1.Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis Associated with Ventricular Septal Defect in an Infant.
Takahiko Aoyama ; Kensuke Shioi ; Takenori Mase ; Hideitsu Nogaki ; Yoshihisa Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(1):55-58
A 2.5 year old male infant who had a ventricular septal defect and mild pulmonary stenosis was admitted for evaluation of fever and anemic complexion in February 1995. After admission, echo cardiography revealed massive vegetations from the outflow of the right ventricle to the right pulmonary artery through the pulmonary valve, and serial blood cultures were found to be positive for streptococcus mitis. Antibiotics did not relieve the high fever or decrease the volume of vegetation in the patient. At surgery, performed 2 weeks after the admission, the pulmonary valve was entirely destroyed and it was resected without prosthetic replacement after the excision of the vegetation and a Teflon patch was used for VSD closure. The post-operative course produced no noticeable complications. In the follow-up echocardiographic study, no vegetation was observed.
2.Determination of Entry Site for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection by Initial Enhanced CT-Scan.
Takenori Mase ; Chihiro Narumiya ; Takahiko Aoyama ; Yoshihisa Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(1):12-17
Acute type A aortic dissection presents a surgical emergency because conservative therapy is not effective in the majority of instances. Enhanced CT-scan of the chest is commonly available and is considered to be an optimal diagnostic method for this disease. The operative strategy is to resect the primary tear to close the entry site of the aortic dissection and replace it with a tubular Dacron graft. Therefore, the existence of the entry site is important in determining the operative procedure. Based on the numerical value of the enhanced CT-scan inspection, the present study seeks to preoperatively identify the location of the presumed entry site in aortic dissection. From May 1996 to June 1999, 21 consecutive patients (Marfan's syndrome excluded) with acute type A aortic dissection underwent surgical treatment. Nineteen patients were preoperatively examined by enhanced CT-scan: 11 men and 8 women, with a mean age of 61 years. CT-scan slices used for early diagnosis were of the ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending aorta, and thoracoabdominal aorta. The largest diameters of the whole and true lumen were measured from cross-sectional aortic images with a personal computer, and the areas of the whole and true lumen were obtained by the manual tracing method. The true ratio was calculated for the largest diameter and area of the whole lumen. The nineteen patients were divided into two groups according to the location of the entry site based on the operating views. Seven patients with the entry site in the ascending aorta were classified as group A, and twelve patients with the entry site further in the aortic arch and descending aorta were classified as group B. Comparisons were performed by non-parametric analysis. Moreover, a discriminant analysis was applied to evaluate the classification between the two groups. The ratio of the largest diameter of the true lumen in group A at the level of the ascending and descending aorta was significantly greater than that in group B (75.0±11.3 vs. 59.7±14.0%, 82.7±8.6 vs. 70.1±11.4%). Linear discriminant analysis resulted in the correct classification rate of 68.2%, and 77.3%, respectively. The ratio of the area of the true lumen in group A at the level of the aortic arch was also significantly greater than in group B (65.4±17.3 vs. 45.7±15.8%) and linear discriminant analysis resulted in the correct classification rate of 55.1%, When the entry site was located in the aortic arch, the diameter of the true lumen was seen to be smaller in the ascending and descending aorta, and the dissecting lumen appeared enlarged. When the entry site is located in the ascending aorta, the ratio of the area of the true lumen in the aortic arch was significantly higher (55.1%). Detailed examination of enhanced CT-scans is useful to determine the location of the entry site and the treatment strategy for this disease.
3.Operative Mortality and Long-Term Relative Survival Rate Following Surgery for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
Hiroyuki Ishibashi ; Takashi Ohta ; Minoru Hosaka ; Ikuo Sugimoto ; Hideki Kazui ; Yoshihisa Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(5):297-302
Surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA, n=240) was reviewed in subgroups of ruptured AAA (RAAA, n=31), non-ruptured AAA with arteriosclerosis obliterans (AAA w/ASO, n=48), and non-ruptured AAA without ASO (AAA w/o ASO, n=161). The average follow-up period was 4.2 years (maximum 15.8 years) and the follow-up rate was 97%. Overall operative mortality rates were 41.9% in RAAA and 2.9% in non-ruptured AAA. Those were 6.3% in AAA w/ASO and 1.9% in AAA w/o ASO. The main causes of death in the long-term follow-up period were heart disease in 32%, malignant neoplasm in 22%, cerebrovascular accidents in 10% and renal failure in 10%, and miscellaneous. Only renal failure was related to operative risk factors. Relative survival rates excluding hospital death following surgery were 79% at 5 years and 0% at 10 years in RAAA; 74% at 5 years and 52% at 10 years in AAA w/o ASO; 95% at 5 years and 78% at 10 years in AAA w/ASO; 90% at 5 years and 70% at 10 years in non-ruptured AAA. These survival rates were lower than those found in the normal population, especially in AAA w/ASO. AAA w/ASO had more surgical risk factors of ischemic heart diseases and diabetes mellitus. Main causes of deaths were heart diseases, and renal failure during the long-term follow-up period was more predominant in AAA. It is important to follow all patients after surgery for AAA with special attention to heart disease and renal failure.
