1.Survey for scientification on acupuncture medicine and clinical application of acupuncture therapy on rehabilitation medicine.
Shohhachi TANZAWA ; Eiichi RYO ; Junichi OBATA ; Yoshiyuki HAYASHI
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1985;35(3-4):173-181
Effects on endocrine system were examined to analyse a mode of action of acupuncture therapy and it was demonstrated that it's stimulation caused an increase in synthetic activity of adrenocortical and ovarial steroids through it's activation of hypothalamo hypophyseal axis. From an aspect of changes in glucose metabolism of the liver and urine cathecholamines, acupuncture was helpful to keep the homeostasis. In addition, the sensory area EEG potential evoked by the stimulation of acupuncture was recorded to clarity the relationship with effects of the therapy and was useful to evaluate the clinical effects preliminarily.
The author insisted that the acupuncture was a useful complimentary therapy in the Rehabilitation Medicine, when an appropriate case was carefully chosen.
2.Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Lymphoma Presenting as a Bulky Anterior Mediastinal Tumor: A Case Report
Toshiaki ASANO ; Kazutaka OZEKI ; Nobuyuki HAYASHI ; Yoshitaka HIBINO ; Ryuichi FUKUYAMA ; Yoshiyuki YAMADA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;66(1):86-90
A 38-year-old woman was examined at our hospital because of cough, night sweats, and facial edema. Computed tomography of the chest revealed a large mass in the anterior mediastinum measuring 8.2×12.2 cm, with multiple nodules on both lungs. Bronchoscopy revealed multiple nodules parallel to the tracheal rings and obstruction of the anterior segmental bronchus of the right lung. The histopathological features were diagnostic of primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma. She underwent chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy to the mediastinal mass. After 8 months, she developed right cerebellar metastasis. Eventually, she received peripheral stem cell transplantation after 17 months.
3.Port-Access Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery for Patent Foramen Ovale Complicated with Paradoxical Cerebral Embolism
Tetsuro Uchida ; Cholsu Kim ; Yoshiyuki Maekawa ; Eiichi Oba ; Jun Hayashi ; Yukihiro Yoshimura ; Mitsuaki Sadahiro ; Syunichi Kondo
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;41(5):250-252
The patient was a 63-year-old man, who had developed cerebral infarction during treatment for sleep apnea syndrome. He also presented typical features of deep venous thrombosis of the right lower extremity. Transesophageal echocardiography clearly showed the blood flow passing through the patent foramen ovale (PFO) followed by Valsalva maneuver. Paradoxical cerebral embolism caused by a PFO was diagnosed. Several procedures were considered to prevent recurrence of cerebral infarction, he underwent PFO closure by minimally invasive procedure, so-called port-access cardiac surgery. He started walking on the day of surgery, and postoperative echocardiography showed no residual shunt flow. Currently, no catheter-based PFO closure device is allowed in Japan, the PFO closure by the port-access technique should be considered as a feasible alternative.
4.Surgical Experience of Superior Mesenteric Venous Aneurysm
Jun Hayashi ; Tetsuro Uchida ; Yukihiro Yoshimura ; Cheolsu Kim ; Yoshiyuki Maekawa ; Ryota Miyazaki ; Eiichi Ooba ; Mitsuaki Sadahiro
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;42(1):34-37
Superior mesenteric venous aneurysm (SMVA) is rare and no standard treatment protocol has yet been established. We report our experience in performing surgical treatment for SMVA. A 64-year-old man was found to have a SMVA by computed tomography which had been performed during follow-up for gastrectomy. The SMVA was observed to gradually increase in diameter, and surgical treatment was therefore indicated. We successfully resected the aneurysm and then closed the defect with a bovine pericardial patch. Considering the potential risk of rupture, venous aneurysms that present with a saccular shape and an expanding tendency should be immediately surgically treated.
