshtened. 4. Some theories or points of view on wound ballistics need to be reviewed or even corrected.
2.The Current Situation of Road Traffic Trauma and Its Countermeasures
Chinese Journal of Trauma 1991;0(02):-
Injuries in traffic accidents have come to "the first public hazard in the world". About 350 thousand people died of traffic accidents each year. Although lots of measures have been adopted to prevent traffic accidents, the situation has improved insignificantly. So far as in China, there are around 13 million motor vehicles (MV), accounting for 1.6% of total MV in the world. However, about 50. 000 people died of MV accidents (MVA) each year, accounting for 14.3% of total deaths of MVA in the world. The number of death per 10, 000 MV in China varied from 40 to 50 people each year, being significantly more than those in western countries. Recently, the number of deaths per 10, 000 MV per year has gradually reduced, while the total number of MVA, deaths, and the injured by traffic accidents remains unchanged. The reasons for this are analysed in detail and some countermeasures are put forward in the paper.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army 1983;0(05):-
Both the intraventricular pressure and the pressure of the pulmonary blood vessel were increased from 195.3 mmHg to 432.5 mmHg in 47 dogs instantaneously after being stricken by blast wave. This implies that in the small pulmonary arteries, where the usual pressure is only 3-6 mmHg, (be pressure rose instantaneously nearly hundredfold, and it might play a role in the causation of pulmonary hemorrhage and edema after blast injuries. Heart functions were determined immediately and 24 hours atfer injury, and it was shown the heart was well compensated after moderate or serious blast injuries.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army 1982;0(01):-
Intercellular junctions of the alveolar epithelium and the capillary endothelium in lungs from 4 sheep with oxygen toxicity and 3 control sheep were studied with freeze-fracture techniques. Electron microscopic examination revealed no significant difference existing between the number of strands, both in the epithelium and in the endothelium. in the oxygen toxicity group and in the control group. However, the incidences of the discontinuity, irregularity and free-ended strands were higher in the oxygen toxicity group than in the control group. The differences in most of these features between the two groups were highly significant(P
5.Experimental Study of Early Intravenous Fluid Infusion in Dogs with Combined Burn-Blast Injuries
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1984;0(01):-
How to use intravenous fluid therapy safely in patients with combined burn-blast injuries is an unsolved problem. Therefore, this experimental study was carried out in 64 dogs with combined injuries of 40% second degree burns (inflicted with nalpam) and moderate or severe blast injury (inflicted with TNT charge explosion) . Intravenous infusion was administered as early as 6-8 hours after injury. The amount was 0.5 ml colloid and 1-1.5 ml crystal solution/kg of body weight/one percent of body surface burns in the first 24 hours after injury, and a half of this amount was given in the second 24 hours. The transfusion of the fluid was finished within 3-5 hours. Another amount 30% of the total amount of the fluid intravenously infused was added as drinking water.It was found that there was no significant difference between the infused animals and the controls so far as the pulmonary pathological changes (including pulmonary edema) were concerned. It is believed that a reasonable amount of intravenous fluid can be safely given to patients with combined burn-blast injuries provided that the changes of the urinary output and the physical signs of the chest are carefully monitored.
6.Early Morphological Characteristics of the Wound Track Caused by Fragments
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(03):-
500 m/s,6 dogs),"Middle" (1,000 m/s,8 dogs) and "Low" (700 m/s,7 dogs).De-bridement and gross examination were carried"out 6 hours after injury.The main conclusions were as follows: 1.Grossly,most of the wound tracks were blind.The primary wound track in the "High" velocity group looked like a funnel in shape.The wound cavity near the entrance was the largest in diameter.2.The severity of the tissue damage depended on the impact velocity.The higher the velocity,the larger the wound cavity,the more were the debrided damaged tissues,and the wider was the area of tissue damage around the cavity.3.Based on the gross inspection,and light and electron microscope observations it was found that one of the predominant characteristics of tissue damage caused by fragments was the irregularity or unevenness.It was especially true in the case of the "High" velocity group.The distribution of tissue damage seemed to be "Jumping" or "Mosaic".It probably resulted from the irregularity of energy delivery from fragments of high velocity and light mass.4.The difference in morphological characteristics between wound tracks by bullets and those by fragments was pointed out and its causes discussed.
7.Histopathological and Ultrastructural Changes in the Lung with Blast Injury
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(03):-
Lung samples are taken from 14 dogs, 12 guinea pigs & 20 rats injured by 200 g TNT explosion after 6 - 8 h, observed with light microscope & electron microscope (LM & EM). Animals dying within several min after injury show bleeding from the mouth and nose and dyspnea. By naked eyes: widespread hemorrhage and edema in the lungs are seen. By LMs interstitial and alveolar hemorrhage and edema, some ruptured alveoli, margination of neutrophils in the venulesi various degrees of neutrophilic infiltration in the alveolar septa are obrerved. By EM; large amount of RBC. edematous fluid, neutrophils, monocytes, deprivated type II pneumocytes, fibrin exudate and surfactant in mesh or packed form in alveolar lumen, some type II cells are swollen and vacuolized or disrupted, reduction or evacuation of lamina bodies, even degenerated. Most of the endothelial cells" are markedly swollen. There are significant pinocytosis and myeiln figure formation in some cell cytoplasm. In a cross section of a capillary only one CEC is swollen while the others are normal. No abnormal change in the alveolar septa is seen. In the early stage aggregation of RBC and WBC in capillary lumen, neutrophilic degranulation, migrination and dissolution of the neutrophilic cell membrane may be related to release of free radicals and destruction of endothelia. Aggregation, margination and degranulation of platelets are probably related to release of thromboxane A2.
8.Progress in study of road traffic injuries
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2002;0(01):-
Nowadays, more than 1 million people died and about 15 million people injuried as a result of traffic accidents every year in the world. The incidence of traffic injuries on road tends increasingly today. The injuried and died cases most commonly were the young whose damages were characterized as multiple injury. Causes of the accidents were mainly the human factors. The young adults aged less than 24 years and the old aged more than 70 years were in the majority. The traffic accidents have it's own proneness. The viscous injury criterion can be used as a most effective trauma index. The necessary measures for reducing the traffic accident and decreasing mortality should be considered the comprehensive treatments as follows: strengthening the research of the traffic safety, the management and the education, completing the medical service system, strengthening the first-aid of trauma, and shortening the first-aid reactive time.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army 1983;0(02):-
To present the conception, contents and development of "minimally invasive surgery", related data from literature were collected and analyzed, and some points of view are emphasized as follows: (1) Localized or minimal invasion of operation is a constant pursuit of the surgeon; (2) Minimally invasive surgery is a new conception, it includes not only laparoscopicsurgery, but also endoscopic surgery, interventional therapy, etc; (3) Minimally invasive surgery is not a branch of surgery, it is just a supplement of "traditional surgery". Minimally invasive surgery will develop persistently and the surgeon should actively involve in minimally invasive surgery with proper indications.
10.Development of regenerative medicine
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2002;0(01):-
Now, regenerative medicine is one of the focuses of concern and hot spots in biological and medical fields. In this paper, the author discusses the concept and scope of regenerative medicine, and its relationship with tissue engineering. The research and opinions of some experts and scholars of regenerative medicine are presented. The author explores scientific problems that need to be solved in this field. Finally, the author predicts the future trends of regenerative medicine development.