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Author:( Yong Heng Yaw)

1.High early pregnancy serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level, within a sub-optimal range, is associated with gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study

Heng Yaw YONG ; Zalilah Mohd SHARIFF ; Lalitha PALANIVELOO ; Su Peng LOH ; Barakatun Nisak Mohd YUSOF ; Zulida REJALI ; Jacques BINDELS ; Yvonne Yee Siang TEE ; Eline M. van der BEEK

Nutrition Research and Practice 2022;16(1):120-131

2.Associations between the dietary patterns of pregnant Malaysian women and ethnicity, education, and early pregnancy waist circumference: A prospective cohort study

Heng Yaw YONG ; Zalilah Mohd SHARIFF ; Barakatun Nisak MOHD YUSOF ; Zulida REJALI ; Jacques BINDELS ; Yvonne Yee Siang TEE ; Eline M VAN DER BEEK

Nutrition Research and Practice 2019;13(3):230-239

3.Growth patterns of urban Malaysian children under 24 months of age in Selangor, Malaysia

Heng Yaw Yong ; Zalilah Mohd Shariff ; Chee Yen Wong

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2023;29(No.1):1-15

4.Vitamin D status is associated with high BMI, working status and gravidity among pregnant Malaysian women

Lalitha Palaniveloo ; Yong Heng Yaw ; Zalilah Mohd Shariff ; Loh Su Peng ; Jacques Bindels ; Yvonne Yee Siang Tee ; Eline M. van der Beek

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2020;26(No.1):129-139

5.Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Are Associated With Lower Cut-offs for Maternal Hyperglycemia in Malaysian Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Heng Yaw Yong ; Zalilah Mohd Shariff ; Zulida Rejali ; Barakatun Nisak Mohd Yusof ; Jacques Bindels ; Yvonne Yee Siang Tee ; Eline M. van der Beek

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.3):55-62

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