5.Surgical Treatment of Proximal Aortic Dissection in Patients with Stanford Type A Acute Aortic Dissection
Tetsuro Uchida ; Cholsu Kim ; Yoshiyuki Maekawa ; Eiichi Oba ; Ken Nakamura ; Jun Hayashi ; Yukihiro Yoshimura ; Mitsuaki Sadahiro
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;42(4):251-254
Objective : Although dissection extending to the aortic root is a common finding, it is potentially fatal in patients with acute type A aortic dissection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate surgical results of acute type A aortic dissection with proximal involvement. The proximal extension of dissection, types of aortic root procedure and its feasibility were investigated. Methods : Between 1997 and 2011, 80 patients with acute type A aortic dissection underwent emergent operation. Results : Dissection reaching around the coronary artery orifice was observed in 28 patients. In 11 patients, both left and right coronary arteries were involved with aortic dissection. Aortic root replacement was performed in 4 patients. In 7 patients, the dissected aortic root was reinforced by GRF glue and proximal aorta was replaced with a graft. Among these patients, postoperative aortic root redissection with severe aortic regurgitation was observed in 5 patients during postoperative long-term periods. All of them required surgical re-intervention of the aortic root. In 17 patients, dissection was extended to the right coronary artery. Aortic root reconstruction was performed in 2 patients due to pre-existing annulo-aortic ectasia. The remaining 15 patients underwent proximal reinforcement with GRF glue. No patient showed dissection extending to the left coronary artery alone. Operative mortality was 11% and other types of complications concerning the aortic root was not observed. Conclusion : An acceptable outcome was demonstrated with our surgical strategy of proximal aortic dissection. For patients, in particular, with proximal involvement to both the left and right coronary arteries, redissection of the aortic root should be noticed as a late complication with considerable frequency. Special care should be taken for precise recognition of the proximal extension of dissection and appropriate surgical procedure including simultaneous aortic root replacement.
6.Gender-Related Differences in a Process of the Age-Dependent Alterations of the Elements in Monkey Sino-Atrial Node.
Hiroyasu SATOH ; Setsuko TOHNO ; Takeshi MINAMI ; Takao OISHI ; Motoharu HAYASHI ; Yoshiyuki TOHNO
The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2010;14(5):249-256
Gender differences in the trace elements of monkey sino-atrial (SA) node were investigated in a process of age-dependent alterations. Sixty hearts from Japanese and rhesus monkeys (30 male and 30 female) used were aged ranging from 1-day- to 30-year-old. The elements were analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). Advancing age decreased all the trace elements. Ca, P, S and Mg significantly decreased. The correlation coefficients of Ca and P were -0.178+/-0.081 (p<0.05) and -0.088+/-0.022 (p<0.05) in male (n=30), and -0.095+/-0.026 (p<0.05) and -0.069+/-0.017 (p<0.05) in female (n=30), respectively. The age-dependent coefficients for Fe/Ca, Zn/Ca, Fe/P, Fe/S, Zn/S, Fe/Mg and Zn/Mg were exhibited markedly in male, but all was less in female. In gender-related differences, only a ratio of P/Ca (p<0.05) was significantly observed with ageing. The trace elements such as Cu, Se and Sn were less detected in the SA nodes. These results indicate that the age-dependent changes in the ratios of elements are appeared more rapidly in male monkey SA node, and the gender difference is observed in ratio of P/Ca. The different attenuations may be involved with the age- and gender-related SA nodal functions.
Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Macaca mulatta
Sinoatrial Node
Trace Elements
7.Characteristics of Metachronous Remnant Gastric Cancer After Proximal Gastrectomy: A Retrospective Analysis
Kenichi ISHIZU ; Tsutomu HAYASHI ; Rei OGAWA ; Masashi NISHINO ; Ryota SAKON ; Takeyuki WADA ; Sho OTSUKI ; Yukinori YAMAGATA ; Hitoshi KATAI ; Yoshiyuki MATSUI ; Takaki YOSHIKAWA
Journal of Gastric Cancer 2024;24(3):280-290
Despite annual endoscopy, patients with metachronous remnant gastric cancer (MRGC) following proximal gastrectomy (PG) are at times ineligible for endoscopic resection (ER). This study aimed to clarify the clinical risk factors for ER inapplicability.
