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Author:( Yusuke Arakawa)

1.An Attempt at Objective Evaluation of the Current Situation of Concomitant Drug Use for Dementia Outpatients at Community Pharmacies

Yuka Tanaka ; Mitsuko Onda ; Yoko Nanaumi ; Rie Tanaka ; Kenichi Tsubota ; Shunya Matoba ; Yusuke Mukai ; Yukio Arakawa

Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2014;15(4):155-164

2.The Factors that Influence the Intention of Consumers with Cold-like Symptoms Who Visited Drugstores to Purchase OTC Drugs to Consult Pharmacists or Sellers

Yusuke Naka ; Mitsuko Onda ; Yukako Yamane ; Yuji Kawaguchi ; Shota Nakano ; Yukio Arakawa

Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2016;18(2):81-86

3.A Case of Primary Racemose Hemangioma Discovered from Abnormal Chest X-ray Finding

Ken TOMOOKA ; Makoto NAKAO ; Seiji KAMEI ; Yuto SUZUKI ; Yusuke SAKAI ; Sousuke ARAKAWA ; Yusuke KAGAWA ; Ryota KUROKAWA ; Hidefumi SATO ; Yoshimi HORIKAWA ; Hideki MURAMATSU

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;66(1):79-85

4.A case of wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis associated with organizing pneumonia

Makoto Nakao ; Hideki Muramatsu ; Eriko Yamamoto ; Yuto Suzuki ; Sousuke Arakawa ; Ken Tomooka ; Yusuke Sakai ; Kouhei Fujita ; Hidefumi Sato

Journal of Rural Medicine 2017;12(2):130-134

5.Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy

Yuji Morine ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Satoru Imura ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Syuichi Iwahashi ; Yu Saito ; Shinichiro Yamada ; Daichi Ishikawa

Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137

6. Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy

Yuji MORINE ; Mitsuo SHIMADA ; Satoru IMURA ; Tetsuya IKEMOTO ; Yusuke ARAKAWA ; Syuichi IWAHASHI ; Yu SAITO ; Shinichiro YAMADA ; Daichi ISHIKAWA

Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137

7.Analysis of medical records and prescription data from long-term disaster medical support following the subacute phase of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011

Yusuke Shiba ; Ryota Sakai ; Ryota Watano ; Yasunari Okuda ; Hiroumi Wakabayashi ; Masashi Arakawa ; Tomohito Nakazawa ; Toshiaki Sudo ; Hideharu Kajii ; Tsuyoshi Hasegawa ; Masanobu Okayama

An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2013;36(1):23-26

8.Female Longitudinal Anal Muscles or Conjoint Longitudinal Coats Extend into the Subcutaneous Tissue along the Vaginal Vestibule: A Histological Study Using Human Fetuses.

Yusuke KINUGASA ; Takashi ARAKAWA ; Hiroshi ABE ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VIZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Kenichi SUGIHARA

Yonsei Medical Journal 2013;54(3):778-784

9.Anococcygeal Raphe Revisited: A Histological Study Using Mid-Term Human Fetuses and Elderly Cadavers.

Yusuke KINUGASA ; Takashi ARAKAWA ; Hiroshi ABE ; Shinichi ABE ; Baik Hwan CHO ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Kenichi SUGIHARA

Yonsei Medical Journal 2012;53(4):849-855

10.Элэгний мэс засалд гарсан сүүлийн үеийн ололт амжилтууд: Элэгний үйл ажиллагааны нөөцийг үнэлэх, загварчлах болон чиглүүлэх

Satoru Imura ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Tohru Utsunomiya ; Yuji Morine ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Mami Kanamoto ; Shuichi Iwahashi, ; Yu Saito ; Daichi Ishikawa, ; Batsaikhan Bat-Erdene.

Innovation 2013;7(3):8-12

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