1.The integron prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase Malaysian teaching hospital
Ibrahim, N. ; Wajidi, M.F. ; Yusof, M.Y. ; Tay, S.T.*
Tropical Biomedicine 2011;28(3):668-671
The increased frequency of antibiotic resistance is known to be associated with
the dissemination of integrons in the Enterobacteriaceae. This study determined the prevalence
and type of integrons amongst 160 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing
enterobacterial isolates kept in our culture collection. Integrons were detected in 98(61.3%)
isolates, including 28(62.2%) Escherichia coli, 34(64.2%) Klebsiella spp., 27(61.4%), Enterobacter
spp. and 9(50.0%) Citrobacter spp. investigated in this study. Restriction analysis of the
integron gene fragments revealed that class I integron was the principal integron detected in
92(57.5%) of our isolates. Class II integron was detected in 6(3.8%) of our isolates, while no
class III integron was detected in this study. The high rates of integron prevalence particularly
of the class I integron in the E. coli and Klebsiella spp. concur with previous studies in other
geographical regions. The higher (>50%) integron prevalence of Citrobacter and Enterobacter
isolates comparing to previous studies suggests the potential of these isolates as sources for
dissemination of resistance determinants. The finding in this study serves as a basis for
further study on the antibiotic resistance mechanisms of enterobacterial species in this
teaching hospital.
2.Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) treatment for uterine fibroids
BJJ Abdullah ; RV Subramaniam ; SS Omar ; P Wragg ; N Ramli ; AL Wui ; CC Lee ; Y Yusof
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2010;6(2):1-13
Magnetic Resonance-guided focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) is gaining popularity as an alternative to
medical and surgical interventions in the management of symptomatic uterine fibroids. Studies have shown that it is an effective non-invasive treatment with minimal associated risks as compared to myomectomy and hysterectomy. MRgFUS can be offered to a majority of patients suffering from symptomatic uterine fibroids. It has been suggested that the use of broader inclusion criteria as well as the mitigation techniques makes it possible to offer MRgFUS to a much larger subset of patients than previously believed. This paper will describe how MRgFUS treatment for uterine fibroids
is performed at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3.Knowledge on Bone Banking among Participants in an Orthopaedic Conference: A Preliminary Survey
Mohd S, BSc, Yusof N, PhD, Ramalingam S, BSc, Ng WM, MS Orth, Mansor A, MS Orth
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2017;11(2):1-6
Despite increasing use of bone graft in Malaysia, there was
still lack of data to quantify knowledge level on bone
banking among orthopaedic community who are involved in
transplantation related work. Therefore, a survey on
awareness in tissue banking specifically bone banking, usage
and choice of bone grafts was conducted. From 80
respondents, 82.5% were aware about tissue banking
however only 12.5% knew of the existence of tissue banks in
Malaysia. Femoral head was the bone allograft most often
used as a substitute to autograft. Only 34.8% respondents
preferred irradiated bone grafts whilst 46.9% preferred nonirradiated,
indicating the need to educate the importance of
radiation for sterilising tissues. Exhibition was the most
preferred medium for awareness programme to disseminate
information about bone banking in the orthopaedic
community. The professional awareness is necessary to
increase the knowledge on the use of bone graft, hence to
increase bone transplantation for musculoskeletal surgeries
in the country.
4.The Effectiveness of Gentamicin against Acanthamoeba Cysts in Vitro
SA Noradilah ; AG Mohamed Kamel ; N Anisah ; AR Noraina ; S Yusof
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2012;8(2):51-54
Acanthamoeba is a free-living protozoa which causes serious ocular problem. Acanthamoeba keratitis
is becoming more prevalent amongst contact lens wearers and it can cause loss of vision and blindness
if not treated properly. The objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of gentamicin
against six Acanthamoeba spp. isolates, of which three were clinical isolates (HS 6, HKL 95, HTH 73)
and three environmental isolates (SMAL 7, SMAL 8, TTT 9). Cyst suspension from the chosen isolates
were exposed to gentamicin. After 48 hours of incubation at temperature of 30°C and 37ºC, each mixture
was filtered and filtration membrane was put onto non-nutrient agar laid with Escherichia coli. The agar
plates were incubated for three days at 30oC and 37oC and the plates were examined daily until day 14
to look for the presence of Acanthamoeba trophozoites under inverted microscope. The presence of
trophozoites indicated the ineffectiveness of gentamicin. Gentamicin was found to be effective against
Acanthamoeba cysts from all the test strains at both incubation temperatures. The minimum cysticidal
concentration (MCC) mean value of gentamicin was 0.193 mg/mL at 30oC and 0.229 mg/mL at 37oC.
