Objective To investigate the CT and MRI features of levamisole induced encephalopathy. Methods The CT and MRI features of 6 cases with clinically proven levamisole induced encephalopathy were retrospectively analyzed. Gd-DTPA enhancement examinations were performed in 5 cases. CT examinations were performed in 4 cases before MRI. Results MRI features: Lesions were mainly located in bilateral periventricular and hypophloeodal white matter, scattered as multifocal lesions, and were different in sizes. Most of the lesions presented as irregular plaques (masses), with round/oval or spotty nodules in second. The lesions had low signal intensity on T 1WI and high signal intensity on T 2WI, and commonly without enhancement. Edema and mass effect were slight. CT features: Two cases showed multiple irregular plaque-sheet low density lesions scattered in bilateral periventricular white matter. One showed symmetrical low density in bilateral putamina nuclei. Another one was negative. Conclusion CT and MRI are valuable for the diagnosis and differentiated diagnosis of levamisole induced encephalopathy. MRI has higher sensitivity and specificity than CT does, and can favorably evaluate the treatment and prognosis.