2.Pain from Right Lateral Epicondylitis Successfully Treated with Uyakujunkisan : A Case Report
Takuya HAMAGUCHI ; Tetsuhiro YOSHINO ; Yuko HORIBA ; Hirobumi YOSHIDA ; Kenji WATANABE
Kampo Medicine 2016;67(1):50-53
Typically, Japanese Kampo doctors use formulas classified for treating blood stasis, to treat pain. However,there have been few reported cases where pain was treated with formulas classified for treating qi stagnation. Here, we report a case of right lateral epicondylitis in a 48-year-old woman who was treated with a focus on qi stagnation and with uyakujunkisan. She underwent conservative treatment at an orthopedic clinic for ten months, but her pain was not relieved. Hence, she opted for Kampo treatment. She was in a state of melancholy, felt heaviness throughout her body, and had irregular menstruation. These symptoms were mainly related to qi stagnation, and hence, we chose uyakujunkisan without white silkworm, but with aconite root. One month later, the stiffness in her shoulder improved and the pain was reduced. Magnetic resonance imaging taken 2 months later showed an improvement in the lesion. Nine months later, her menstruation became regular, and 11 months later, the pain had almost completely resolved and she could comfortably perform activities of daily living. Uyakujunkisan is introduced in the classical textbooks, and we interpret uyakujunkisan as a formula that can treat pain with qi stagnation. In Kampo treatment, effective pain treatment involves consideration of not only local blood stasis but also general qi stagnation.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2001;50(2):219-228
The purpose of this study was to examine how S-R compatibility affected P 300, the stimulusevaluation process and response process. The P 300 component is thought to reflect information processing of stimuli. Previous studies used visual stimuli. In this study, we measured S-R compatibility effects on EMG-RT and P 300 using electrical somatosensory stimuli. Subjects performed the oddball task (Task 1) and the four-choice stimuli response task (Task 2) . They were presented electrical stimuli through ring electrodes on the index and little fingers of both hands and instructed to respond quickly to stimuli. S-R compatibility was decided by position of the stimuli. EMG-RT and P 300 latency for compatible and incompatible conditions were analyzed.
For ERP analysis, data of subjects who reacted faster to compatibility ware used. Neither P 300 latency nor amplitude differed significantly between compatibility and incompatibility in Tasks 1 and 2, but for Task 2, latency tended to be prolonged by incompatibility. Therefore, it is thought that S-R compatibility mainly has an effect on response processing. However, judging from the tendency of P 300 latency to be prolonged by incompatibility for Task 2, it was considered that there is the possibility that S-R compatibility influenced P 300 latency, even if using a somatosensory stimulus.
4.Evaluation of Waiting Time Prediction using Data Collected from Prescriptions
Takeshi Yoshida ; Yuko Kobuke ; Masao Ohmitsu ; Takeo Yoshitake
Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2014;33(2):61-66
We performed waiting time prediction using the data collected from prescription pick-up. A regression equation was used to predict waiting time. An explanatory variable was adopted as “a number of retention prescriptions at the time of acceptance”, “the variety of drug to dispense”and “the presence or absence of a particular task of time-consuming work in computing multiple medications into one package”. Using waiting time as an objective variable, three regression equations were formulated. Method ①: A single regression equation using the number of retention prescriptions with only one explanatory variable. Method ②: Multiple regression equation using factors such as number of prescriptions and variety of drugs to be dispensed as explanatory variables. Method ③: Multiple regression equation using number of prescriptions, variety of drugs and the presence or absence of particular tasks involved in the preparation of the prescription. Compared to the prediction of Method ①, the prediction of Method ② resulted in better accuracy. Compared to Method ①, Method ② resulted in better accuracy, and Method ③ resulted in even better accuracy than Method ②, as predicted.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2005;54(1):99-105
This study was conducted to examine the prevalence of undernourished elderly in community-dwelling elderly people, and to analyze the correlation between under-nutritional status and health status and physical fitness of the elderly.The subjects comprised 1758 residents (757 men and 1001 women) aged 70 or over living in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, who took part in an interview and biochemical blood examination as part of the “OTASHA-KENSHIN”. In this study, we set the ‘under-nutrition group’ as serum albumin level ≤ 3.8 g/dL (normal group serum albumin level ≥ 3.9 g/dL). Based on this standard, 124 subjects (72 men and 52 women) were found to be undernourished. Physical fitness was measured by handgrip strength, knee extension power, and walking capability (usual and maximal walking speed).The prevalence of undernourished elderly was significantly higher in men than in women, and in those living alone or with a spouse compared with those living with children. It became clear that the lifestyle and health status of the under-nutrition group was generally poor compared with those of the normal group. Handgrip strength and knee extension power were significantly lower in the under-nutrition group than in the normal group of men. Although usual and maximal walking speed tended to be lower in the under-nutrition group, there was no significant difference. In women, a significant difference in handgrip strength, knee extension power, and walking capability was not seen between the two groups.These results suggest that an intervention program for the undernourished elderly living in the community should target an improvement not only of nutrition but also of physical fitness.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2005;54(4):295-304
Background: High heart rate (HR) has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality due to all causes. The present study was conducted to examine the effect of exercise adherence on longitudinal changes in resting heart rate among a population of community-dwelling elderly.Methods: The subjects were 133 men and 209 women aged 65 and older who participated in a baseline survey in August 1992 and were subsequently followed annually for 8 years. Resting HR was measured in the sitting position. The independent variable was the longitudinal change in differences of HR (Δ) from 1996 to 2000. Dependent variables were age, heart rate, smoking habit, TMIG index of competence score, and states of exercise adherence during the period 1992-1996.Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that heart rate in 1996 and smoking in men, and heart rate, TMIG index of competence score, and exercise adherence during the period 1992-1996 in women were significantly associated with longitudinal change in HR.Conclusion: Exercise adherence reduced the increase in HR of elderly women. These results suggest the importance of exercise adherence in elderly women.