4.A Case of Left Atrial Myxoma with Right Renal Infarction as an Initial Clinical Symptom.
Takahiko Aoyama ; Takashi Ota ; Chihiro Narumiya ; Takenori Mase ; Kensuke Shioi ; Yoshihisa Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(6):381-384
We reported a case of left atrial myxoma with renal infarction as an initial clinical symptom. A 65-year-old man had severe right lumbago. A chest CT demonstrated right renal artery embolism. On emergency operation a right renal embolus was removed. Preoperative echocardiography and transesophageal echo showed a tumor in his left atrium which was close to the mitral valve. The tumor was resected one week after the first operation. Embolectomy of the right renal artery could not restore renal function. To the best of our knowledge, this type of cardiac myxoma with renal infarction as an initial clinical symptom is rare.
5.Case of Unruptured Aneurysm of the Sinus of Valsalva into the Right Atrium with Perimembranous VSD
Takahiko Aoyama ; Kengo Kimura ; Chihiro Narumiya ; Masaya Hirai ; Osamu Kawaguchi ; Yoshihisa Nagata ; Yuichi Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(4):213-216
An 8-year-old girl had been found to have a congenital ventricular septal defect (VSD), based on the presence of a cardiac murmur from birth. She had a history of infective endocarditis and lung abscess when she was 2 years old. Mild aortic regurgitation was revealed by an echocardiogram in August 2004. Right-heart catherization revealed a step up in the oxygen saturation of the right ventricle, aortography showed a deformity of the noncoronary cusp and mild aortic regurgitation, and Doppler color-flow echocardiography detected progression of aortic regurgitation. The patient underwent surgical repair of the VSD with a cardiopulmonary bypass. Following direct suturing combined with pledgets for perimembranous VSD, infusion of cardioplegia revealed the aneurysmal sac extruding from the wall of the right atrium. The final diagnosis was an aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva from the noncoronary aortic sinus into the right atrium (type IV of Konno). The aneurysm was sutured by polyethylene strings with pledgets. The postoperative course was uneventful, and echocardiography performed before discharge showed no deformity of the sinus of Valsalva and trivial aortic regurgitation which was less than before surgery. She was discharged on the 7th postoperative day.
6.Clinical Trial of the Use of Moxibustion in Version for Breech Presentation.
Kuniaki NIWA ; Yoichi KANAKURA ; Hidetaka MATSUBARA ; Yoshihisa NOMURA ; Fumitaka NAGATA ; Yasutaka SHINZATO ; Hiroshi KAMATSUKI ; Shigetoshi MORIKAWA ; Kunio KOMETANI ; Yasumoto TOKUNAGA
Kampo Medicine 1994;45(2):345-350
Correction of fetal malpresentation such as knee-chest positioning and external cephalic version, has long been performed in cases of breech presentation. The reliability and safety of such treatment, however, remains unclear. We performed moxibustion on three acupoints, namely, Saninko, Shiin, and Yusen to correct the condition.
We studied a total of 28 women, 22 of whom were observed until delivery, and six who had not reached full term by the end of the study. Cephalic presentation was achieved in 25 (89.3%), All but one of the fetuses that were corrected to cephalic presentation had full term vaginal delivery. The remaining one underwent premature delivery due to premature rupture of the membrane at 35 weeks 6 days. None of the babies showed any abnormalities. Correction could not be achieved in three women by the time of delivery. One of these three had dicornate uterus and underwent caesarian section due to premature rupture of the membrane. The other two had full term vaginal delivery of live babies. These results indicate that the correction of breech presentation by moxibustion is a safe method which cause no adverse effects on the mother or baby.
7.The Usefulness of "kyu" Therapy for Threatened Premature Labor Patients.
Hiroshi KAMATSUKI ; Yoichi KANAKURA ; Yoshihisa NOMURA ; Humitaka NAGATA ; Junko ISHIKAWA ; Yasutaka SHINZATO ; Yoko YAMAGUCHI ; Kuniaki NIWA ; Shigetoshi MORIKAWA ; Masaaki TAKAHASHI ; Kunio KOMETANI ; Yasumoto TOKUNAGA ; Hiroshi ISHIKAWA ; Makoto ITO
Kampo Medicine 1995;45(4):849-858
Up until the present, the primary treatment for threatened premature labor has been bed rest, with drug therapy as a supplement. However, with drug therapy the problems of side effects and dosage limitations have made it difficult to achieve therapeutic effectiveness. In this paper, the authors report the favorable results obtained in such cases when moxibustion and a microwave emitter were used for stimulation therapy based on Oriental medical theory. Moxibustion was carried out on Shim, Yusen and Saninko (acupuncture points) in cases of threatened premature labor beyond the 24th week. Despite the short duration of treatment, uterine tension was relieved, fetal movement increased, and resistance in the umbilical artery and uterine artery reduced. Similar results were achieved with multiple microwave stimulation treatments; the effects lasted for long periods and were not accompanied by side effects. Thus, the results showed that through the use of moxibustion therapy in conjunction with drug therapy, the dosage could be reduced, and the frequency of side-effect appearance lowered. These results suggest that moxibustion therapy has potential as an effective and safe new treatment for threatened premature labor.