Materials and Methods:
We reviewed the records of 203 patients who underwent PG for cT1 gastric cancer between 2006 and 2015. The remnant stomach was categorized as a pseudofornix, corpus, or antrum.
Thirty-two MRGCs were identified in the 29 patients. Twenty MRGCs were classified as ER (ER group, 62.5%), whereas 12 were not (non-ER group, 37.5%). MRGCs were located in the pseudo-fornix in 1, corpus in 5, and antrum in 14 in the ER group, and in the pseudofornix in 6, corpus in 4, and antrum in 2 in the non-ER group (P=0.019). Multivariate analysis revealed that the pseudo-fornix was an independent risk factor for non-ER (P=0.014). In the non-ER group, MRGCs at the pseudo-fornix (n=6) had more frequent undifferentiated-type histology (4/6 vs. 0/6), deeper (≥pT1b2; 6/6 vs. 2/6) and nodal metastasis (3/6 vs. 0/6) than non-pseudo-fornix lesions (n=6). We examined the visibility of the region developing MRGC on an annual follow-up endoscopy one year before MRGC detection. In seven lesions at the pseudofornix, visibility was only secured in two (28.6%) because of food residues. Of the 25 lesions in the non-pseudo-fornix, visibility was secured in 21 lesions (84%; P=0.010).
Endoscopic visibility increases the chances of ER applicability. Special preparation is required to ensure the complete clearance of food residues in the pseudo-fornix.
8.Characteristics of Metachronous Remnant Gastric Cancer After Proximal Gastrectomy: A Retrospective Analysis
Kenichi ISHIZU ; Tsutomu HAYASHI ; Rei OGAWA ; Masashi NISHINO ; Ryota SAKON ; Takeyuki WADA ; Sho OTSUKI ; Yukinori YAMAGATA ; Hitoshi KATAI ; Yoshiyuki MATSUI ; Takaki YOSHIKAWA
Journal of Gastric Cancer 2024;24(3):280-290
Despite annual endoscopy, patients with metachronous remnant gastric cancer (MRGC) following proximal gastrectomy (PG) are at times ineligible for endoscopic resection (ER). This study aimed to clarify the clinical risk factors for ER inapplicability.
Materials and Methods:
We reviewed the records of 203 patients who underwent PG for cT1 gastric cancer between 2006 and 2015. The remnant stomach was categorized as a pseudofornix, corpus, or antrum.
Thirty-two MRGCs were identified in the 29 patients. Twenty MRGCs were classified as ER (ER group, 62.5%), whereas 12 were not (non-ER group, 37.5%). MRGCs were located in the pseudo-fornix in 1, corpus in 5, and antrum in 14 in the ER group, and in the pseudofornix in 6, corpus in 4, and antrum in 2 in the non-ER group (P=0.019). Multivariate analysis revealed that the pseudo-fornix was an independent risk factor for non-ER (P=0.014). In the non-ER group, MRGCs at the pseudo-fornix (n=6) had more frequent undifferentiated-type histology (4/6 vs. 0/6), deeper (≥pT1b2; 6/6 vs. 2/6) and nodal metastasis (3/6 vs. 0/6) than non-pseudo-fornix lesions (n=6). We examined the visibility of the region developing MRGC on an annual follow-up endoscopy one year before MRGC detection. In seven lesions at the pseudofornix, visibility was only secured in two (28.6%) because of food residues. Of the 25 lesions in the non-pseudo-fornix, visibility was secured in 21 lesions (84%; P=0.010).
Endoscopic visibility increases the chances of ER applicability. Special preparation is required to ensure the complete clearance of food residues in the pseudo-fornix.
