Objective To explore how to apply SWOT analysis method for analysis in nursing management in special wards,to develop individualized measures,and to evaluate the clinical quality of care. Methods Using SWOT analysis method to investigate the internal strengths factors,internal weaknesses factors,external opportunities factors,and external threats factors and arranged as a matrix in accordance with a certain order,and used systems analysis methods to analyze the factors matching each other,to dr aw the appropriate conclusions,and to develop appropriate countermeasures.30 patients before and 40 patients after the application of SWOT analysis method were selected for effect comparison. Results After the implementation of SWOT analysis method primary care,I-level care,health education quality,satisfaction degree of patients and ward management score were better than those before the implementation. Conclusions SWOT analysis method was intuitive and simple to use.It possesses balance and systematieness,which is suitable for clinical care management.