Objective To analyze the variations of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 like gene (GPD1-L) and address the association with sudden m anhood death syndrom e (SMDS). Methods The genom ic DNA was extracted from blood sam ples of the SMDS group and the norm alcontrolgroup.The exons, exon-in-tron boundaries and 3′-U TRs of coding region of GPD1-L w ere PCRam plified and DNAsequenced di-rectly to confirm the types of variations. The genotype frequency and allele frequency w ere analyzed statistically. Results There w ere tw ovariants in the SMDS group, c.465C>Tand c.*18G>T, the latter existed certain degree difference of genotype distribution and allele frequency betw een the SMDS group and the control group, but there was no statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion The relation be-tw een gene m utation of GPD1-L and the occurrence of Chinese SMDS deserves a further research.