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Author:( Zhaozhe HUA)

1.Effects of Oxidative Challenge on Defensive Enzyme and Cofactors Level in Alkalibacterium sp.F26

Jingjing DUAN ; Liming LIU ; Zhaozhe HUA ; Jian CHEN

Microbiology 2008;35(9):1385-1392

2.Response of bacillus sp. F26 to different reactive oxygen species stress characterized by antioxidative enzymes synthesis.

Guoliang YAN ; Zhaozhe HUA ; Guocheng DU ; Jian CHEN

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2008;24(4):627-634

3.Overproduction of catalase by oxidative stress on Bacillus subtilis WSHDZ-01.

Dandan YAO ; Liming LIU ; Jianghua LI ; Zhaozhe HUA ; Guocheng DU ; Jian CHEN

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2009;25(5):786-792

4.High-level production of alkaline polygalacturonate lyase in recombinant Pichia pastoris.

Yun WANG ; Zhaozhe HUA ; Liming LIU ; Zhaohui ZHANG ; Guocheng DU ; Jian CHEN

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2008;24(4):635-639

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