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Author:( Yoshihiro Yoshimura)

7.A Case of Right Atrial Thrombus and Left Pulmonary Embolus after the Bjork Procedure.

Masahisa Uematsu ; Masahiro Yamaguchi ; Hidetaka Ohashi ; Masanao Imai ; Yoshihiro Oshima ; Keiji Ataka ; Naoki Yoshimura

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(5):329-332

8.Successful Surgical Repair of Left Main Coronary Artery Total Occlusion with Aortitis Syndrome

Hiroyasu Misumi ; Masamitsu Murata ; Yoshihiro Yoshimura ; Akira Yamazaki ; Ichiro Ideta ; Hideyuki Uesugi ; Yasuhiro Shimokawa ; Tohitsu Hirayama

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(3):216-219

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