1.Correlation between hair elements and intelligence quotient in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Amgalan B ; Tovuudorj A ; Nasantsengel L ; Yanjinlkham B ; Tserendolgor O ; Saruul D ; Erdenetuya G
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2020;191(1):13-18
Introduction :
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that occurs during childhood
development, which presents with signs of reduced attention and hyperactivity [1]. Necessary
nutrients, such as trace minerals, including manganese, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, and
chromium, are associated with changes in neuronal function that can lead to adverse effects on
behavior and learning [2]. In addition to these, social, emotional, behavioral problems, and cognitive
impairments such as executive dysfunctions are common in ADHD [3].
To evaluate the hair elements and intelligence quotient in children with ADHD.
Materials and Methods:
This is a cross-sectional comparative study conducted at elementary schools of Ulaanbaatar city. All
in all 60 children of both genders aged between 7-12 years old were included in the study. Children
were divided into two groups as children with ADHD group and a control group. Each group had 30
children. For assessment of emotional Intelligence EQ-i:YV - Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth
Version (Bar-On & Parker, 2000; it ad. Sannio Fancello, & Cianchetti, 2012) was used. Scalp hair
samples were randomly collected from approximately ten sites around both sides of posterior parietal
eminences and external occipital protuberance. Samples were then packed at room temperature and
submitted for laboratory analysis. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of
Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (Reg. No. 2018/Д-10).
The IQ of children with ADHD group were 85.03±16.86 p<.0001 and the IQ of control group
=108.9±21.22, p<.0001. We identified hair minerals such as Mg, Zn, Pb, Se, Mn. We have then
compared to each group and normal ranges of ages. ADHD group and the control group had Pb
concentration that was slightly higher and inversely Mg concentration was slightly lower (r=-0.502,
p=.005). Concentration of Pb, IQ were directly opposite (r=-0.38, p=.03).
1. IQ was lower in the ADHD group compared to control group 85.03±16.86 p<.0001, monitored
group 108.9±21.22, p<.0001.
2. The group with ADHD had lower Mg, Zn, and higher Pb, Se, Mn (p<.0001). The IQ decreased
when there was increased Pb and decreased Mg.