This experiment was made in May and June, 1982. Nine male adults took two test diets, of which all ingredients were the same, except one with textured soybean protein and the other rolled bean curd sheet. The quantities of the test diets were recorded. During the test periods no other food was allowed and the nutritive values in the test diets were maintained to meet the subjects' physiological needs. They were divided into two periods, each consisting of six days: three for preparations, three for experiments.The samples of the diets and the volunteers' faeces were analysed for the contents of water, dry matter, total nitrogen, crude fat, ash and fiber. The urine nitrogen was analysed. The apparent digestibilities of dry matter of the test diets were 94.25 and 94.16%, total nitrogen 83.67 and 83.56%, and crude fat 91.13 and 91.32% respectirely.This result suggests that there is no significant difference between the apparent digestibilities of textured soy bean protein and rolled bean curd sheet protein.