1.Technique for retrieval of celect filters in difficult cases
Zhaonan LI ; Yanneng XU ; Xiangqiong ZHANG ; Bo ZHENG ; Wei HU ; Xiaoyan MA ; Guangyan SI
Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy 2017;14(6):347-350
Objective To explore the techniques and strategies for the retrieval of the retractable inferior vena cava filter (IVCF).Methods Celect IVCF retrieval was not removed successfully with Gtünther Celect recovery device in 9 cases and exchange-wire-loop removal of inferior vena cava filter method were applicated.Results The longest implanted time of 9 patients was 142 days,the shortest implanted time was 37 days,and the average time was (88.67±33.85)days.Eight fil ters were successfully removed and one failed due to severe bending of inferior vena cava.Filter retrieval rate was 88.89% (8/9).The average retrieval time was (69.89± 12.12)min (57-162 min).No perforation of the wall and contrast agent were found in all patients after the inferior vena cava angiography.Conclusion For the retrieval of the hook heavily atta ched to the IVCF,the retrieval technique of using the exchange wire into the loop method can effectively improve the retrieval rate and has a certain clinical value.
2.Treatment of post-TIPS stent shunt obstruction by using Y-shaped channel technique: a preliminary study
Zhaonan LI ; Yanneng XU ; Xiangqiong ZHANG ; Bo ZHEN ; Wei HU ; Xiaoyan MA ; Guangyan SI
Journal of Interventional Radiology 2017;26(9):779-782
Objective To discuss the feasibility of the establishment of a Y-shaped channel with windowing technique in treating the stent shunt obstruction occurring after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS).Methods From February 2012 to December 2016,puncture windowing technique was employed in 7 patients to establish a Y-shaped channel in order to treat the stent shunt obstruction complicated by gastric varices bleeding or ascites due to recurrent portal hypertension.The preoperative Child-Pugh scores of liver function ranged from 5 to 10 points,with a mean of (6.85±1.56) points.The blood flow in both the portal vein and the shunt was determined before operation as well as at 5 days and 1,3,6months after operation;the post operative results were compared with preoperative ones.Results Y-shaped channel was successfully reconstructed in all 7 patients.The patients were followed up for a mean of 11months.Neither death nor hepatic encephalopathy occurred.Conclusion For the treatment of post-TIPS stent shunt obstruction,Y-shaped channel reconstruction within the occluded stent by using windowing technique is safe and effective,the operation is simple and easy.Therefore,this technique has certain clinical value.
3.EvaluationoftheefficacyandsafetyofmicrowaveablationforstageIV non-smallcelllungcanceraccompaniedwithcontrolledsingleintracranialmetastasis
Yanneng XU ; Zhaonan LI ; Bo ZHENG ; Wei HU ; Gang YUAN ; Xiangqiong ZHANG ; Xiaoyan MA ; Guangyan SI
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(4):630-633
Objective ToevaluatetheefficacyandsafetyofCT-guidedmicrowaveablation (MWA)forstageIVlungcanceraccompanied withcontrolledsingleintracranialmetastasis.Methods From November2011toOctober2016,78patientsinourhospitaldiagnosed withstageIVnon-smallcelllungcanceraccompaniedwithcontrolledsingleintracranialmetastasiswerestudied.Patientsweredividedintotwo groupsaccordingtowhethertheywerewillingtoacceptlocalMWAtreatmentornot:thegeneralgroup (groupA)with42cases, and MWAgroup(groupB)with36cases.Aftertheintracranialmetastasiswascontrolled,patientsingroupAweretreatedwithGP regimenforsimplechemotherapy,whilepatientsingroupB weretreatedwithlocalMWAcombinedwithGPregimen(gemcitabine combinedwithcisplatin).Allthepatientswerefollowed-upevery3monthsafterthesurgerytoassesstheefficacyandsafetyofthe correspondingtreatment.Thedeadlineofthefollow-upwasJune2017orwhenthetumorrestarteditsdevelopment.Results Thesuccessrateof theMWAofthe39lesionsinthe36patientsingroupBwas100%.TheKaplan-Meiersurvivalanalysisofthefollow-updataofthe twogroupsshowedthattheaverageprogressionfreesurvival(PFS)ofgroupA was(9.9 ± 0.8)monthsandthemedianPFSwas (8.0±0.5)months,whilethePFSofgroupB was (14.1±1.1)monthsandthe medianPFS was (15.0±1.5)months.The Log Rank testshowedthatχ2=8.780andP=0.03<0.05,whichreflectedthatthereweresignificantdifferencesinsurvivaltimebetweenthe twogroups.Theoverallsurvival(OS)ofgroupA was(20.5±1.1)months,andthemedianOSwas(21.0±1.3)months.TheOSof group B was (24.1±1.5)months,andthe median OS was (25.0±3.6)months.The Log Rank testshowedthat χ2=10.57and P=0.02<0.05, whichprovedthattheOSdifferencesbetweenthetwogroupshadstatisticalsignificance.ThemainadverseeffectsofMWA werepain,pleural effusion,pneumothorax,hemoptysis,infectionandsoon.There werenoseriouslife-threateningcomplicationsingroupB.Conclusion LocalMWAtreatmentforstageⅣnon-smallcelllungcancer withcontrolledsingleintracranialmetastasisisasafeandeffective method.Itisworthyofporularizing.