Apple polyphenols are polyphenols that consist chiefly of procyanidins extracted and purified from unripe apples. Analysis of the polyphenols in apples has progressed as part of recent research, and they have attracted much attention as an ingredient since animal testing and clinical studies have shown that they improve fat metabolism; suppress fat absorption, reduce body fat, and reduce cholesterol. Other previously unknown physiological functions have also been detected such as anti-fatigue.
Apple polyphenols have been confirmed to be very safe given the long history of eating apples and based on studies of repeated administration, mutagenicity tests and other toxicological tests, and clinical studies. Furthermore, the FDA has approved apple polyphenols as Applephenon® for the GRAS list.
Apple polyphenols may be taken safely and continuously as part of a normal diet, and thus are a useful health food supplement for life related disease sufferers of a diverse range of lifestyles.