As reported in a previous paper, acupuncture stimulus at 8 meridian points, CV-3, ST-25, BL-20, BL-18, LI-11, ST-36, SP-8 and LV-3 revealed significant increase in supplementary secretion of insulin during OGTT in normal subjects.
In this study it was cauied out to evaluate effect on secretion of insulin during OGTT using the same 8 meridian points individually as acupuncture stimulus.
It was clear that supplementay secretion, total secretion and secretion response of insulin during OGTT showed a highly significant increase by acupuncture stimalus at LI-11 and supplementary secretion and secretion response of it resulted in a marked increase at LV-3. However, no significant changes of insulin secretion were observed at ST-36 and ST-25.
The results suggested that significant differeuce in insulin secretion existed among these meridian points which used popularly for diabetes mellitus.