9.Characteristics of Metachronous Remnant Gastric Cancer After Proximal Gastrectomy: A Retrospective Analysis
Kenichi ISHIZU ; Tsutomu HAYASHI ; Rei OGAWA ; Masashi NISHINO ; Ryota SAKON ; Takeyuki WADA ; Sho OTSUKI ; Yukinori YAMAGATA ; Hitoshi KATAI ; Yoshiyuki MATSUI ; Takaki YOSHIKAWA
Journal of Gastric Cancer 2024;24(3):280-290
Despite annual endoscopy, patients with metachronous remnant gastric cancer (MRGC) following proximal gastrectomy (PG) are at times ineligible for endoscopic resection (ER). This study aimed to clarify the clinical risk factors for ER inapplicability.
Materials and Methods:
We reviewed the records of 203 patients who underwent PG for cT1 gastric cancer between 2006 and 2015. The remnant stomach was categorized as a pseudofornix, corpus, or antrum.
Thirty-two MRGCs were identified in the 29 patients. Twenty MRGCs were classified as ER (ER group, 62.5%), whereas 12 were not (non-ER group, 37.5%). MRGCs were located in the pseudo-fornix in 1, corpus in 5, and antrum in 14 in the ER group, and in the pseudofornix in 6, corpus in 4, and antrum in 2 in the non-ER group (P=0.019). Multivariate analysis revealed that the pseudo-fornix was an independent risk factor for non-ER (P=0.014). In the non-ER group, MRGCs at the pseudo-fornix (n=6) had more frequent undifferentiated-type histology (4/6 vs. 0/6), deeper (≥pT1b2; 6/6 vs. 2/6) and nodal metastasis (3/6 vs. 0/6) than non-pseudo-fornix lesions (n=6). We examined the visibility of the region developing MRGC on an annual follow-up endoscopy one year before MRGC detection. In seven lesions at the pseudofornix, visibility was only secured in two (28.6%) because of food residues. Of the 25 lesions in the non-pseudo-fornix, visibility was secured in 21 lesions (84%; P=0.010).
Endoscopic visibility increases the chances of ER applicability. Special preparation is required to ensure the complete clearance of food residues in the pseudo-fornix.
10.Characteristics of Metachronous Remnant Gastric Cancer After Proximal Gastrectomy: A Retrospective Analysis
Kenichi ISHIZU ; Tsutomu HAYASHI ; Rei OGAWA ; Masashi NISHINO ; Ryota SAKON ; Takeyuki WADA ; Sho OTSUKI ; Yukinori YAMAGATA ; Hitoshi KATAI ; Yoshiyuki MATSUI ; Takaki YOSHIKAWA
Journal of Gastric Cancer 2024;24(3):280-290
Despite annual endoscopy, patients with metachronous remnant gastric cancer (MRGC) following proximal gastrectomy (PG) are at times ineligible for endoscopic resection (ER). This study aimed to clarify the clinical risk factors for ER inapplicability.
Materials and Methods:
We reviewed the records of 203 patients who underwent PG for cT1 gastric cancer between 2006 and 2015. The remnant stomach was categorized as a pseudofornix, corpus, or antrum.
Thirty-two MRGCs were identified in the 29 patients. Twenty MRGCs were classified as ER (ER group, 62.5%), whereas 12 were not (non-ER group, 37.5%). MRGCs were located in the pseudo-fornix in 1, corpus in 5, and antrum in 14 in the ER group, and in the pseudofornix in 6, corpus in 4, and antrum in 2 in the non-ER group (P=0.019). Multivariate analysis revealed that the pseudo-fornix was an independent risk factor for non-ER (P=0.014). In the non-ER group, MRGCs at the pseudo-fornix (n=6) had more frequent undifferentiated-type histology (4/6 vs. 0/6), deeper (≥pT1b2; 6/6 vs. 2/6) and nodal metastasis (3/6 vs. 0/6) than non-pseudo-fornix lesions (n=6). We examined the visibility of the region developing MRGC on an annual follow-up endoscopy one year before MRGC detection. In seven lesions at the pseudofornix, visibility was only secured in two (28.6%) because of food residues. Of the 25 lesions in the non-pseudo-fornix, visibility was secured in 21 lesions (84%; P=0.010).
Endoscopic visibility increases the chances of ER applicability. Special preparation is required to ensure the complete clearance of food residues in the pseudo-fornix.