1.Epidemiological Study on Skin Hazards Due to Dithiocarbamate Fungicides
Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Toshio Matsushita ; Shigeru Nomura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1976;25(1):28-33
An epidemiolgical survey as well as a case study on the skin hazards due to dithiocarbamate fungicides, such as Maneb and Manzeb (Mancozeb), were carried out. The results were summarized as follows;
1. From the epidemiological survey, the incidence rate of skin lesions due to the dithiocarbamates in three areas were 42.4%(39/92), 43.3%(113/261) and 27.6%(42/151), respectively.
2. The skin lesions appeared generally in face, hands and nape of neck and collar areas and also in covered areas of the body such as breast, back and so forth.
3. By patch testing with a dithiocarbamate “Maneb” the positive reactions in 40 cases tested were observed in 18%, 23% and 15% of the subject with 0.1%, 0.05% and 0.025% preparations, respectively.
The results suggested that allergic type of contact dermatitis is involved in the skin hazard due to the dithiocarbamate fungicides.
2.Quantification of $\alpha$-Methylene-$\gamma$-butyrolactone Extracted from Different Parts of \it{Alstroemeria wilhelmina} and Evaluation of it's Antigenicity Using the Guinea-Pig Maximization Test
Koichi HARADA ; Shoko OHMORI ; Chang-Nian WEI ; Yoshiki ARIMATSU ; Atsushi UEDA
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2001;6(4):229-234
To detect the type of contact dermatitis caused due to the handling of Alstroemeria wilhelmina, 1% α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone (α-MBL) dissolved in physiological saline and a five-fold diluted saline solution of original extracts of flowers, leaves and stems of the flower were applied to guinea-pigs for induction treatment, and 0.1% α-MBL physiological saline and a ten-fold diluted solution of the original extracts were applied to the animals as the challenge treatment in compliance with the guinea-pig maximization test (GMT). As a consequence, not only primary irritant dermatitis was observed, but also delayed type allergic contact dermatitis due to Alstroemeria wilhelmina was observed. α-MBL determined in the extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was found to be the biochemical material cause of the contact dermatitis. The flower region contained α-MBL in the highest concentrations compared with those of the leaves and stems. Therefore, the quantification of α-MBL in the extracts was concluded as being a useful evaluating method for contact dermatitis due to the handling of Alstroemeria.
Dermatitis, Contact
Pulmonary evaluation
3.Study on the Work Load and Women's Role in Agricultural Labor
Makoto Futatsuka ; Atsushi Ueda ; Tadako Ueda ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Megumi Nagano ; Tatsuro Ueno ; Shigeru Ohyama ; Shigeru Nomura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(2):112-126
In the farm household of “vegetable planting by plastic green house”, “mandarin orange”, “rush (igusa)”, “dairy-farming” and “silk worm”, measurement of energy expenditure in agricultural work and analysis of daily working hours were conducted at the busy season of each crops. The results are as follows:
The energy consumption per day are estimated respectively to be 3300 Cal for male and 2900 Cal for female in the household of the “plastic green house”; 3500 and 2500 Cal in the “mandarin orange”, 3800 and 3600 Cal in the “rush”, 3300 and 2700 Cal in the “dairy-farming”, 3400 and 2700 Cal in the “silk worm”.
The agricultural machines and tools are mainly operated by male and so attached muscular works not yet machanized are carried by female. And management of animals or crops specially required prudent care have a tendency to be also carried by female. Then the average relative metabolic rate (RMR) a working day is relatively higher in female than male, except “mandarin orange”.
In the “rush harvesting” and “dairy-farming”, having the most development of the agricultural mechanization it seems obviousely to be rising the labor efficiency, but because of expansion of management scale and decreasing number of employee the reduction of work load for a worker is not necessory obvious.
4.Study on Work and Physiological Load of Farmers Engaged in Raising Silk Worms
Tadako Ueda ; Atsushi Ueda ; Makoto Futatsuka ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Megumi Nagano ; Shigeru Momura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(2):181-196
A field study on the hourly working pattern, energy expenditure, air conditions and the testing for fatigue of the process of the raising silk worms for 4 days in August, the period of early autumn raising. Three couples of the typical raising silk worms households in Kikuchi district in Kumamoto Pref. were selected for the study. The results were as follows.
1. In Kikuchi district, there were 5-10 raising periods in a year from april to november for each households and the yearly working days for the process were to be 160-260 days.
In the period of early autumn raising, the average working times and energy expenditure a day were calculated to be 374±136 min. and 2891±277 kcal for males and 383±119 min. and 2494±91 kcal for females in the third state of period (after 5 days of accepting the larva); and in the fifth state of the process (after 10 days of the former state) 644±112 min. and 3087±136 kcal for males, 618±65 min. 2851±48 kcal for females; in the state of the spinning cocoons, 944±238 min. and 3735±459 kcal for males, 846±271 min. and 3209±754 kcal for females; in the state of the controlling cocoons, 560±115 min. and 2944±233 kcal for males, 478±68 min. and 2537±101 kcal for females. In the spinning state it was the highest work loads to be taken for both males and females through one raising period.
2. The RMR (relative metabolic rates) values of each elemental work were measured to be 0.6-3.7 (0.0322-0.0995 kcal/kg/min). The average RMR in a working time was 2.2±0.3 (1.7-2.9) for males and 2.1±0.3 (1.4-2.5) for females, and in the spinning state higher average value was observed for females than for males.
3. There was some difference between males and females in the distribution of working posture. For males 30.8%(9.5-46.2%) of all working times was the standing position, but in the contrally, for females, 66.0%(64.0-69.8%) was the half sitting position and only 11.0% was the standing position.
