1.Inherited t(9;22) as the cause of DiGeorge syndrome: a case report
Salwati Shuib ; Zarina Abdul Latif ; Nor Zarina Zainal ; Sharifah Noor Akmal ; Zubaidah Zakaria
The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):133-136
DiGeorge syndrome is associated with microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2. Most cases occur
sporadically although vertical transmission has been documented. We report a rare case of DiGeorge
syndrome in an 8-year-old girl. Blood sample of the patient was cultured and harvested following
standard procedure. All of the 20 cells analysed showed a karyotype of 45,XX,-22,t(9;22)(p23;q11.2).
Cytogenetic investigation done on the patient’s mother revealed that she was the carrier for the
translocation. Her karyotype was 46,XX,t(9;22)(p23;q11.2). Fluorescence in situ hybridisation
(FISH) analysis using TUPLE1 and N25 (Vysis, USA) probes showed deletion of the 22q11.2
region in the patient, confi rming the diagnosis of DiGeorge syndrome. FISH analysis showed no
deletion of the region in the mother.
2.Identification of Y Chromosomal Material in Turner Syndrome by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation (FISH)
Reena Rahayu Md Zin ; Sharifah Noor Akmal ; Zubaidah Zakaria ; Clarence Ko Ching Huat ; Siti Mariam Yusof ; Julia Mohd Idris ; Zarina Abdul Latif ; Wu Loo Ling ; Wong Ming
Medicine and Health 2008;3(1):22-29
Turner syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities affecting
newborn females. More than half of patients with Turner syndrome have a 45X karyotype.
The rest of the patients may have structurally abnormal sex chromosomes or are mosaics
with normal or abnormal sex chromosomes. Mosaicism with a second X sex chromosome
is not usually of clinical significance. However, Turner syndrome patients having a second
Y chromosome or Y chromosomal material are at risk of developing gonadoblastoma later in life. The aim of this study is to compare the results of conventional (karyotyping) and
molecular cytogenetics (FISH), and discuss the advantages and limitations in the
diagnosis of Turner syndrome. We also aim to compare the degree of mosaicism identified
using conventional cytogenetics and FISH techniques. Conventional cytogenetics and
FISH analyses were performed on eight peripheral blood samples of patients with Turner
syndrome collected between 2004 and 2006. From this study, two out of eight patients with
Turner syndrome were found to have the sex determining region on the Y chromosome
(SRY) gene by FISH analysis. Our results showed that the rate of detection of mosaic
cases in Turner syndrome was also increased to 88% after using the FISH technique. We
concluded that FISH is more superior to conventional cytogenetics in the detection of the Y
chromosomal material. FISH is also a quick and cost effective method in diagnosing
Turner syndrome and assessing the degree of mosaicism.
3.Penjujukan Eksom Bagi Penyakit Jarang Jumpa, Mullerian Agenesis dan Agenesis Anotectal anomaly: Kajian Kes (Whole Exome Sequencing of a Rare Disease, Mullerian Agenesis and Anorectal Anomaly: A Case Report)
Siti Aishah Sulaiman ; Nor Azian Abdul Murad ; Yock Ping Chow ; Muhammad-Redha Abdullah-Zawawi ; Zam Zureena Mohd Rani ; Siti Nurmi Nasir ; Salwati Shuib ; Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz ; Hana Azhari ; Sharifah Azween Syed Omar ; Zarina Abdul Latiff ; Rahman Jamal
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2024;22(No.2):18-38
Mullerian agenesis or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH) Type-II is a
congenital defect in the Mullerian duct that results in the absence of a uterus in women. The
aetiology of this syndrome is unknown and has been considered a sporadic genetic disease.
MRKH, together with anorectal anomaly, is an extremely rare condition and has only been
reported in a few cases without any information on genetic analysis. This study investigated the mutational profile of a girl diagnosed with MRKH and anorectal anomalies with
rectovaginal fistula. The whole exome sequencing (WES) trio-genetic analysis of a 5-year-old
Malaysian girl diagnosed with MRKH (having anorectal anomaly with rectovaginal fistula)
was performed together with her normal parents, using the Ion AmpliSeq Exome RDY kit
(ThermoFisher Scientific, USA). Data were analysed using Torrent Suite v.5.0.4 and annotated
using ANNOVAR. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with an allele frequency >0.01
were excluded, and the remaining variants were filtered based on de novo mutations,
autosomal recessive, and autosomal recessive genetic traits. Related genes were analysed by
biological pathway analysis (g:Profiler) and protein-protein interaction (HIPPIE v.2.3,
STRING v.11.5, dan GeneMANIA). A total of 36 mutations were identified, and two of them,
the LHX5 (p.P358Q), inherited from the father, and CFTR (p.R1158X), inherited from the
mother. There were 28 de-novo mutations from 28 genes. All genes were involved in 27
biological processes that connected with 23 interactions, and are likely to cause MRKH
syndrome in this patient.