To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic. Total DNA was extracted from tissues of 5 experimentally infected Rhesus monkeys. TTV was detected by PCR,and dot hybridization was done with virus double DNA strand probe or single antisense strand probe. The double strand probe was hybridized with DNA of liver, bone marrow, and spleen, stomach, small intestine, colon. and sera. In the above tissues , the virus was also positive as shown by PCR. The single strand antisense probe was only hybridized with DNA of liver, bone marrow,and small intestine of all 5 monkeys, but not with that of other tissues. It suggested that TTV could infect many tissues of Rhesus monkey. Only the liver ,bone marrow, and small intestine presented the virus positive single strand, which might be a replicative intermediate of the virus. It suggests that TT virus replicates in liver , bone marrow, and small intestine,and it might be hepatotropic.