Objecive To explore the curative effects of microwave endometrial ablation (MEA) for menorrhagia. Methods A total of 60 cases of menorrhagia, who had failed to respond to drug therapy and no longer desired pregnancy, were treated by MEA. Results Except for 1 case of cervical cannel adhesion, there were no other complications such as uterine perforation. Follow-up for 2 years in all the cases showed amenorrhea in 12 cases (20%), scanty menstruation in 34 cases (57%), normal menstruation in 6 cases (10%) and no improvement in 8 cases(13%), the total effective rate being 87%. The effective rate was 100% (35/35) in patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 70% (14/20) in patients with endometrioma and 60% (3/5) in patients with hysteromyoma , respectively. Conclusions MEA finds a place in the treatment of menorrhagia of whatever causes. It is simple and safe, but the indications must be strictly followed for improving the curative effects.