Since 1974, 39 cases, after thumb reconstruction by means of free transplantation of second toe, haveundergone functional training in the therapeutic gymnasium of Huaskan Hospital. Functional training consists of using intermittent traction with indigenous equipmints to moblize the thumb joints and using resistanceexercises with small rubber balls and wooden framed net of rubber bends to strengthen the thumb musclesThe training was carried out three sessions a week for a total of 18--219 sessions, averaging 49. 5 sessions. The distribution of cases in classes of basic function of the thumb was as follows: Before training: Good, 0; fair, 11; poor, 28; After training: Good, 2; fair. 32; poor, 5. Practical activities of the hand, such as selfserving. writing, sewing and using common tools were perfor-med satisfactorily when basic function of the thumb reached "good" or "fair" class.