So, we concluded that gentamicin has cysticidal potential towards Acanthamoeba.
5.The problems and impacts of orofacial pain among a group of Malaysian aborigines
Z.Y.M. Yusof ; N. Mohamed ; Z. Radzi ; N.A. Yahya ; A.S. Ramli ; R. Abdul-Kadir
Annals of Dentistry 2007;14(1):31-38
Background: The high prevalence and impacts of
orofacial pain (OFP) have caused major sufferings
to individuals and society. The purpose of the study
was to investigate the problems and impacts of OFP
among a group of Malaysian aborigines. The
objectives were to determine (i) the prevalence,
aetiology, duration, severity, types and persistence of
OFP during the past 3 months preceding the study;
(ii) its associated impact on daily performance; and
(iii) the measures taken for pain relief.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study carried
out in Kuala Lipis, Pahang involving 6 villages of
Orang Asli Bateq and Semai. Study sample was
chosen using convenient sampling including adults
aged 16 years and above. Participants were invited
for an interview using structured questionnaire
followed by clinical examination. Data analysis was
carried out using SPSS ver12.
Results: Response rate was low at 20% (n = 140).
Over one-quarter (26.4%) of the sample experienced
OFP in the previous 3 months. Toothache was found
to be the main aetiology (83.3%) followed by
gingival pain (18.9%), temporomandibular joint
(10.8%) and facial pain (8.1%). Mean duration of
pain was 9.8 days for toothache, 162.4 days for
gingival pain, 7.3 days for TMJ and 5.7 days for
facial pain. Of those who had OFP, over half rated
the pain as moderate (37.8%) and severe (29.7%) and
most of the pain was ‘intermittent’ in nature
(81.1%). Over half (62.2%) admitted the pain had
disappeared during the interview. In terms of pain
relief, 56.8% of the sample used traditional medicine.
The pain had impacted on the chewing ability
(70.3%, p=0.01), ability to sleep at night (73.0%,
p<0.001), levels of anxiety (70.3%), ability to
perform daily chores (33.3%) and social life (35.1%)
of the Orang Asli sample.
Conclusion: This study suggests the prevalence
of OFP was high among the Orang Asli sample,
which imposed considerable physical and
psychological impacts on daily life.
6.Sensitivity of Acanthamoeba Cyst to AntimicrobialAgents
SA Noradilah ; AG Mohamed Kamel ; N Anisah ; AR Noraina ; S Yusof
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2010;6(1):111-117
Introduction: Acanthamoeba is an ubiquitous free-living protozoa which causes serious ocular problems. Acanthamoeba keratitis is becoming more prevalent amongst contact lens wearers. The disease can cause loss of vision and blindness if not treated properly. The objective of this research is to study the sensitivity of six Acanthamoeba spp. isolates, of which three were from the clinical isolates (HKL 95, HTH 40 and HS 6) and the remaining three from environmental isolates (TTT 9, TL 3 and SMAL 8) to antimicrobial agents. Methods: The antimicrobial agents chosen for this purpose were polyhexamethylene biguanide and chlorhexidine. Cyst suspensions from the chosen isolates were exposed to PHMB and chlorhexidine respectively. After 48 hours incubation time at 30°c,each mixture was filtered and filtration membrane was put onto non-nutrient agar laid with Escherichia coli. The agar plates were incubated for three days at 30°c and examined daily until day 14 to detect the presence of Acanthamoeba trophozoites under the inverted microscope. The presence of thropozoites indicated the ineffectiveness of the antimicrobial agents. Results: Both of the antimicrobial agents tested were found to be effective against Acanthamoeba cysts from all the test starins. Polyhexamethylene biguanide gave minimum cysticidal concentration (MCC) mean value of 2.848mg/mL while chlorhexidine showed MCC mean value at a concentration of 3.988mg/mL. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the Acanthamoeba were sensitive to polyhexamethylene biguanide and chlorhexidine.