8.Evaluation of Risk Priority of the Dispensing Process by Using a Risk Management System in Community Pharmacies
Kazuyuki Yoshida ; Koji Hayashi ; Asaka Kanda ; Yuko Doi ; Kiichi Otani ; Ken Iseki
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2012;14(1):21-25
Objective: It is important to prevent dispensing errors for the safety of patients. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve the dispensing process on the basis of risk priority. Quantitative evaluation of risk in each operation makes it possible to compare the risk relatively. In this study, we analyzed data reported in the Pharmacy Risk Error Management System (PREM-S) to evaluate the risk priority in the medicine preparation step of the dispensing process.
Methods: Data of 1,202 cases concerning medicine preparation step were extracted from in 2,458 cases reported into PREM-S between May 2010 and April 2011. We classified the medicine preparation step into 31 categories based on the operation. We analyzed the levels in each category as adverse effects on patient’s health by the errors and also the relationship between adverse effect and detection time. The level represents the degree of adverse effect for the patient.
Results: Information on levels of the 31 categories was obtained from the analysis. Eight categories included reports of effects on the health of patients. Three categories such as calculation of powder medicine included level 4 cases. Detection time was significantly different between level 1 and levels 2 to 4, but there was no significant difference between levels 2 to 4.
Conclusion: The results suggest that analysis of data reported in PREM-S enables evaluation of the risk priority systematically and efficiently. Evaluation of the risk priority will contribute to prevention of dispensing errors and health effects derived from them.
9.Autoimmune Pancreatitis Developing Remarkable Collateral Circulation Around the Pancreas
Koji Hattori ; Yuko Onuki ; Mayumi Kondo ; Nahoko Mochizuki ; Keiji Koshibu ; Yukihito Minato ; Tatsuo Shiigai ; Satoshi Yoshida ; Ken Shimada
Journal of Rural Medicine 2005;1(2):2_36-2_41
A 65-year-old man was referred to our hospital in April 2003 with a pancreas tumor detected by a thorough medical checkup. Computed tomography (CT) showed swelling of the pancreatic body and tail, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) showed only the main pancreatic duct in the head of the pancreas. Diagnosing autoimmune pancreatitis, we observed the patient without medication. However, one year later CT showed stenosis of the splenic artery and portal vein accompanied by development of collateral circulation around the pancreas. He had no symptoms, and CT showed no changes in the pancreatic swelling.;;He was admitted to our hospital on January 6, 2005, presenting with a history of jaundice which first appeared on January 1, 2005, and increased collateral circulation around the pancreas with pancreatic swelling were seen on CT. We started prednisolone therapy at 40 mg/day for exacerbation of autoimmune pancreatitis. Serum bilirubin levels improved from 11.9 mg/dl to 2.5 mg/dl, and pancreatic swelling also improved four weeks after starting therapy.;;We present a rare case of autoimmune pancreatitis that developed marked collateral circulations.
X-Ray Computed Tomography
Collateral Circulation
Pancreatic polypeptide, avian
10.The study on opioid switching for the purpose of the quality of life improvement in the gynecologic cancer
Nao Suzuki ; Ayako Yoshida ; Yuko Nakagawa ; Miho Hatano ; Noriyuki Yokomichi ; Shinji Hosonuma ; Norihito Yoshioka ; Tatsuru Ohara ; Akiko Tozawa ; Kazushige Kiguchi
Palliative Care Research 2012;7(2):363-367
Oxycodone controlled-release (CR) tablets are used as a first-line opioid analgesic for cancer pain. However, use of oxycodone CR tablets is associated with toxicities such as drowsiness and constipation, leading to deterioration of the quality of life (QOL), especially in patients with gynecologic cancer. In contrast, fentanyl has a superior toxicity profile while still showing a strong analgesic effect. Although fentanyl has been approved for switching from opioid, there have been no Japanese studies of patients with gynecologic cancer who were switched to transdermal fentanyl after experiencing toxicity during therapy with oxycodone CR. More importantly early introduction of palliative therapy for pain has not been adopted routinely in the management of gynecologic cancer. Thus, it appears that treatment for patients with gynecologic cancer remains unsatisfactory at present. We conducted research into improvement of the toxicity profile and pain control with the aim of improving QOL for patients with gynecologic cancer. We showed that pain, drowsiness, and constipation could be significantly improved in gynecologic cancer patients as a result of switching to transdermal fentanyl therapy at an early stage.