1.Happiness Perception Of Students: An Application In The Faculty Of Health Sciences In Konya
S. Didem Kaya ; Yusuf Y. Ileri ; Aydan Yuceler
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(1):40-44
Happiness has been investigated in various ways in the literature. It has been studied by many researchers from different aspects. The aim of the research is to determine the happiness scores of university students and relation of their socio-demographic characteristics. The population of our research is consisted of students (health management, social services, nursing departments) of Konya NecmettinErbakan University, Faculty of Health Sciences studying in the academic year 2014-2015. A total of 176 (84%) questionnaires, from the students who agreed to participate in the research, were included foranalysis. Questionnaire technique has been used in our research. The survey consisted of 9 questions determining the socio demographic characteristics of students and 8 questions of Oxford Happiness Questionnaire-Short Form (OHQ- SF). The findings obtained in this study have been assessed using SPSS statistical software. Descriptive statistical methods (frequency, mean, standard deviation), T-test andOnewayAnova testswere used in comparison of quantitative data.The results were evaluated at 95% confidence range and significance at p<0.05 level. When results were examined, statistically significant findings were achieved between the socio-demographic characteristics and total happiness scores of students.In the study, statistically no significant difference was found when the happiness scores of students were compared as per their parents’ educational levels and departments. The happiness average of the students in the second class was higher than students in the first class. There was no relationship between the income status perceptions and happiness scores of students. The highest happiness score belonged to health management students. It wasfound that the average happiness scores of students whose parents are illiterate and primary school graduates are higher than the students whose parents are high school and university graduates.