7.Development Of A Health Promotion Questionnaire Index (Hpqi) To Measure Doktor Muda (Junior Doctor) Programme Impact On Schoolchildren's Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes And Behaviour
Annals of Dentistry 2013;20(1):13-19
Long term evaluations of impacts of communitybased health promotion programmes are not an easy orstraightforward task to do due to lack of validated andreliable indices. Objective: To develop and test an indexto measure schoolchildren’s oral health knowledge,attitudes, and behaviour as a result of a school-based healthpromotion programme in Malaysia called the DoktorMuda (Junior Doctor) Programme (DMP). Materials andMethods: The index was developed in English based onthe DMP module and translated into Malay. The Malayversion was tested on 174, 11-12 year old schoolchildren.Psychometric analysis of the index involved content andface validity tests as well as factor analysis, internal andtest-retest reliability. Results: Factor analysis yielded 3factors with groups of items viz. oral health knowledge(OHK), oral health attitudes (OHA) and oral healthbehaviour (OHB). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of thethree factors were 0.61, 0.73, and 0.64, respectively. TheKappa coefficients were 0.70, 0.77 and 0.73, respectively(intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.72, 0.70 and 0.78).The final questionnaire comprised 33 items, namely; OHK11 items, OHA 15 items, and OHB 7 items. Conclusion:The Health Promotion Questionnaire Index (HPQI) tomeasure the DMP impact on schoolchildren’s oral healthknowledge, attitudes, and behaviours was empiricallyverified to be valid and reliable for use among 11-12 yearold Malaysian schoolchildren.
8.Glycerol preserved bovine pericardium for abdominal wall reconstruction: experimental study in rat model.
Hafeez YM ; Zuki AB ; Loqman MY ; Yusof N ; Asnah H ; Noordin MM
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2004;59 Suppl B():117-118
The aim of this study was to evaluate bovine pericardium surgical patch in rat model. Bovine pericardial sacs collected from local abattoir were cleaned, disinfected and cut into pieces of 3 by 2.5cm and preserved in 99.5% glycerol. Full thickness abdominal wall defects of 3 by 2.5 cm were created in 30 adult male Sprague Dawley rats and repaired with glycerol preserved pieces. The rats were serially sacrificed in a group of six rats at 1,3,6,9 and 18 weeks post-surgical intervals for morphological and tensometeric study. Macroscopically, no mortality or postoperative surgical complications was encountered except slight adhesions between implanted grafts and some visceral organs in 10% of the rats. Microscopically no calcification or foreign body giant cell formation was found in the explanted grafts. The implanted grafts were replaced gradually with recipient tissue, which made mainly of dense collagenous bundles. The healing strength between the implanted grafts and the recipient abdominal wall was gradually increased with time. The results of this study showed that glycerol preserved bovine pericardium act as scaffold for transformation into living tissue without clinical complications such as that associated with prostheses.
Abdominal Wall/pathology
Abdominal Wall/*surgery
*Biological Dressings
*Prosthesis Implantation
Tensile Strength
*Tissue Preservation
9.Apoptosis changes and SA-beta galactosidase expression in stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) model of human skin fibroblasts.
Abdul Rahim N ; Makpol S ; Chua KH ; Yusof YA ; Top GM ; Ngah WZ
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2008;63 Suppl A():71-72
Stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) model is in vitro model of cellular aging. In this study, apoptosis was evaluated in SIPS model and in replicative senescent fibroblasts. We also compared the activity of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta gal) as a biomarker of cellular aging. Our results suggested that SIPS model and senescent fibroblasts might share similar mechanism of aging and apoptosis pathway.
10.Biorational control programme for the German cockroach (Blattaria: Blattellidae) in selected urban communities.
Gholam Hossein, S ; Yusof, B I ; Hafidzi, M N ; Javad, R ; Mohd Khadri, S
Tropical Biomedicine 2010;27(2):226-35
This study assessed the effectiveness of a biorational control approach using 2% hydramethylnon gel bait on German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) in some residential and hospital buildings in South Western Iran. In total, three buildings consisting of 150 apartment units and 101 hospital units were monitored weekly via sticky trap for German cockroach infestations over a period of eight months. These infested units were randomly subjected to intervention and control treatments. Pamphlets and posters were provided and lectures were given to support the educational programmes as a tactic of the biorational system. Survey on cockroach index for intervention units showed 67-94% recovery to achieve clean level of infestation for intervention units of the residential buildings and 83% for the hospital. Mean percentage reductions for treatment groups throughout the 15-week treatment period were 76.8% for the residential buildings and 88.1% for the hospital, showing significant differences compared to the control groups. Linear regression of infestation rates were recorded weekly after treatment and their negative slope for treatment groups substantiated significant reductions for interventions. The results of this study showed that biorational control method, using gel bait, educational programmes and sanitation, is an effective way to manage German cockroach infestation.