8.Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Work Functioning in Japanese Workers: A Prospective Cohort Study
Makoto OKAWARA ; Keiki HIRASHIMA ; Yu IGARASHI ; Kosuke MAFUNE ; Keiji MURAMATSU ; Tomohisa NAGATA ; Mayumi TSUJI ; Akira OGAMI ; Yoshihisa FUJINO ; For the CORoNaWork Project
Safety and Health at Work 2023;14(4):445-450
The impact of COVID-19 infection on workers' work function persists even after the acute phase of the infection. We studied this phenomenon in Japanese workers.
We conducted a one-year prospective cohort study online, starting with a baseline survey in December 2020. We tracked workers without baseline work functioning impairment and incorporated data from 14,421 eligible individuals into the analysis. We estimated the incidence rate ratio for new onset of work functioning impairment due to COVID-19 infection during follow-up, using mixed-effects Poisson regression analysis with robust variance.
Participants reporting infection between January and December 2021 showed a significantly higher incidence of new work functioning impairment (adjusted incidence rate ratio: 2.18, 95% confidence interval: 1.75–2.71, p < 0.001). The formality of the recuperation environment correlated with a higher risk of work functioning deterioration in infected individuals (p for trend <0.001).
COVID-19-infected workers may continue to experience work difficulties due to persistent, post-acute infection symptoms. Companies and society must urgently provide rehabilitation and social support for people with persistent symptoms, recognizing that COVID-19 is not just a transient acute infection.
9.Problems for uninsured traveler in availing medical treatment: Case study of a person who suffered cerebral infarction
Yoshihisa MATSUMOTO ; Yoshihiro TAKAYAMA ; Shin GOTO ; Takuro HASHIKAWA ; Yui NAGATA ; Hidenobu YOSHITAKE ; Hideki SAKAI ; Setsuko NAKAGAWA ; Kenji TAKAHASHI
Journal of International Health 2019;34(1):13-18
Background The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has increased to about 30 million people per year. 1.5% of them were injured or became sick during their travelin Japan and had to undergo medical treatment. Among the foreign tourists, 27% were not covered by travel health insurance.Case A 40-year-old man from Southeast Asia who was visiting his relative in Japan experienced sudden hemiparesis and was diagnosed with cerebral infarction. During the initial treatment, it was found that the patient did not have health insurance and the relatives could not afford to pay the treatment costs. No other source of financial support was available to him During our consultations with the patient and his relatives about the medical treatment including medical expenses, he continued to be treated as an outpatient and it was aimed at an early return to his home country.Discussion Foreigners, who are not covered under travel health insurance, could fall ill or sustain an injury during their stay in Japan. Appropriate medical care should be provided regardless of their ability to pay. However, a situation that could lead them to incur huge medical expenses from availing medical care should be avoided. For medical consultations of non-insured foreigners, it is better to consult the available systems and pay attention about feasible medical expenses. There is a need for a long-term vision of medical care to make a smooth transition from medical treatment in Japan to treatment in their home country.Conclusion Although medical institutions can offer only a limited response, it is necessary to accumulate case examples from across the nation and prepare specific countermeasures and counselors.
10.Industry and workplace characteristics associated with the downloading of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in Japan: a nation-wide cross-sectional study.
Tomohiro ISHIMARU ; Koki IBAYASHI ; Masako NAGATA ; Ayako HINO ; Seiichiro TATEISHI ; Mayumi TSUJI ; Akira OGAMI ; Shinya MATSUDA ; Yoshihisa FUJINO
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2021;26(1):94-94
To combat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many countries have used contact tracing apps, including Japan's voluntary-use contact-confirming application (COCOA). The current study aimed to identify industry and workplace characteristics associated with the downloading of this COVID-19 contact tracing app.
This cross-sectional study of full-time workers used an online survey. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the associations of industry and workplace characteristics with contact tracing app use.
Of the 27,036 participants, 25.1% had downloaded the COCOA. Workers in the public service (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.29, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.14-1.45) and information technology (aOR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.20-1.58) industries were more likely to use the app than were those in the manufacturing industry. In contrast, app usage was less common among workers in the retail and wholesale (aOR = 0.87, 95% CI 0.76-0.99) and food/beverage (aOR = 0.81, 95% CI 0.70-0.94) industries, but further adjustment for company size attenuated these associations. Workers at larger companies were more likely to use the app. Compared with permanent employees, the odds of using the app were higher for managers and civil servants but lower for those who were self-employed.
Downloading of COCOA among Japanese workers was insufficient; thus, the mitigating effect of COCOA on the COVID-19 pandemic is considered to be limited. One possible reason for the under-implementation of the contact tracing app in the retail and wholesale and food/beverage industries is small company size, as suggested by the fully adjusted model results. An awareness campaign should be conducted to promote the widespread use of the contact tracing app in these industries.
COVID-19/prevention & control*
Contact Tracing/methods*
Cross-Sectional Studies
Middle Aged
Mobile Applications/statistics & numerical data*
Workplace/statistics & numerical data*