1.Biomonitoring of 33 Elements in Blood and Urine Samples from Coastal Popula-tions in Sanmen County of Zhejiang Province
Sujing ZHANG ; Ruxin LUO ; Dong MA ; Xianyi ZHUO
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2016;32(2):114-118
Objective To determ ine the norm al reference values of 33 elem ents, Ag, Al, As, Au, B , B a, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, G a, H g, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, N i, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sr, Th, Ti, Tl, U , V , Zn and Zr, in the blood and urine sam ples from the general population in Sanm en County of Zhejiang province, a typical coastal area of eastern China. Methods The 33 elem ents in 272 blood and 300 urine sam ples w ere determ ined by inductively coupled plasm a-m ass spectrom etry (ICP-MS ). The norm ality test of data w as conducted using SPSS 17.0 Statistics.The data w as com pared w ith other reports. Results The norm al reference values of the 33 elem ents in the blood and urine sam ples from the general population in Sanm en County w ere obtained, w hich of som e elem ents w ere found to be sim ilar w ith other reports, such as Co, Cu, Mn and Sr, w hile As, Cd, H g and Pb w ere generally found to be higher than those previously reported. There w as a w ide variation betw een the reports from different countries in blood B a. Conclusion The norm al reference values of the 33 elem ents in the blood and urine sam ples from the general population in Sanm en County are established, and successfully applied to tw o poisoning cases.
2.Normal Range of 33 Elements in Blood Samples from General Population in Hu-nan Province
Yao WANG ; Sujing ZHANG ; Yuejin WANG ; Xianyi ZHUO
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(2):117-122
Objective T o determine the normal range of the 33 elements (Li, Be, B, mg, Al, Ca, Ti, V , Cr, mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Th and U ) in human whole blood of general population in Hunan province. Methods Blood samples were ana-lyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-mS ) to determine the normal range. T he influences of district, gender and age to the element content in blood samples were also observed. Re-sults T he normal range of 33 elements in blood samples fromgeneral population in Hunan province were obtained. Gender was shown to statistically influence the concentrations of B, mg, Ca, Ti, mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cd, Cs, Hg and Pb (P<0.05), while age was shown to influence the concentrations of Co, Ni, Cs and Hg in women (P<0.05) as well as Cu, Se and Hg in men(P<0.05). Conclusion Although there are variables in different districts, the normal ranges of trace element in blood of the four cities in Hunan province are established.
3.Chlorpyrifos Determined in Human Blood by UPLC-MS/MS and Its Application in Poisoning Cases
Zheng QIAO ; Hui YAN ; Xianyi ZHUO ; Baohua SHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(2):112-116
Objective To determine the chlorpyrifos in human blood by liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry and to validate its application in poisoning cases. Methods The samples were extracted by a simple one-step protein precipitation procedure. Chromatography was performed on a Capcell Pack C18 mG II column (250 mm×2.0 mm, 5μm) using an isocratic elution of solvent A (0.1% formic acid-water with 2 mmol/L ammoniumacetate) and solvent B (methanol with 2 mmol/L ammoniumacetate) at 5∶95 (V∶V).Results The linearranged from5 to 500ng/mL (r=0.9987).Thelimitofdetection (LOD) and the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ ) were 2 ng/mL and 4 ng/mL , respectively. For this method, the precision and accuracy of intra-day and inter-day were <10% and 97.44%-101.10%, respectively. The re-sults in stability test of long-termfrozen were satisfied. The matrix effect, recovery and process efficien-cy were 64.97%-86.81%, 76.70%-85.52%, and 55.57%-66.58%, respectively. Conclusion This method can provide a rapid approach to chlorpyrifos extraction and determination in toxicological analysis of forensic and clinical treatment.
4.Evaluation of Brodifacoum-induced Toxicity by Metabonomics Approach Based on HPLC-TOF-MS
Hui YAN ; Xianyi ZHUO ; Baohua SHEN ; Ping XIANG ; Min SHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2017;33(3):247-251,257
Objective T o analyse the m etabolic changes in urine of rats w ith brodifacoum intoxication, and to reveal the m olecular m echanism of brodifacoum-induced toxicity on rats. Methods B y establish-ing a brodifacoum poisoning rats m odel, the urine m etabolic profiling data of rats w ere acquired using high performance liquid chromatography-timeofflightmassspectrometry (HPLC-TOF-M S).The orthogo-nal partial least squares analysis-discrim ination analysis (O PLS-D A ) w as applied for the m ultivariate statistics and the discovery of differential m etabolites closely related to toxicity of brodifacoum . Results O PLS-D A score plot show ed that the urinary m etabolic at different tim e points before and after drug adm inistration had good sim ilarity w ithin tim e period and presented clustering phenom enon. C om paring the urine sam ples of rats before drug adm inistration w ith w hich after drug adm inistration, tw enty-tw o m etabolites related to brodifacoum-induced toxicity w ere selected. Conclusion T he toxic effect of brodi-facoum w orked by disturbing the m etabolic pathw ays in rats such as tricarboxylic cycle, glycolysis, sphin-golipid m etabolism and tryptophan m etabolism , and the toxicity of brodifacoum is characterized of accu-m ulation effect. The m etabonom ic m ethod based on urine H PLC-TO F-M S can provide a novel insight into the study on m olecular m echanism of brodifacoum-induced toxicity.