1.Multiple Scattered and Small Lesions of Lower Limbs: Idiopathic Calcinosis Cutis: A Case Report
Ferdaus-Kamudin NA ; Mohamed-Haflah NH
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2018;12(1):66-68
Calcinosis cutis is a rare presentation and not many caseshave been reported especially of idiopathic type. We arereporting a case of idiopathic calcinosis cutis of lower limbsin a 33-year old female who presented to our clinic formultiple painless swellings over her lower limbs for the pastsix months, without any history of trauma or infection. Wehave decided to observe her condition on regular follow-upand conservative management.
2.Acute Paraplegia in a Toddler: A Diagnostic Journey Compounding the Challenge in Management: A Case Report
Goh JH ; Fazir M ; Zainal-Abidin NA ; Amir D ; Singh M
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2016;10(2):56-60
Spinal tuberculosis is not common in the paediatric age
group. Initial clinical features are often vague and non
specific until the disease progresses to later stages. We
highlight the diagnostic difficulties and management
challenges of a complicated extradural tuberculoma with
neurological deficits in a very young girl.
Tuberculosis, Spinal