4. The considerable reduction of flicker frequency was observed at the end of working a day in each state of the period especially in the spinning state, and the increasing of complaints of fatigue symptoms was also observed.
5.An Epidemiologic Study on the Risk Factors of Obesity of Housewives and Their Husbands in Rural Community
Atsushi Ueda ; Makoto Futatsuka ; Tadako Ueda ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Megumi Nagano ; Tatsuro Ueno ; Shigeru Nomura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(2):165-180
Mass health survey was conducted to discuss the relationship between obesity and some factors of agricultural managements and living and working conditions among 349 pairs of housewives and their husbands selected from the rural communities in Kumamoto prefecture.
The prevalence rates of obesity (20% over of the Minowa's standard weights) were 13.1% for housewives of farmers, 13.7% for their husbands and 15.6 % for housewives of non-farmers, 9.2% for their husbands. The significant correlationship was found in the degree of obesity by Minowa's standard between housewives and their husbands (r= 0.1566, P<0.05).
Being compared the prevalence of obesity according with the kinds of each household's producting crops, peoples of the household of “shiitake: cortinellus shiitake”, “vegetables by plastic greenhouse”, “tabacco” and “animal husbandary ” were more likely to be obese and, inversely, those of “barley”, “vegetables in upland” and “sericulture” were less, than those of “rice”, “mandarin orange” and “forestry”. In the household of “vegetables by plastic greenhouse”, “rice”, “barley”, “mandarin orange” and “vegetables in upland” husbands were more obese than housewives and, inversely, in the household of “shiitake” and “forestry” housewives were more obese than husbands.
Peoples of fishing households were less likely to be obese than those of the farm households and/or other profession. Among the households of non-farmers it was noteworthy that higher prevalence rates of obesity were found in housewives than husbands, being inverse finding in the farmers case.
The results suggested that the agricultural management and it's labor conditions, as well as the level of agricultural economics, might strongly affect the occurrence of obesity in the Japanese rural community.
6.The Seasonal Change of the Blood Properties of Farmers
Makoto Futatsuka ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Atsushi Ueda ; Junichi Misumi ; Toshie Tomio ; Hiroyuki Teruya ; Tadako Ueda ; Ritsu Yasutake ; Toshio Matsushita ; Shigeru Nomura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1973;22(1):32-45
In order to study whether there is any relation between the cause of anemia in rural women and environmental factor from the epidemiological standpoint, we have followed up the seasonal change of the blood properties (GB, Hb, Ht, R, Serum iron) of 3 groups of women in different working and living circumstances.
The results revealed a remarkable tendency to increase the values of the blood properties excluding serum iron in winter and to decrease in summer. The degree of seasonal change was found to be greater in rural women than that in factory workers. And among the factory workers, the married had more change than the unmarried, the rural residents than the urban. And among the rural women, only the establishmental gardeners who were especially busy in winter showed a tendency to decrease the values of the blood properties in winter.
From these data, we can see that the seasonal change of the burden of agricultural work and the change of dietary life actually have direct influence on the change of the blood properties.
Tadako UEDA ; Yoshiki ARIMATSU ; Atsushi UEDA ; Jyunichi MISUMI ; Hiroshi MAEDA ; Ritsu YASUTAKE ; Katsuko UEDA ; Makoto FUTATSUKA ; Shigeru NOMURA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1979;27(5):307-319
8.Quantification of α-methylene-λ-butyrolactone extracted from different parts ofAlstroemeria wilhelmina and evaluation of it's antigenicity using the guinea-pig maximization test.
Koichi HARADA ; Shoko OHMORI ; Chang-Nian WEI ; Yoshiki ARIMATSU ; Atsushi UEDA
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2002;6(4):229-234
To detect the type of contact dermatitis caused due to the handling ofAlstroemeria wilhelmina, 1% α-methylene-λ-butyrolactone (α-MBL) dissolved in physiological alien and a five-fold diluted saline solution of original extracts of flowers, leaves and stems of the flower were applied to guinea-pigs for extracts were applied to the animals as the challenge treatment in compliance with the guinea-pig maximization test (GMT). As a consequence, not only primary irritant dermatitis was observed, but also delayed type allergic contact dermatitis due toAlstroemeria wilhelmina was observed. α-MBL determined in the extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was found to be the biochemical material cause of the contact dermatitis. the flower region contained α-MBL in the highest concentrations compared with those of the leaves and stems. Therefore, the quantification of α-MBL in the extracts was concluded as being a useful evaluating method for contact dermatitis due to the handling ofAlstroemeria.
9.On the Living Conditions and Health Level in Communities
Makoto Futatsuka ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Atsushi Ueda ; Junichi Misumi ; Tadako Ueda ; Junichiro Kawasaki ; Wasaku Koyama ; Yoshitaka Takekuma ; Kazuharu Nagao ; Hidenobu Matsukane ; Katsuko Ueda ; Makoto Takamatsu ; Toshio Matsushita ; Shigeru Nomura
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1973;22(1):15-31
Nowadays the agricultural production system in the farm area has remarkably been changed and this has influenced the farmers in many aspects of life.
We tried by epidemiologic cross-sectional survey to ascertain the health level of 6, 597 farmers, who are self-supporting and middle class in the sixty-seven different districts of Kumamoto Prefecture. It is noticeable that judging from the difference of districts, the health level of the farmers who have a big gricultural production is low, and judging from the difference of the class, that of the farmers who have other jobs besides agriculture is low, too In general, the health level of males is relatively higher than that of females, but the health level of males is higher than that of females, depending on the class difference.
Generally speaking, we noticed that the health level of female is very low, and at the same time the variation of the health level of females is more remarkable than that of males, depending on the quality of the district in which they live.
These resutls of these investigations should be utilized as the basic materials source for a prospective survey of changing farm village from now.