Three fresh kidneys removed from three adult bodies were perfused through the renal artery with 5% and 10% ABS (a copolymer of allylcyanide, butadiene and styrolene). Small specimens removed from the kidney were digested in 50% HCI. Cast replicas of renal arteries and their branches were taken and examined with SEM (S-450 or S-520). The results were as follows.The capillary network of the area of the polar cushion cell were observed at the hilum of glomerulus in our casts. Their appearances are triangular, tetragonal or comma-like. In general, the shape of the meshes of the capillary network was round, oval, triangular or tetragonal. The diameters of the meshes were smaller than that of the vessels themselves. The microvessels of the area of the polar cushion cell, which mainly originated from the afferent arteriole, were continuous with the capillary of the glomerulus. The afferent arteriole was often traveled in the central part of the area of the polar cushion cell. The function of the microvessels of the area of the polar cushion cell was discussed in this article.